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Discipline, Brothers, and Little Boxes.


Ne'Arrien Destorie N’Dak


Stardate 0402.22


>Begin Log<


Still dazed by the alien encounter, N’Dak strolled into his office.

It felt good to be back on the Talon after being stuck on that blasted

Lloann'na ship.


He looked around, a small contingent of his subordinates were in the room. The greeted him with nervous anticipation. He looked around a bit suspicious of them, and then he saw why they were so jumpy. 3 stacks of reports lay on his desk.


“What are au looking at? Get back to work or else,” N’Dak growled

at them. They cleared out.


He sat down and looked over the reports; the first stack was nothing unusual, the normal patrol reports. The second, however, was a list of prisoner reports.


He sat them down, and glared at the empty room, they had been ordered na to harm prisoners, yet every report he looked through had a note at the end: Prisoner had to be looked at by a maenak.


Only one even managed to make him crack a wicked smile. T’Vixen’s interrogation of a Trichon Light. But even then he was furious at his staff, they had na followed the Khre’Riov’s orders and in the process made him look bad. He tapped his t’Lliss. “Dheno staff report hrrau to the Daise Dheno.”


Quickly the staff in question, with the exception of t’Aehjae, who he had excused from the meeting, slinked into the room. He would deal with t’Aehjae personally.


“Are au so undisciplined that au can na follow orders?!?!” N’Dak thundered.


“Aus was given orders from the Khre’Riov na to harm or yy’a the prisoners, yet I read reports of BOTH!” N’Dak stood glaring at them angrily “Aus will all be placed on reprimand for this, I will na tolerate any such insubordination.”


On of the bolder dhenos was grinning in the corner. N’Dak charged at him and knocked him to the ground with swift punch. “What is au grinning about!?!?”


“Because au has grown soft on the Lloann'na ship,” tr’Norom said trying to picking himself up. “At least t’Aehjae knew how to treat the th’ann.”


N’Dak eyes flashed with anger. He took out his disruptor and fired it missing tr’Norom by only a few centimeters. “Do na confuse me for being soft,” he said re-aiming the disruptor at tr'Norom's chest.


“Au are expected to follow the chain of command, if the Khre’Riov or myself gives au an order, au are to follow it. And if au ever decide to challenge me like that again, I will na miss.”


tr’Norom’s eyes flashed with an indignant horror. N’Dak looked around at the rest of the room. “Do any of the rest of au wish to question me?”


No one answered. “Aus is dismissed.”


After he had simmered, he returned to his reports. After looking over them and filling them, he began to compile the mission report as the Khre’Riov had requested, but before he could, an embarrassed looking Erein crept into the room, looking as if he were hoping that the Daise was na there.


“May I help au?” N’Dak said looking up from his consol, recognizing the young man as io of Daise’Ehre’Riov t’Shaeni’s personal guard.


“Ie,” the wounded guard said timidly. The Khre’Riov has sent au these orders.”


The guard extended an ISD, which N’Dak snapped up. N’Dak read over it with an evil grin.


On the ISD, “This officer, has been ordered to the br'tehh, for conduct unbefitting a Galae officer. There he will be given bread rations for khi, four weeks,” N’Dak said in a bad t’Rexan impression. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, N’Dak switched back to a more serious countenance.


He looked at the boy, who was quite shocked either out of disgust or surprise at the Daise's indignation. “If au repeats that little skit, au will na get any rations. Clear?”


He nodded a scared, “Ie.”


“Very well then, one of the dhenos will escort au to the Br’tehh,” N’Dak said tapping a button. “I suggest au take care of anything important, because au will na be allowed communications. Contact a maenak to come fix that wrist, and clean the blood from my floor. H’nah, leave my sight!”


The wounded guard scurried out of the room, and N’dak turned his attention to the Mission Report.


He had almost finished the report when a light on his consol began flashing to signal an incoming message. A slight wave of displeasure from being interrupted again went over him, he growled as he tapped in his clearance code. It was a message from his brother. He groaned.


N’Dak sighed and began to read the message. The only time his brother had talked to him lately was when he needed Destorie to get him out of some sort of mess he had gotten himself into, and as he read he was just waiting to find the part where he asked him for a favor.


But to his amazement no such request was made. Instead what he did find was much more irritating. “Elements, what have I done to deserve this?” N’Dak asked as he finished reading the letter.


Issaha had somehow managed to be put on probation of sorts and was being assigned to the Talon for training until he was ready to return to the Retor. “Elements, just what I need. My little brother to look out for.”


Even worse he was to arrive with in the next few days.


Issaha had waited to send the letter till his transport had left ch’Rihan and was far enough along that Destorie couldn’t do anything about the situation. Destorie fumed as he returned to his report. “Just what I need.”


N’dak finished the mission report, all the while keeping an eye on the little box the squids had given him.


>End Log<

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