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Stand and deliver

Safely hidden from the satellite's view, Seiben continues to monitor the warheads' course towards the planet Rogesh. Apparently, the people of the planet Rexxar think the Republic is from this Rogesh. "I think I knew a Tellerite named Rogesh in Academy" Seiben said to no one in particular.


The crew was still undecided on what to do, mixed between coming clean and telling the two planets their existance, via. the old 'we come in peace' routine, or to wreak havoc on the missile's guidance systems and send them off course. Both situations has it's pros and cons. Sending the warheads off course will eliminate the threat to Rogesh, but the Rexxarians could just as well send another volley when the Republic leaves. On the other hand, confronting the two planets, and revealing their existance is not only a major violation of the Prime Directive, realising that they've probably already violated the Prime Directive) but it could turn hostilities towards them. Never a good thing, thinks Seiben. But at least the inhabitants of the two planets will know what happened, and not blow up each other. Seiben is kind of sided with the plan of tampering with the guidance systems, but doesn't mind which plan of action the Republic crew does.

Seiben just hopes they decide soon, because in another 48 hours, one innocent planet could be wiped out of existance.

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