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Back to Sickbay

As Merina stepped off the transporter, holding the little girl that was assigned to take care of, she wondered if things were ever going to be the same again. She headed back to Sickbay to lay the little girl down. When she got there she layed the little girl down, she wondered if the child was hungry. "Are you hungry?," Merina asked the child. The child replied, "Yes, I am, I would like half a peanut butter sandwich." Merina replied back to the little girl, "Okay." She walked over to the replicater and got the girl a half of a peanut butter sandwich. "Here you go." said Merina. "Thank you." replied the girl.


As Merina was thinking of what to do next, she saw Voran come in. She was going to go a physical of him, but Brian beat her to him. She turned around and noticed that the little girl had fallen asleep. Merina smiled and called by Deb to help wake up Keraz. Deb asked Merina, "Would like to do the honors of waking up Keraz?" She replied, "Sure why not."



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