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What next?

Seiben heard the doors open as some of the crew dispersed back to their stations. He got out of the capitan's chair he was occupying and walked back to Helm. Not really feeling himself lately, Seiben excluded himself from the meeting and kept an eye on things on the bridge. It's not like he has anymore ideas to contribute anyways. Overhearing Commadner Kwai, Seiben learns that the satellite will reach the Republic's location in another 3 hours. He knew that if the satellite picks them up a second time, there will definately be trouble indeed.


Seiben thinks that they should probably just leave, and/or fabricate a scale model of the ship out of an asteroid, as he overheard some crew saying whilst on the bridge. Hopefully, the planet inhabitants will forget about their Close Encounters and eventually dismiss it as folklore, or myth as humans did in the 20th century. They could make their own versions of Star Wars, and the corny 1950s UFO movies. That might be fun to watch. Thinks Seiben, picturing their version of Jabba the Hut, and Luke Sywalker. Seiben smiled and tapped some panels, preparing to get the Republic out of there, as soon as he is ordered to.


With only three hours to go, it would be best if they made like a tree and leaf. With helm standing by, Seiben looked at his console displaying the current trajectory the satellite is now in. It is still far away, and the Republic is beyond its scanning range. Seiben remains active, alert and on standby. Ready to get the Reublic out of here at a moment's notice.

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