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The Talon, upon sending a team to investigate the intruders into the Neutral Zone in the mystery object, ended up in a firefight with several of Lloann'na Galae. While the Away Team attempted to retrieve data from the vessel, and capture the fvai, a Lloann'na ship suddenly began to appear, obviously, having used some sort of cloaking technology to hide itself. After an exchange of weapons fire, we have captured several of their officers, while we have only lost the Daise Dheno to them, and a few yy'a security officers. We have cloaked and moved off to effect repairs, so that we may finish this at our next encounter.


They have crossed into our space, they have used some sort of cloaking technology. They have essentially.....declared war upon the Rihan Star Empire, and we will respond swift and strong to protect our peoples and our worlds. Evidently, that we assisted them during the Dominion Wars, has been forgotten, and we now enter a new era of defending our people.

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