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Behind Enemy Lines


Ne’Arrien Destorie N’Dak


Stardate 0401.28


>Begin Log<


Destorie sat cross legged in the USS ARCADIA’s brig. He had about 7 of, what is the Teran word—Marines guarding him, escape wasn’t an option. He had demanded to speak to the Captain of the Federation ship, a lot of good that did him.


“Some treaty this, the Federation will pay dearly for this. Do they realize who I am? I am the son of one the most powerful men in the Empire. My Father is a Senator,” Destorie thought to himself as he shifted his weight.


This brig was at least more comfortable than his own back on the TALON. As he stewed, he noticed the doors open and a Starfleet Officer came walking in. He had spots, a Trill Destorie thought.


“Au are not the Ennarien of this ship are au?” he questioned the officer who approached the force field.


Lt. Cmdr. Lo'Ami really did not want to make small talk with the prisoner. He had come for technical information. Specifically, he hoped that the Romulan prisoner may know where his ship was headed. "No, I'm afraid not."


“If au are wondering if I am going to tell au anything about my ship…au are mistaken,” N’Dak snapped. “I will tell au nothing, nothing but my name and rank. Daise Dheno Ne’Arrien Destorie N’Dak.”


"I hope you enjoy your accommodations, Mr. ", Lo'Ami paused, thinking of his lost science officer, "N'Dak. If we don't encounter each other, you're going to be spending a lot of time in here."


Lo'Ami recalled him calling himself the Daise Dheno. In his rusty Romulan, it either meant "security officer" or "dog catcher." He bet on the former. "Starfleet intelligence may also be interested in knowing about the security protocols on the RES…”


Lo'Ami looked around, as if he were recalling a name.


“Talon,” Destorie scoffed. Then realized what he had said. “Au are sneaky, I underestimated au, Lt.Cmdr. Na matter au and au crew is going to be beheaded anyway…au have committed an act of war!”


"Talon... Your ship fired first. It was heavily damaged in the attack, and ran away under cloak. An interstellar war may be starting here - it would be better if we at least knew why we were fighting it."


“AU broke the treaty!!” Destorie stood up infuriated. “Au Broke au treaty, WE had EVERY RIGHT to fire upon au!”


“We were both there. We both broke the treaty.”


“Only because we detected au team first!” Destorie snapped, glaring at Lo’Ami.


"In perspective, this was only a minor exchange of fire. If hostilities increase, God help the N'Daks on both sides."


Lo'Ami turned around to leave. In an unexpected break, he had all the information he needed.


Destorie stood there infuriated and a little taken aback as he watched the Trill walk away. He had just given them his name, rank, and ship—in return for nothing. For all he knew he was on the USS TRASHSHIP! He was so mad he could barley see straight—someone on the Talon was going to pay dearly for this.


But what if he never made it back to the Talon? Surely the Ennarien would come back for him? Or would she?


>End Log<

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