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We have succeeded in extracting all available memory from the Qo’latlh’s memory banks for analysis, but it wasn’t much. Basically all we were able to do was confirm what we already suspected. The main computer is inoperative, and I was working in an EVA suit, so it was a slow process. The IKC Qo’latlh was reported as lost in the Bajoran wormhole during the short-lived Klingon-Federation war located around Deep Space Nine. Presumably they became lost in the Gamma quadrant which was then still largely unexplored. How they found their way to the Delta quadrant remains a mystery.


The ship is a relic. All key systems are down, including life support. This explains the need for the stasis tubes. A visual inspection shows the hardware is intact and functional. Without a working computer, however, there is no way to confirm this. We do not know when this ship was put into operation. However, given that we were at war when it was reported lost, it is reasonable to assume that anything compatible with Federation technology has been expunged, especially as it relates to cloaking, weapons, navigation, and other key systems.


Nevertheless I believe we can retrofit the Qo’latlh to a serviceable condition. We do have purely Klingon computers available, or at least the components to build one. We still have the original IKC QoB’s computer as well as the computers from a handful of Klingon shuttlecraft. By no stretch is the B’rel class tactically equivalent to the Vor’cha class. It is lightly armored, lightly armed, and slower at warp. However, it is more maneuverable at sublight speeds and can enter an atmosphere where capital ships like the Vor’cha cannot. The newly discovered ship should augment our total tactical abilities quite nicely. A field retrofit would be a challenge but I believe it would be worth the effort.


My plan is to take a team of engineers to the Qo’latlh with Klingon computer components and whatever else we need. Once there we will divide with some working on refurbishing the computer and the rest on establishing life support. At that point we should be able to use the refurbished computer to run diagnostics and determine what else is needed.

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