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Personal Log

Ensign John Lee

Personal Log

Star Date: 10401.02


Begin Log:


The time I spent in the Gamma Quadrant has been interesting and hopes that it will remain interesting. I went on my first away mission, it was exciting yet odd. The exciting part was trying not to be discovered by the aliens, who knows what they would have done to us, with greeting or terror. Frankly I would rather be on the safe side. The odd part about the away mission though was that we were spying on a couple of aliens which looked very similar to Bajorans. Also the fact that Seiben was very into it. Hmm...

The crew also had a holiday bash in Ten Forward. It was great; I had a fun time especially the part where the meatballs were speaking Borg. Gave me the Goosebumps, especially Seiben. The exchanging session of the party was quite enjoyable, I received some Risa spa home treatment, and it was just what I needed. I think its time to go use it now.


End Log:

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