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Cptn Moose

The Annual Christmas Poem

T'was the night before Christmas,

And all through the Arc,

Not a creature was stirring,

Sieben's JERRI's were dark.


The Marx's were snuggled up,

Warm in their bed,

In the interests of taste,

Nothing more will be said.


Poor Dac was befuddled,

Confusion she bred,

She was living two years,

In the past in her head.


Although work-hours reduced,

Operations run smoothly,

Under the anal-retentive,

Control of Garnoopy.


Knlwtchr is peaceful,

And calm and content,

Her time with the monks,

On P'Jem was well spent.


In contrast, Jaruq,

Was upset to the core,

As his home world Felinia,

Geared up for war.


N'Dak studies hard,

To learn his new regimen,

His telepathic gifts,

Need to be reigned in.


We're a haven again,

For those who need to be free,

Nemesis from the Monkiens,

Ruca from slavery.


In Sick Bay,

Telano's loud voice came to say,

On Pierce, On Desailly,

On N'Etani and BJ,

There was much work to do,

To keep everyone hearty,

After Zig, Jacob, and Black,

Had their holiday party.


Quests Dana and Kelly,

Sat alone in their rooms,

Hoping missing Quest David,

Would be rejoining them soon.


Trichon Light, too,

Was concerned about family,

His dad was El-Aurian,

And once wed Lo'Ami.


Scientist Lucy Lane,

Studies genus and phylum,

The ship is kept running,

By Meredydd Meara-Callum.


Will there be peace in space,

Or a foe on attack?

It's John Anderson's job,

To alert us from Tac.


As I go dine with Alces,

And his Christmas goose,

I wish you a joyous,

And a Merry ...


Chris Moose

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