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Caught between Sto-Vo-Kor and Grethor

Ensign Koralev, Lagh Prekip, and I were finishing up our demolition work. Our duty shift was ending so I ordered Bravo shift to start repairs to the external hull, which would involve some EVA work. In my opinion this was an equitable distribution of labor, and Bravo shift could use the experience.


Lagh Prekip disagreed with my assessment, and said so verbally. I respect the opinions of my department, but ultimately the Chief's opinion is the one that counts. Although it would have meant a double shift for him I offered to let Prekip supervise Bravo's work. He found this insulting and requested to be relieved. I did so. Prekip had always been on edge but I had never seen him act that insubordinate. I intended to discuss his attitude with him later, possibly even demoting him to Crewman.


I did not get the chance. Shortly after Koralev and I went to the mess hall. Just as I sat down to eat I was informed of a fight between the Bravo shift lead and Prekip. Apparently Prekip had questioned Bravo shift's EVA skills. The shift lead, already in full restrictive EVA gear, proved Prekip wrong by shoving a piece of bulkhead clean through his face, killing him instantly.


Prekip was one of my more competent engineers, but once again he picked a fight with someone he should have easily beaten but didn't. Even though several Klingons have since been informed of his death the halls of the ship did not echo with the howling sounds of the Klingon Death Ritual, their only death ceremony since the body is considered an empty shell.


Still, a member of my department is dead. Even though no Klingons would probably attend it is customary among the Federation races for the closest friend or relative to organize a memorial service. Ironically, this person is Koralev, the one who tore Prekip's arm off and bashed him across the face with it. This was the incident to begin Prekip's downward spiral. Even though they have since resolved their differences it would be inappropriate for me to ask Koralev to plan a service no one would attend.


In Lagh Prekip's defense, he did die in battle, defending the interests of his ship and crew as he saw them. Although he did not live as a Warrior he died as one. He will probably not reach Sto-Vo-Kor but his honorable (though embarrassing) death may be enough to keep him off the barge to Grethor.


Lagh Prekip, I offer you a Vulcan prayer. Whatever fate awaits you in the afterlife, may you find in death the peace you did not find in life.

Edited by Dumbass

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