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HoD Bch

Mission Summaries

0312.03: The virus test shows positive results. We enter the infested region and deploy the virus torpedoes to clear a path so we can move faster than impulse. We achieve warp 4. Narn is operated on for a chest wound and sedated to recover. Meanwhile, the heat shield continues to function.


0311.27: Engineering develops a heat shield that can be used at impulse speed. We deploy it. Meanwhile, Medical tests their virus shield with a torpedo and we head toward the test site to find the results. Narn is injured. Something's wrong with Random.


0311.12: As the Qob retreats the infested area of space, engineering works on a subspace inversion field along with extreme heat in an attempt to rid the infestation of the hull, and successfully does so, but at the expense of great amounts of power. We clear the infested region, but determine that it's size is too vast to detour around. Engineering is asked to continue working on a solution to protect the ship for passage through.

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