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Out Cold


Ensign Apollo Link

ASCI USS Republic

Stardate 0311.29


>Begin Log<


The lights were dim in sickbay. The only person in the room wasn’t really there; during the ships accident in the wormhole Apollo had fell on broken shards of a Petri dish nicking his jugular vein. After realizing the severity of the situation he crawled his way to sickbay where we was stabilized by Dr. Drake. But he had lost a large amount of blood and had sustained other injuries including a broken collarbone and had slipped out of conscious.


Dr. Drake had assigned a nurse to keep watch over the young Ensign. He however had slipped out for just a ‘few’ seconds to see his new ‘sweetheart.’


On the outside Link was calm, sullen and peaceful. But on the inside his mind raced with terrors. He wanted to scream but couldn’t. He wanted to wake up but couldn’t. He knew what he was seeing wasn’t real, but it still scared the hell out of him. Finally he did it—he woke himself up.


It was still dark in the sickbay and the young nurse was still making out with his girlfriend just outside the doors. His whole body felt heavy, and he was drenched with sweat. His once shiney long blond hair was mated in blood.


“Where the hell is everyone,” Link said out loud. “I wonder How long I have been here. Computer what is the date?”


The computer responded in it’s semi-pleasant tone.


“And the time?” Link said glad he had only been out a few days and not months or weeks.


“The time is 0105 hours,” the computer informed him. Link sighed and tried to get up but it was way to painful so he just laid back down and went to sleep. A few minutes later the young nurse returned to the room and checked on the patient; finding that he was conscious, he woke Apollo.


“Oh so now you’re here!” Link said irritated. “I bet Dr. Drake would love to know you left me unattended wouldn’t she, Mr. Lafayette?”


Lafayette, who still had lipstick on his cheeks was visibly nervous now and was quite red-faced. “Oh please no, no, she will throw me in the brig or something,” he stammered. “Please, I’ll do anything.”


“You can stop your graveling it is rather unbecoming,” Link smirked. “First find a new shade of lipstick that is just not your color.”


Lafayette touched his face and felt the lipstick and turned even redder. “Second, if I am well enough to go I want you to release me from sickbay, I can’t stand being in sickbay, and that way you can go back to making out with your girlfriend.”


“That won’t be easy, I don’t even know if I have clearance to release you,” Lafayette said.


“Well then I don’t know if I can forget that you weren’t watching me as ordered. It would be a shame if I had to tell Dr. Drake about this,” he grinned as Lafayette realized that Link had the better leverage and frowned. “You’re a Medic you all are supposed to be resourceful, I am sure you will find away to explain to her you let me go.”


“Very well then, but I am only going to do this on two conditions: You are well enough to leave and two you swear you will forget about this lipstick on my cheek and that I wasn’t here when you woke.”


“That’s three, but okay now scan me and get this over with.”


Nurse Lafayette sighed and pulled out his tricorder and ran a few scans over Link finding him well enough to not be watched over anymore. He removed a hypo from the tray next to the table and put it to Link’s neck.


“You are free to go, but I want you to come back in later and have the Doc look at you and make sure,” Lafayette said as he pressed it to the skin. “This will help with the pain. If you feel light headed or dizzy get back here or call us.”


“Thanks,” Link said rising and headed towards the door. He stopped just before he exited and turned around. “One more thing, is she pretty?”


Lafayette turned blushed and nodded a yes.


“Good, I would hate to have been abandoned for an ugly girl.” Link smirked and exited before Lafayette could get a word in edge wise.


Link hobbled along till he came to his quarters. He went in and took a nice long nap on the soft comfy bed.


>End Log<

Edited by Apollo

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