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Hey! I'm flying here!

Our situation remains unchanged. Although we have hit a pocket apparently free of the organisms we are still in infested space and unable to scan the other side. The more scientificly-minded crew members are at odds over how best to proceed.


Science and Medical are working on a biological solution. Their plan, if I understand it correctly, is to load some photon torpedos with a biological agent that will kill the organisms in our flight path. Engineering's plan is to clear a path as well. However I have reservations about their sugested method.


Assuming they succeed in developing some kind of antibiotic, since we don't know how wide this field is we don't know how many torpedos it will take to breech it. The detonation range of a photon torpedo is not great and it could very well require more torpedos than we have. I also don't know if, once the antibiotic is released, we will be able to stop at clearing a path for ourselves or if we will be bringing down the entire field. We know the Borg have been following us for some time but are hesitant to enter this contaminated space. If we completely eliminate the contaminant, either inadvertently or deliberately, we eliminate the protective barrier between us and the Borg. If this happens we'll wish we had those torpedos back. Even if their method is better from a scientific standpoint, which remains to be proven, the tactical danger is just too great to consider.


Although I may be biased toward my department's solution I still believe it is superior. Using the main deflector dish to emanate a heat blast will just as effectively clear a path wide enough for the ship to pass while leaving the rest of the field between us and the Borg intact. The remaining organisms should fill in the space behind us once the heat wave has expired. Since energy is a renewable resource, and photon torpedos aren't, we still have a chance of escaping if the field is wider than we suspect.

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