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The Wild Wild Talon

OCC: A Joint Log between the New Daise Dheno and the recently deposed Daise Dheno


>Begin Log<


The new Daise Dheno N’Dak had arrived at Main Security to find the former Daise packing her things into a box. In his heart, he felt sorry for her. She was a good officer, a loyal Romulan and she had one hell of a right cross. But hew knew he could not show any signs of weakness or his reign as Daise Dheno would be very short lived.


“Au chair isn’t very comfortable for me,” N’Dak said as he packed his thing form his old desk and put them into a crate. “Au can have it if au wishes.”


“AU Keep it,” t'Aehjae said angrily, “It is the Daise chair, Au deal with it.”


She was still trying to come to grips with what had transpired. She had, after all, just been replaced by a sniveling, rude, arrogant, silver-spooned subordinate that had not only caused her very downfall but had the nerve to sit in the command chair after being ordered not too. And now she had to deal with him face to face.


“Very well have it au way,” N’Dak said as he moved his box of things towards his desk. “I was just trying to be nice to au.”


At that point she lost it. Any chance for her being civil to him had faded away when she learned that he was to replace her. “AU be Nice?!? SINCE WHEN?!?!?”


He stopped looking at her a moment and headed back to his desk, but she stepped in his path. “Au Have caused me more problems than ALL the Klingons put together…”


But before she could get out another word he chimed in. “Au haven’t made thing easy for me either,” he said as he gently pushed her out of the way and walked to his new desk.


“I was very lenient with au,” t’Aehjae said grabbing the location on her uniform where the Daise symbol had been. “I could have had Au in the bring or even killed you for things AU have done, but no I had to play nice and gentle and try to teach AU with kindness!”


“Listen I know au don’t like this, me being in charge,” he said rising to his feet. “BUT that is was the Enarrain decided was best, therefore we are going to make this work…am I clear?”


She starred at him, if looks could kill, he would be in the infirmary with t’Ksa shoving cotton balls in his mouth. “Yes you could have put me in the brig,” he said confessionaly, “and you would have been right to do so, but you didn’t and now you too learned a lesson. You should have put me in the brig, I deserved it.”


She glared and crossed her arms. “And what If I say Na, refuse to make this ‘work’, what will au do to me then?” she said testing his authority.


“If au try anything like what I did,” he said crossing his arms, “Au will find auself in a nice little cell.”


“AU Wouldn’t,” she said taken aback a bit, “AU Couldn’t!”


“I Can and I will,” he said countering her as he sat down and gave her one of those classic ‘up-yours’ smiles and then continued, “Go right ahead and try me.”


She grinned evilly at him. “Au will never know its coming,” she said turning and walking away. “I will do as I wish.”


“Au will do as ordered, Understood?” he said irritated.


She walked away not answering him. “If Au leave now I will have au locked in the brig for dereliction of duty,” he called after her.


“Who said anything about leaving?” she said as she made her way to back of the room and sat down crossing her arms and legs.


“Very well then have it au way,” he said,” Go ahead and pout like a little lost fhvae!”


“I am just showing au the same respect au showed me!” she said. The words bit at him like a dagger to the heart.


N’Dak rose from his seated position and walked towards the desk he had assigned her. “Perhaps I have treated au badly,” he said in an almost amicable voice.


At that she uncrossed her legs and prepared for him to try something foolish. “Au are the cause of my demotion, I would say au have!”


He acknowledged that with a nod. “Yes I am, but I have paid a price for my actions as well,” he said. “Now I am looked upon as little more than a rebellious fhvae by then Enarrain. “


“I do na believe that,” she said watching him closely.


“If I fail,” he said closing in on her, “Not only will I have further disgraced myself, but my family as well.”


“Do au not realize I have disgraced my family as well!” she said standing.


“Not officially, she hasn’t filled anything with Galae Command,” he offered but it did little good at pacifying her.


“I was stripped of the rank of Daise!,” she said getting in his face. “Au should be proud! Au got what AU wanted!”


Her words tore at him. “OH yes!,” he said getting toe-to-toe with her. “I wanted to be ridicule of the Enarrain. I wanted to be the ship joke!”


She angrily pushed him out of the way and headed to the door. “Leave now and au will be in the brig, I promise it. I am trying to reason with au here.”


At that she stopped turned and glared at him—she was madder than hell and he was going to hear about it. “Well then AU should have thought about reasoning BEFORE!!!” she said as she turned away from him again and started to the door.


“Yes I should have, but I didn’t,” he said. “I have changed now.”


“AU will never change!” she retorted.


“Have I not?” he rebuffed. “Before now I would have shot you where you stand, after all that would make it a lot easier on me, no one to replace me, no one fight with.”


She continued to the door and placed her hand on the door panel to open it. N’Dak sighed it seemed that she was testing him and he had had all he could take. “Very well then you leave me no choice,” he said reaching for his disruptor.


He aimed the disruptor and fired at her feet missing her foot intentionally by less than a CM. She was startled and jumped in the air and then turned back around to face him. “That was a warning shot, I will na miss again.”


“So this is how au wants to play is it?” she said with an evil grin.


“Let us get this clear,” he said brandishing the disruptor. “If I wanted au job, I would have killed au long ago.”


“Well then,” she said. “Au have the job now, let see how long au can keep it.”


“Yes we will, no come here,” he motioned with the disruptor. She sighed and started towards him.


“Au have something very important of mine, if au will remember,” N’dak said as she approached “and because au have it I obviously have some deal of respect for au.”


“I have something of au’s?” she asked puzzled.


“If au will remember, au has a certain dagger of mine.” He said.


“OH, ie I do,” she said remembering the knife he had given her, “Do au wish it back?”


“Na, it was a gift from the Praetor himself, I suggest au keep it sharp,” he said to her. He returned behind his desk and sat down. “Now onto business. The Enarrain has ordered a report on the ‘bunglings’ of security.”


“Au are Daise now, reports are au duty,” she said. “That is one part of au job I won’t miss.”


“Ie, I am aware,” he said. “But as Daise at the time, au will be expected to contribute information concerning the missions.”


“Very well,” she grumbled. “If au wish my information ... au can find it under my personal Daise logs.”


“Thank Au,” he said. “Now for au new orders.”


She crossed her arms, the very thought of taking orders from him just brought the rage back to her, but se kept her self composed. “I am placing au in charge of the brig and the guarding there off,” he continued. “Maybe that way, au will feel right at home if au has to be placed there.”


She rolled her eyes. “That is a piety task.”


“Perhaps then au want to be in charge of cleaning them instead?” he said with that smug grin of his. She glared at him and he continued. “Au will also be in charge of making sure that the armory is kept in good order.”


“Learn this quickly: I am not to be trifled with, if au are loyal to me, au will be taken care of—if not the air locks look mighty good.”


“And au just remember how au treated me,” she snapped.


“I do and I regret it, if that makes you feel any better,” he offered. “Now as to au quarters, you may have anyone’s quarters that au like.”


“I wish to keep mine!” she said.


“Those are Daise’s quarters,” he said reminding her of the chair. “That and the bed is more comfortable.”


“So, Au said any,” she reminded him.


“Except those.”


“Are au going to break aus word already?” she question. “I figured as much.”


N’Dak decided that he had better take what little bit of civility the two had left for each other and run with and not push the issue any further. “Very well then, au are right, I id say any didn’t I?”


“Ie au did,” she said standing back on her heals. This caused him to grimace at the thought of being out smarted at his own game and intern caused her to grin to herself.


“So we are clear on au new duties?” he asked.


“Do I keep my quarters?” she countered.


“Ie, provided you agree to get along,” he said.


“I will agree to orders if au agree to be fair with me,” she said.


“Well then, au get au quarters, but” he paused, “there is a proviso..”


“I Knew it,” she rolled her eyes.


“Au have to agree to meet with me once a week in my quarters for dinner,” he said, “We both know I am not yet ready to be Daise and I will need your help in transitioning.”


Her mouth flew open and then she grinned. “What!!”


“Do we have a deal?” he said extending his hand.


She grinned wider. “Look we both look bad in this,” he as she took his hand. “Why don’t we turn the table on t’Rexen.”


“Turn the tables? Now you speak of treason, and I will have no part of that.”


“No no,” he said emphatically. “My father would yy’a me for treason. No what I speak of his proving her wrong, proving to her that we are indeed both good officers.”


She paused thinking about it for a moment. She took his hand again. “Very well we will both try and make this work. Deal”


He shook her hand back. “Deal”




>End Log<

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