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Ensign Van Roy's Personal Log

(scheduled for up-link from Tyderium to Reaent)


I thought the OPS position would keep me on ship for a while.  Guess I was wrong, because here I am patrolling what I'm told is an abandoned Romulan base construction project near a major trade route.


I already have a bad feeling about this mission.  It brings up some old ghosts from my past.  So far our scans show no life signs or any electronic activity on the "base", if you can call it that, but I suspect the away team and possibly the Reaent are being observed under cloak.  Even though the Romulan Empire had been shrinking when construction began it isn't like the Romulans to just abandon anything.  I do admit some apprehension.


And how could I not?  I remember hearing the stories about my mother:  Her "recruitment" into the Tal Shiar; Her mission to probe the Federation economic structure for exploitable weaknesses;  Her receiving Ferengi DNA into her genetic structure, presumably to aid her mission, without knowing it would be passed on to me.  She taught me the Romulan language as a boy, preparing me for the day of "re-unification", but when I discovered her tapping into the Vulcan central bank and erasing debt records, thus crippling those the debt would be paid to, I knew I had to turn her in.  She was assassinated by another Tal Shiar agent - still at large - before she could be interrogated.


I think my mistrust of the Romulans is justified, although FredM manages not to see the danger.  Any government that would do what they did to my family is one I want to keep at arms length.  Not a very Vulcan attitude to have, but I'm only half Vulcan.  I can think like a Romulan and know what I would do in their place.  Recent events involving the Remans not withstanding, Romulans are the most cunning, subversive, and manipulative enemy the Federation has, and I am keeping my phaser fully charged.

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