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Sky Harbor Aegis | 2 August 2019

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 8/2/19 - 10:06 PM=/\=
19 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.140

TBS was 2 days. The time is 0700 (7:00 AM) Aegis local.
Aegean and Regulus are about to dock.
Their docking bays are off limits.
The crews are under quarantine until released by Dr Pavilion.
Dr Pavilion has succeeded in conversing with our gremlin.
Evidence of alien incursion has been found below decks.

==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Jylliene: ::CnC, ops, early, because she knew the AT was due back::
Chirakis: :::CnC, in her office:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @::In Aegean science lab, securing test samples for transport to Aegis::
Dacia Sandero: @ ::on the Aegean, tidying up sickbay::
Fletcher Jackson: ::CnC, Aux OPS:::
Jylliene: ::has sent docking permissions, etc::
mimipavilion: ::in medical ready for the Aegean and Regulus and in her suit::
Jylliene: +Chirakis+ Aegean and Regulus are about to dock, ma'am.
Scott Coleridge: @::Aegean bridge, letting the crew handle docking::
Chirakis: % LtCdr Dayson> ::Regulus, preparing to dock after Aegean::
Chirakis: +Jyl+ Thank you, Commander. :::stands to exit her office:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::scanning the tracking tag of the last crate::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::exits the lab::
Chirakis: :::CnC, standing close to OPS, waiting for confirmation of their docking:::
Alexis McFarland: ::is in her bed, fast asleep::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::enters the bridge::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Still down in main engineering, accessing the damage ::
mimipavilion: ::waiting for confirmation of docking for both ships::
Jylliene: ::waits for same::
Tarisa: ::Enters CnC.::
Chirakis: ::Jyl:: I suppose I should remain here until they are cleared for duty :::more of a thought than a question:::
Annisha: :: Yawns ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ ::hovering near the Ops station, watching docking procedures.::
Chirakis: :::Tarisa:: Commander, Aegean is preparing to dock.
Annisha: Mom? :: Does not realize she is gone :: Computer, what time is it?..,.. <Computer> The time is 0715 hours
Dacia Sandero: ::Feels the ship slow and prepare to dock.. is glad to at least be back on the station::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @::glances over towards Coleridge:: Do you think the Captain will be upset that we had to be rescued?
Annisha: :: Grumbles in his chair ::
Tarisa: ::Walks over to her station, greetings along the way. Turns.:: Yes Captain, I was informed by the Gamma shift science officer they were nearing port.
Tarisa: Is there anything in particular you would like me to do?
Jylliene: ::pulls up exterior views, watches the ships::
Chirakis: ::Tarisa:: I assume that there will be a great deal of information to work on as soon as Aegean's crew is cleared for duty.
Scott Coleridge: @::Dran:: No.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Rubs his headache-ridden head :: Ugh...
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: I will look into their sensor logs once it is cleared.
Scott Coleridge: @::Dran:: Captain Chirakis doesn't often get "upset." If she gets upset, make sure you're already on shore leave.
Chirakis: :::nods to Tarisa, then sighs:: Commander Kital, you have the con. I will be at the docking bay.
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Noted, sir.
Dacia Sandero: @ ::heads to the small office and takes a seat, after pouring herself a cup of tea::
Jylliene: Yes ma'am.
Chirakis: ::exits into the command lift::::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ +Coleridge+ Korjata here. I have the damage report and repair schedule at your convenience.
Jylliene: ::monitors::
Fletcher Jackson: :::doing his thing:::
Scott Coleridge: @+Nijil+ Thank you, Commander. Forward them to my inbox on Aegis.
Dacia Sandero: @ ::looking over the medical reports on the patients that were treated before they were to be sent to sickbay on Aegis::
Tarisa: ::Looking to Jylliene:: Have they made contact at all? Is everyone alright?
mimipavilion: ::gets bored and slightly annoyed, but leaves for the docking bay::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ +Coleridge+ Your full one or the overflow?
Jylliene: Reports are that there have been no major casualties.
mimipavilion: ::taking a tl to the docking bay::
Tarisa: ::Smiles.:: Then you have a little one that should be excited.
Dacia Sandero: ::also sending it to Coleridge's inbox as well::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ Would you classify our mission as a success?
Scott Coleridge: @+Nijil+ I'm... I'm getting to the full one. I've been away.
Chirakis: ::exits and stands outside the quarantine radius::::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ +Coleridge+ Would be a shame if a core glitch deleted it sir. Korjata out.
Jylliene: Once she's able to see him. I hear that they'll be in quarantine.
Scott Coleridge: @::Dran:: We learned more about the star, and we came home alive. I don't think anyone expected it to happen this way, but that's sometimes how it goes when dealing with the unknown.
mimipavilion: ::arrives at the docking bay and puts on her helmet and makes sure she has her tricorder as well::
Tarisa: ::Nods.:: I see. That will make some more anxious. ::Logs into her console.:: Please let me know when I will be able to access Aegean's sensor logs.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Gathers his computer and small padd, gets ready to head to the station ::
Chirakis: ::standing near the lift, arms crossed, waiting and very concerned about possible radiation poisoning::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Wonders what station time is. Relativistic travel always plays with ones sync ::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ +Jylliene+ Jy, are au there? This is...is Nijil.
Jylliene: +Nijil+I'm here. Welcome home.
Alexis McFarland: ::Still sleeping but can now sense Dacia's presence, and feels better about that::
Tae'Lynn Dran: @ From a science perceptive I am very happy with our findings. I think we have at least 3 papers worth of material with the first data sets alone.
Scott Coleridge: @ Papers... I remember writing papers.
Chirakis: ACTION> As the crew exits, Dr Pavilion scans them for radiation, then transports them to the medical complex to be washed and given new uniforms.
Annisha: :: Gets dressed to the music of "Put on your Sunday Clothes"
Scott Coleridge: ::drops his @ in the sterilizer::
mimipavilion: ::sees the crew starting to pile out and scans them::
Tarisa: ((One of my favorite musicals.))
Jylliene: ::exhales in relief with the confirmation of docking and disembarking::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::follows the others out of the ship::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Wals to the dock ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::moving through the cleaning processes.::
Dacia Sandero: ::follows everyone out::
Chirakis: ::she watches as they exit:::
Scott Coleridge: ::leaving the ship::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::having a dream about piloting a ship::
Tarisa: ::Getting a couple good scans of the Aegean and Regulus' exteriors.::
Tae'Lynn Dran: I think my first paper will be on the possible use of the pulse wave as a new radiation decon procedure.
Chirakis: ACTION> Anything gathered that is not electronic is also checked for radiation.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: As he walks his @ flops off and clanks onto the floor ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: I will just need to de-weaponize the tech.
mimipavilion: ::besides the people, she scans so much stuff for radiation::
Scott Coleridge: ::shuffles through the line::
Dacia Sandero: ::Shuffles through as well::
Chirakis: ::keeping her distance, watching medical personnel work:::
Scott Coleridge: ::spots Mimi:: Hello, Doctor. I hope we haven't made too much work for you.
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Jy+ Thanks. I am sleep-deprived and dehydrated.
Jylliene: +Nijil+ So about normal, then.
Jylliene: ::grins slightly::
Chirakis: ::even the security guards are in radiation gear:::
mimipavilion: ::sees and hears Scott and just death glares him:: I should be lucky I'm not filling out death certificates.
Dacia Sandero: ::overhears:: Well, that makes two of us.
mimipavilion: ::smirks at Dacia's comment::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Jy+ A fair observation.
Chirakis: :::steps to the security officer of the watch:: I will be in CnC. Inform Dr Pavilion that I am available if needed. :::the Lt nods with a yes, ma'am:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking around to see if private spaces are set up to remove old uniforms or if this will be a more communal disrobing::
Dacia Sandero: ::heads to a privacy stall to change into a fresh new uniform::
Chirakis: ::exits the command lift at CnC:::
Jylliene: ::looks over, nods to Chirakis:: Ma'am.
Dacia Sandero: ::been down this road before:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: Where am I to go exactly? :: wandering around ::
Chirakis: ::nods::: Commander Kital.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::sets her personal effects on a table for decon and then moves to change clothes::
Scott Coleridge: ::gets changed::
Fletcher Jackson: ::keeping ships well away from Aegean:::
mimipavilion: ::points Nijil in the direction he needs to go::
Dacia Sandero: ::but not before she takes a sonic shower to remove any traces of radiation on her person::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Nods ::
Chirakis: ::a little more relaxed, but not completely:::
Dacia Sandero: ::scans herself and once she is radiation free, changes into a new uniform::
Annisha: :: Now singing to a song from old old earth ::
Jylliene: All is ... as well as is typical?
Jylliene: ::to Chirakis::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Waits in a line ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::adjusting her new uniform::
Scott Coleridge: ::waiting to be cleared::
mimipavilion: ::scanning, scanning, scanning::
Dacia Sandero: ::stands at the end of the decon area,also waiting to be cleared::
Chirakis: All is.... typical, I suppose Commander.
Jylliene: ::nods::
Chirakis: It seems that danger is the new norm.
Alexis McFarland: ::Stretches in bed and yawns::
Chirakis: But then, I believe it always has been.
Annisha: :: Picks up her tiny guitar ::
mimipavilion: ::moves over to Dacia and scans her for any remnants of radiation::
Jylliene: It is good to acknowledge it.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::checking she gets back all her personal items::
Chirakis: ::wan smile::: Indeed. Aegis always seems to draw the short straw, as Terrans say.
Annisha: :: Has her clothes on, heads out the door to her quarters to see her father ::
mimipavilion: ::smiles at Dacia:: No radiation is left. You are clear.
Annisha: :: Singing :: You're my satellite...
Alexis McFarland: ::Grabs her chrono to check the time, and stays in bed::
Dacia Sandero: Great, thanks. ::smiles::
mimipavilion: ::moves to Scott and scans::
Jylliene: Might as well. We're used to it.
Alexis McFarland: ::she then opens her messages to check her inbox::
mimipavilion: ::Scott:: You're cleared.
Dacia Sandero: I'll send over my medical reports once I have some time to do so.
Scott Coleridge: Thank you.
mimipavilion: ::responds to Dacia:: Alright.
Chirakis: ::steps to her console only to find that everyone in the galaxy wants a report::::
Annisha: :: Arrives just outside where the Aegean people are being probed ::
mimipavilion: ::moves to Nijil::
Chirakis: ::blanks the console, deciding that is premature, as are most of command's demands:::
Jylliene: There is an old story I hear tell of an oceanic life form that would jump out of a cooking vessel were it dropped into hot water, but would remain if the water were slowly brought up to cooking temperature.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Doctor...
mimipavilion: ::Nijil:: You're cleared.
Jylliene: Let's hope we're not sitting in gradually-increasing danger and not noticing.
Alexis McFarland: ::She did get a message from her parents, saying that they should arrive in a little more than a week. Their furniture and other possessions should be arriving in a few days before them. Wonders where their new room will be. Hopefully near Miana's::
mimipavilion: ::moves to Tae'Lynn::
Chirakis: ::looks to Jyl::: Yes, let us hope.
Nijil tr'Korjata: Thanks.
Chirakis: :::knowing that there is an increasing danger, given the presence of Task forces visiting so often:::
mimipavilion: ::Tae'Lynn:: You're cleared.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Thank you, doctor.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Spies a young Rihan outside the examination area ::
Scott Coleridge: ::the senior staff as they're being scanned:: File your reports by the end of the day, but then I want you taking at least a day off before you go back on duty.
Dacia Sandero: ::to Scott:: Sure, that's fine with me.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Understood, sir.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Passes the threshold ::
Annisha: Father! :: runs ::
Alexis McFarland: ::Doesn't need to be at the Sickbay to reunite with Dacia. Being Betazoid has its perks::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::moves to the corridor outside::
mimipavilion: ::to the rest of the crew:: You are cleared.
Chirakis: Rest of the Crew> ::sigh of relief:::
mimipavilion: ::removes her helmet and breathes fresh air::
Chirakis: :::Jylliene::: Remind me to send Dr Pavilion a quantity of her favorite pastries.
Chirakis: 10:55 PM
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Catches Annisha as she leaps into his arms, with some effort on his part. Kisses her on the forehead :: What are au doing here?
Jylliene: ::makes a note:: Yes ma'am.
mimipavilion: ::removes the rest of the suit and notifies the security team that they can remove theirs::
Scott Coleridge: +Chirakis+ Coleridge to Chirakis.
Dacia Sandero: ::heads out of the quarantine area, catching up with Alexis. Glad her parents are ahead of schedule. And inwardly, it'll be nice to have her quarters to herself again. It did feel a bit too cozy with the two of them all these months::
Tae'Lynn Dran: I need to make sure the samples make it to the lab or I'll never get any rest.
Chirakis: +Coleridge+ Welcome back, Commander.
Scott Coleridge: +Chirakis+ Thank you. The crew has cleared radiation protocols. I've ordered them to take at least a day off.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::moves away to intercept and escort the cargo:::
mimipavilion: ::lets the sanitation team deal with the suits, just as a precaution::
Annisha: To see au silly. I worried au had gone and killed everyone.
Chirakis: +Coleridge+ Well done, Commander. Yes, at least a day. And that applies to you.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: hugs :: Thanks…. I am hungry, let’s get something to eat.
mimipavilion: ::takes a tl to the CnC::
Chirakis: 10:58 PM
Scott Coleridge: +Chirakis+ Agreed. I sent you a preliminary report as we docked.
mimipavilion: ::arrives on the CnC moments later::
Chirakis: +Coleridge+ I look forward to it.
Chirakis: ::turns::: Dr. Pavilion.
Jylliene: ::nods to Mimi as she enters:: Doctor.
mimipavilion: Captain ::nods to Jylliene:: The crew is cleared of radiation.
mimipavilion: Hazmat Sanitation team is cleaning up the area as we speak.
Chirakis: Excellent. Thank you, Doctor. And you need some time off. I will notify your medical personnel that you will not be available until tomorrow.
mimipavilion: ::nods, steps a bit closer:: you get some rest as well, and that's not a request.
Chirakis: Yes, ma’am  ::gives a slight grin::
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 8/2/19
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Very well... TBS will be 24 hours again. It will be 0700 the next day.
Chirakis: Commander, words for the crew?
Scott Coleridge: Nope
Chirakis: Comments or questions from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none....
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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