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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 07.21.19

MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur, lost in the year 2338, continues to attempt to both make sense of their attempt to return to their correct time period failed and also make repairs. Tensions are running high as they have detected an incoming warp signature that should be entering into visual range soon. It has been two hours since we last saw our valiant heroes, will Rhan have gotten a sandwich, will Irene still be blue and red, will Will have blown something up? FIND OUT!


Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


William Chocox: ::Is in Engineering, somehow managing to avoid blowing something up::

Irene Mincine: :: Red Irene is annoyed but following her orders to stay in sickbay. Blue Irene is passed out in isolation. ::

Maryse Dubois: :;In sickbay, keeping an eye on the 2 Irene's

Indaura Ryssan: :: Drinking some cold water to calm her nerves ::

Rhan K'hal: ::has not had a sandwich, but is munching on a protein bar from his seat at ops::

Cptn Swain: ::Having managed to showered, and changed uniforms, Swain was looking rather handsome, imo::

Hakran K'hal: :: haven taken his Dr (of Engineering) ordered nap, returns to the lab to see if they discovered the cure for temporal displacement yet ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Mincinie... ::She said, approaching the red-shirted Irene.:: We need to talk. Follow me. ::She gestured her to one of the unused offices.::

Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::had not napped, but Rihans had superior stamina to Lloann'an or their fur allies::

Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Still working on several computations::

Irene Mincine: :: Carillon is still at the helm, trying to keep them from hitting anything. She hasn't eaten or showered. ::

Irene Mincine: Red> "Hmm?" :: Red Irene hops off of the biobed. :: Red> "Sure. What's up?" :: She heads for the unused office. ::

Cptn Swain: Augustin> ::Looking swarthy, but managing:: Captain.

Indaura Ryssan: I need to relax... hmm

Cptn Swain: Status report?

Maryse Dubois: ::Goes to the isolation room Blue Irene is using. She checks the readings.::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda took a seat once they were inside and gestured for Irene to do the same.:: You're situation is somewhat... unique, Mincine. What do you know so far about what happened?

Hakran K'hal: How goes it?

Rhan K'hal: I'd call status slightly better than FUBAR. And that's only because I can recognize how FU we are. If that incoming ship wants to shoot, our best hope is that it hits one of the holes.

Cptn Swain: How long before they're in range.

Irene Mincine: :: Blue Irene is steadily getting worse. She probably doesn't have too much longer without intervention. Red sits across from Miranda. :: "Well, captain, you should know more about it than I do. We were running an experiment on quantum entanglement in engineering. It went pear-shaped and I went from sitting at tactical to waking up in engineering somehow. Then I came here, sir."

Cptn Swain: ::Taking his seat, and trying not to think about wanting tea::

Rhan K'hal: Approximately three minutes, Cap.

Cptn Swain: Maybe someone's bringing us a fruit basket.

Irene Mincine: :: Carillon spoke up from helm. :: Val> "We can barely maneuver anyway, so if they do start shooting there's not much I can do."

Cptn Swain: Or a sandwich delivery service.

Rhan K'hal: We could use it.

Cptn Swain: Issaha> Well... if you want my professional opinion..

Cptn Swain: Issaha> I'd say that we're lucky to even have survived.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Quantum entanglement... ::She sighed.::: Yes, that would do it. Well, first of all, you're not on the ship you left. You're on the Excalibur, but not the Excalibur from your... ah... dimension. Whatever experiment your ship was running tangled with ours and you got pulled out of your reality.

William Chocox: ::looks over the list of things that still need to be fixed::

William Chocox: (m)There's still so much to do.

Cptn Swain: Is the viewer at least working?

Hakran K'hal: Yeah, I imagine we are. I'm pretty much guessing there's crap we can do about getting back to when we came from... originally, without outside intervention or a long time in a spacedock?

Maryse Dubois: ::Frowns, taking notes on her PADD.::

Rhan K'hal: :: pushes the button to turn it on ::

Rhan K'hal: :: tilts head :: Well, it's working, just sideways at about 62 degrees.

Maryse Dubois: :;Quietly goes through her options.::

Irene Mincine: :: Red Irene took a second after Miranda spoke. Sweat started dripping from her forehead. :: Red> "I... what are you saying, sir? I'm on a different Excalibur? Look, I told her that I don't have a concussion, so you can stop with whatever you're trying to do."

Irene Mincine: Red> "Sir."

Cptn Swain: Issaha> If this were a Galae vessel, perhaps we could. ::He tipped his head:: Though if it were a Galae vessel we wouldn't be having this conversation because Irene's little experiment would have likely caused the AQS unit to lose containment and we'd have created quantum sinkhole instead of just ruined a planet.

Hakran K'hal: Silver linings

Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::nods::

Cptn Swain: ::Smirks:: Put our guest on screen.

Maryse Dubois: ::Goes her lab to prepare a treatment.::

Rhan K'hal: :: pushes some more buttons, the view swirls around a bit before (crookedly) displaying a rather holographically pixilated starship ::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She frowned.:: No, our medical staff checked you over and you appear none the worse for wear. I'm sorry to have to break the news to you this way, but what I said is true. You're in a different reality. I'm not sure how else to put it. ::She gestured to the ship outside.:: Think about it... the little differences you've seen so far that didn't really register. ::One finger tapped at her own uniform pips that clearly indicated her rank as Commander, not Captain.::

Rhan K'hal: :: mutters something about replicating a television and hanging it up ::

Irene Mincine: :: Carillon looks up at the screen, then back down at her sensor readings. :: Val> "That's... not very helpful up there."

Cptn Swain: ACTION> On screen, the visage of a starship appears. It's... the Enterprise.

Hakran K'hal: Well, keep at it. :: looks at his Starfleet staff :: I know under normal circumstances Issaha isn't in the chain of command but he's got experience seniority on this kind of science so when I'm not down here, you follow his lead.

William Chocox: ((Which Enterprise?))

Irene Mincine: :: Red Irene's attitude changed suddenly. She leaned over the table, putting her head down. :: "I... yeah, that's one of the possibilities if the experiment screwed up, the science chief said, isn't it?"

Rhan K'hal: E... N... I... no that 's a T... E... R... I... Ssssss!

Cptn Swain: ::Lifts a brow:: Well. I always wanted to run into the Enterprise. I guess I should not have specified the Enterprise-C.

Irene Mincine: :: Val's cybernetic hand swept over her console, trying to get a clear enough sensor reading to see if it really was what it seemed. :: Val> "Oh, my god..."

Cptn Swain: ACTION> Incoming Hail

Cptn Swain: ACTION> Deffo using some good sound track music for this.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Looking over the Irene's records ::

Maryse Dubois: ::Has the computer prepare a mixture, as she is programming something on her PADD.::

Rhan K'hal: They're hailing, sir.

Cptn Swain: ::Checks his uniform:: Put them through.

Irene Mincine: :: The records say Blue Irene's, uh, totally screwed unless something gets done pretty quick. ::

Rhan K'hal: :: answers the hail and hopes the interior feed isn't as crooked as the exterior :: On hoooo-screen sir.

Cptn Swain: Garrett> This is Captain Rachel Garrett of the Federation starship Enterprise to unidentified vessel.

Cptn Swain: ::Spends just a few moments with that, considering his options::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Quantum entanglement is a tricky thing and can go wrong in so many different ways. I need your help with this, Ensign. If you can give me as much information as possible on your Excalibur's experiment, we might be able to factor it into our own issues and figure out what happened. And maybe even get you back home.

Maryse Dubois: ::The computer beeps, prompting her to grab the vial from the container. Placing it in a hypo, she takes the PADD and a couple other devices with her back to the isolation room. Entering the room, she places everything in a tray before examining Blue Irene one more time.:: I found something that will help. ::Pretty much talking to herself.:: But I have a way to "flush" your system of the radiation.

Cptn Swain: +Garrett+ This is Captain Asher Swain of the USS Excalibur. It's good to see a friendly face. It's been a complicated last few uh weeks.

Maryse Dubois: ::She starts with the hypo, injecting it into Irene. She then places a device over the chest, and then a neural stimulator on her forehead.:

Cptn Swain: ::Miranda was going to kill him::

Maryse Dubois: ::Lastly, she grabs the PADD, and begins inputting commands that begin to activate the dormant nanites within Irene.::

William Chocox: Alright, so this, that, and then finally that. ::grabs his engineering kit and starts getting back to work::

Irene Mincine: :: Blue Irene's definitely out of it, there. With her uniform disposed of, she's sitting there with nothing covering her but a thin blanket. Her heart rate increases when Maryse begins her treatment... ::

Cptn Swain: Garrett> ::lifting a brow:: Captain... Swain? Your ship doesn't match any scans of any Federation starship.

Maryse Dubois: ::The device on her chest is an external pacemaker of sorts that will help regulate her heart.:: Ok little guys. Get to work.

Irene Mincine: Red> "I'm the tactical officer, cap--" :: She notes Miranda's collar again. :: "--mander. I don't know all the details of the experiment. I just know what I needed to know."

Hakran K'hal: :: enters the bridge, looks at the screen, and seriously considers just turning right back around ::

Irene Mincine: :: Blue Irene's breathing gets more steady. With Maryse's treatment, her vital signs slowly begin to improve. ::

Cptn Swain: ::Bites his lip:: It's a long story, Captain.

Rhan K'hal: :: thinks: "even if we were in our own time it probably wouldn't match any scans of any Federation starship" ::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Walks up to Dr. Dubois ::

Cptn Swain: Garrett> ::Shifts in her seat:: It would seem so. Our sensor scans show you have heavy damage and some casualties. Can we be of assistance?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: There's a lot you can tell me without knowing all the details of the experiment itself. Things like what sort of orders were issued, what area of space you were in, why you were running that type of experiment in the first place. ::She offered Irene a padd.:: Can you do that for me? Anything you can think of about your ship and what was happening could be important to us.

Hakran K'hal: :: eventually does put it back in gear and heads to the science station ::

Maryse Dubois: Good...We're clearing the first hurdles. ::Once ready, she initiates phase 2.::

Rhan K'hal: :: wants to quip "a story a hundred years in the making!" but has better impulse control than the ship currently has ::

Cptn Swain: ::Sighs:: That would be most welcome. Once you get here you and I can discuss our... story.

Irene Mincine: Red> "Of... of course. I'll help any way I can." :: She begins punching things into the padd. They were in the same system as our Excalibur investigating a quantum anomaly... someone from science had come up with the experiment to get more detail on the inside of it... as much of a timeline as she could remember... ::

Cptn Swain: Garrett> ::Smiles:: It must be a helluva story. We'll be in transport range soon. If you can start preparing a list of what you'll need from us.

Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: Will do.

Rhan K'hal: I'll start compiling, sir. Again.

Rhan K'hal: :: zips messages off to the departments asking for a list of urgent supplies ::

Irene Mincine: :: Blue Irene gasps for air as Phase 2 begins and that one medical alarm you all know goes off! ::

Hakran K'hal: :: replies back to Rhan "the usual" ::

Maryse Dubois: ::Adjusts the device on her chest.:: Easy now.

William Chocox: ::hears the ping and sends back the list of all the stuff they need in Engineering...it's somewhat long::

Irene Mincine: :: The alarm stops and Blue's vitals go back to steady improvement. She even moves one of her fingers! ::

Maryse Dubois: ((Is a new warp nacelle on the list?))

Cptn Swain: ::Straightens his uniform:: Well, at least this time its not some distant relation of mine.

William Chocox: ((Always))

Cptn Swain: +Miranda+ Swain to Miranda

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Alright, I'll leave you to it. When you're done, give that to Dr. Dubois. +Swain+ Yes, Captain?

Cptn Swain: +Miranda+ How do you feel about famous company?

Maryse Dubois: ::Pleased with the progress of the nanites.::

Rhan K'hal: :: reads the Engineering list, mutters :: Ambassador classes aren't THAT big.

Irene Mincine: Red> "Will do. Um... what about guest quarters? Do I have to stay here in sick bay?" :: She stops when Miranda's badge gets beeped. :: Blue> "Mm... gre'thor... won't... I'm..." :: Blue, meanwhile, is mumbling deliriously now. ::

Cptn Swain: ::Overhears Rhan and giggles::

Maryse Dubois: Well at least she is becoming talkative. ::Makes another adjustment before beginning the final phase.::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Swain+ Depends on the company. ::She sighed.:: I'm on my way up.

Irene Mincine: Val> :: Hearing Rhan clearly :: "Starships have gotten a lot bigger in the last century, haven't they?"

Rhan K'hal: :: having a good idea of what Maryse always needs, begins a medical list until someone can get to it ::

Indaura Ryssan: Nanites....

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Looking back to Red Irene, she nodded.:: Yes, I'll have quarters assigned to you, but close. The doctor might need you to save *our* version of Irene.

Rhan K'hal: Last time I spoke with family back in San Fran, rumors are in the works for a 1000m ship for production at the turn of the century. I'd hate to miss it.

Irene Mincine: :: The final phase begins and Blue goes from delirious to obvious pain. :: Red> "Your... I hadn't even thought of that..."

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded.:: She's in a very bad way right now...

Rhan K'hal: Captain, I hope you plan on using your ready room because we still haven't gotten the conference table glued back together, and it might be in even more pieces by now come to think of it.

Cptn Swain: ::Smirks:: Of course.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Watches the progress ::

Maryse Dubois: It's alright Irene. We're almost done. You can endure it. ::Makes another adjustment, then activates the stimulator.::

Cptn Swain: (( 3 minute warning ))

Rhan K'hal: :: sighs gratefully ::

Irene Mincine: Val> "I'd hate to be on that thing if the turbolifts go down, though. One kilometer long?" :: She scoffed. :: Red> "Is it... I mean, is it safe to meet her? I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure two people meeting from different realities is somewhere between 'not recommended' and 'every atom in the universe exploding at the speed of light'? But I don't want to watch myself dying..." :: Red was looking pretty lost. ::

Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Glances to one of his adopted minions:: Erole... can we run a transphasic scan of the planet?

Irene Mincine: Blue> :: The stimulator makes Blue take a sharp breath in and nearly fly out of the bed like she just got zapped by the world's biggest defibrillator. :: "Ah...!" ::

Hakran K'hal: Izal> :: answers for him :: Sure, get out your spacesuit and I'll dig up the portable unit. I'll give you a big push.

Maryse Dubois: ::Puts a steady hand on Irene's shoulder.:: Easy now.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: If you'd rather not, then stay out of sickbay as much as possible. I'll send a crewman up to escort you to your quarters. I have no idea what it might do to the fabric of space and time. I've never really had to worry about it until now.

Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::frowns:: Is there a way we can simulate something similar to one?

Irene Mincine: :: A tear rolls down Blue's face. :: Blue> "Please... stop..." :: Red> "I'll have to think about it. If I know it's safe... and she's not about to die... I..." :: She was deep in thought. ::

Hakran K'hal: Erole> The way the wires to all the sensors are half rigged at this point I might be able to cross-wire something that'll do the job. I'll need to check with engineering first.

Cptn Swain: Issaha> I have an idea.

Maryse Dubois: It's alright. We're finished. ::Having been caught up in her work, she notices Indaura.:: Have someone bring her a set of clothes.

Hakran K'hal: Izal> At least you're not rubbing your chin looking maniacal when you say that.

Cptn Swain: Issaha> I am not my brother.

Irene Mincine: :: Blue's forehead was covered in sweat. Her eyes were barely open and she was breathing heavily. :: "This... I'm out of Gre'thor...?"

Cptn Swain: ...and...

Maryse Dubois: You are most certainly not dead.

Hakran K'hal: Brasunch> I hope not, we've already got two Irenes, we don't need two N'Daks.

Cptn Swain: Issaha> It could be worse.

Cptn Swain: ...and...

Hakran K'hal: Izal> Don't say that, it usually does when someone says that.


Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

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