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Sky Harbor Aegis | 1 February 2019

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 2/1/19 - 10:06 PM=/\=
6 May 2388 - Stardate 2388.127

TBS is 15 minutes. The time is 1615 hours (4:15 PM) Aegis local.
Captain Chirakis has taken the place of Captain Ramson as commanding officer.
Science is bearing down on the cause of power failure near the nebular planetoid.
Nei'rrh and Shuttle Warren are under repair just outside the planetoid's gravity well.
On the planetoid, Argos II is still under repair.
The children and Dr Y'shta are with Dr Brubaker while the rest of Argos II's crew continues with repairs.
@ for Argos II and the planet.
# for Nei'rrh.
& for Shuttle Warren.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Tae'Lynn Dran: ::at the CnC sci station::
Scott Coleridge: ::composing a log at his console: "Minute 15 of the New Era. Situation ongoing."::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::looking at Nijil:: I believe we are ready to send a message to Aegis.
mimipavilion: ::still on the CnC::
Nijil tr'Korjata: # :: Working on a mostly adrift Nei'rrh, they earlier managed to send a signal back to the Warren ::
Jylliene: ::CnC, ops::
Dacia Sandero: ::in sickbay, working on things::
Chirakis: :::CnC, standing next to Scott::: (w) Not only do we have disruptive children aboard, but children within the admiralty. ::wan smile, then moves to a position where she can see all the screens:::
Fletcher Jackson: :::Internal OPS:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: # We need to make sure the subspace array is powered and calibrated.
Tae'Lynn Dran: I wonder if the waves are comparable in any way to the Breen energy dampening weapon.
Fletcher Jackson: ::doing his thing, sending things here and there, especially requisitions that seem to multiply exponentially:::
Theobald Dumont: ::at science station ii performing calculations::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: & Gila> Well, the Nei'rrh survived. Any word from Aegis or is the array offline? :: to some of her crew ::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::Nijil:: I thought we were going to send a radio signal and have the torpedo send a subspace ping.
Tarisa: @ ::With Annisha and Alexis, Watching the sky again. She had recently seen the lights.::
Jylliene: ::still monitoring::
Scott Coleridge: ::bites his tongue, considers himself lucky he isn't the one who has to deal with that right now::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::Finishes feeding Annisha her porridge::
Annisha: @ :: With her friends, but still a bit out of it ::
Tarisa: # ::Keeping watch with her modified tricorder.::
Annisha: @ I think I am full, can we leave yet?
Alexis McFarland: @ I think they are still fixing the ship.
Fletcher Jackson: :::sighs as he returns several requisitions because someone writes backward::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::Nijil:: you think it safe to restore power?
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> ::looks to the doctor:: You may return to the ship whenever you like, if the doctor agrees. ::gathering the plates and utensils:::
mimipavilion: ::observing everything on the CnC::
Tarisa: @ Y'shta> ::Frowns.:: I think it best to remain here and rest for now.
Alexis McFarland: @::lies on the floor, next to Miana and Annisha::
Nijil tr'Korjata: # We need to try it... :: goes over to the interlock controls :: A non-essential system first.
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> Very well. I do have some blankets and the shuttle has several beds.
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Purrs, but distracted by watching the sky.:: What makes the sky do that?
Alexis McFarland: @Solar radiation? I'm not a doctor.
Chirakis: ::she eventually wanders toward Mimi::
Johnson Kenyon: # Okay... I guess I didn't understand the need to modify and send out a torpedo, but glad you have a plan.
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> Ah.. it happens quite often, but not as spectacular as it has lately.
Chirakis: :::and listens to the conversation at science:::
mimipavilion: ::notices Chirakis making her ways towards her::
Jylliene: ::returns a request for fairly unusual food items, asking for more information::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::looks in Tarisa's direction to see if the tail is wagging::
Annisha: @ Kushana> Not yet Annisha.
Theobald Dumont: ::pulls up a screen with Breen technology information::
Tarisa: # ::It's waving slowly as she concentrates on the tricorder.::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: & Gila> :: Watches another of her team try to restart the core ::
Tarisa: @ Miana> Maybe something is reacting badly?
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Where is the probe now Mr. Kenyon?
Theobald Dumont: ::looking at a weapon's schematic::
Chirakis: Commander Kital, have we had a report lately?
Jylliene: No.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: % Gila> Bah, anything?
Johnson Kenyon: # ::watching the tail sway...:: the probe.... The probe... I fired it 20 minutes ago, you should be able to ping it with radio waves to send commands.
Chirakis: @ ACTION> A very weak wave passes over the ships then dissipates in the atmosphere.
Annisha: @ Kushana> :: Gets something on her communication device, but it's only static ::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Jumps up looking out the window.:: I saw it again!
Johnson Kenyon: # Was that another wave?
Alexis McFarland: @ Ooh! ::looks at the window::
Theobald Dumont: ::Dran:: Sir, another occurrence of the wave.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # :: Looks at the ceiling, as if the answers are there :: Another io?
Tarisa: # ::Nods.:: I think I finally have a frequency to work with.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Good, a pinpoint to the origin?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: & Gila> :: Teammate :: Another wave has passed us, but weaker than the others. Gila> Any pattern? ?
Johnson Kenyon: # ::impatient about the probe::
Tarisa: # ::Shakes head.:: Nothing like that. But we should be able to modify shields now.
Theobald Dumont: I am detecting faint gravitons.
Annisha: @ Kushana> What are we looking at Doctor?
Tae'Lynn Dran: I see. If we can get readings on more of those we can plot a graph and look for patterns.
mimipavilion: ::softly to Chirakis:: Enjoying command again.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # If au believe we have the right countermeasures, I'll bring power to the shields.
Johnson Kenyon: # ::moves over the Tarisa:: do you mind if I look at your readings?
Tarisa: # ::Nods confidently.::
Chirakis: I m not focused on that, actually. It seems immaterial at the moment.
Tarisa: # :;Shows the tricorder to Kenyon.::
mimipavilion: Understood.
Johnson Kenyon: # ::looks at the data on the tricorder::
Theobald Dumont: ::boosts power to the graviton detector and compares the 3 waves using previous data collected::
Annisha: @ Mmmm, something is hitting the planet, the colors..
Jylliene: ::wonders if she should have expanded on that "no", but.. well, there's nothing else to say. Nope. Nothing.::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Nods.::
Chirakis: ACTION> Aegis sensor system detects a large solar prominence developing within the nebula.
Johnson Kenyon: # Very interesting. It might work.
Tae'Lynn Dran: This is a very unusual star we're dealing with.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Very well, bringing power back to the shields....now.
Tarisa: # ::Begins the modulation.::
Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh, oh my.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Mr. Kenyon, bring the comm array online. Hail Aegis.
Theobald Dumont: ::eyes wide:: Commander!
Alexis McFarland: @Pretty
Johnson Kenyon: # Aye sir
Johnson Kenyon: # +AEGIS+ Aegis do you read?
Chirakis: ACTION> The prominence is growing, but it does not seem to be doing anything more than bubbling like a volcano.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Next we need to find the Warren. We may be able to encompass both ships with our shields.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::Theo:: You wanted a large light to shine on there. Will this do?
Jylliene: +Nei'rrh+ Aegis here.
Theobald Dumont: ::Dran:: I can see sunlight bubbling up from the nebula.
Chirakis: ::turns toward Kital::
Scott Coleridge: ::hears the comm:: Finally.
Theobald Dumont: Yes ma'am.
Johnson Kenyon: # ::Nijil: Aegis is returning the hail.
Tarisa: # They should not be far. Taking drifting into consideration, they should be in this area. ::Highlights location.::
Johnson Kenyon: # +AEGIS+ We have just restored power and will need to check on the shuttle Warren.
Alexis McFarland: @ ::slowly crawls over to Miana::
Jylliene: ::to Chirakis:: It's the Nei'rrh, ma'am
Chirakis: Put it on audio.
mimipavilion: ::listens::
Theobald Dumont: ::begins recording with the stellar interferometer::
Jylliene: ::puts it on the big speakers, as it were:: +Nei'rrh+ Say again, Nei'rrh.
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Fluffy tail going as she watches out the window. Her mind focused.::
Johnson Kenyon: # +AEGIS+ We have been getting hit by some sort of wave.. perhaps gravimetric with some ionization charges.
Fletcher Jackson: ::trying to focus on his work and listen at the same time:::
Alexis McFarland: @::Slides next to Miana and watches out the window::
Chirakis: ::turns to Dran, questioning::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: & Gila> :: Restores partial power ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: We're getting some good data.
Johnson Kenyon: # +AEGIS+ The Nei'rrh turned off power to the core as a precaution and we've been working on minimal power for an hour.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # :: Brings a short range scanner online, scans for the Warren ::
Theobald Dumont: There's a star inside that nebula and it's beginning to shine.
Johnson Kenyon: # +AEGIS+ We were scanning when the wave hit us... I'm going to try and send you the data.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::meeps as she see the Captain looking at her:: That, that seems consistent with our scans.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Cayne speaks up :: I have the Nei'rrh's location.
Chirakis: Put it onscreen.
Jylliene: +Nei'rrh+ Thank you, Nei'rrh. Anything further to report?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: A green dot shows up relatively close to the nebula, little else is garnered ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: The star seems to be some type of white dwarf or even a new classification of dwarf star.
Johnson Kenyon: # +AEGIS+ Can you assist us in deciphering the data to determine the cause of the wave... we have some tricorder data and think we have a temporary fix, but want to make sure.
Chirakis: ::listening to Dran::
Nijil tr'Korjata: # We are fine, nothing regarding the Argos II. No debris.
Jylliene: +Nei'rrh+ Of course. We'll patch it through to Science.
Annisha: @ Hey Doc, are we stuck here forever?
Johnson Kenyon: # ::transmitting data to AEGIS::
Jylliene: ::passing the incoming data through::
Theobald Dumont: ::putting the star up on the main viewscreen::
Tarisa: # +Aegis+ I am working on a theory that particles from the nebula are reacting negatively with a potential dwarf star.
Scott Coleridge: ::approaches the science station to take a look::
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> Oh, no my dear. You'll be home as soon as your ship is fixed.
Jylliene: Data received and patched to science.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # :: Sees the Warren is about 20 light minutes away, a while at impulse. Relays their location to Aegis ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::hears Tarisa:: That's what I believe is happening too.
Alexis McFarland: @ Fix.
Jylliene: ::receives the location data, adds to the screen::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Cayne> The Nie'rrh has relayed the Warren's location. :: A blue dot appears very close, at this distance, to the Nei'rrh green dot ::
Tarisa: # +Aegis+ Have the stations sensors located a planetoid within the nebula? Since we were down, I was unable to scan for gravity waves.
Chirakis: ACTION> Word comes to Kushana that Argos is nearly ready.
Annisha: @ Oh, au mean au can't fix yours?
Theobald Dumont: ::Dran:: we are getting a data stream from the away team's tricorder.
Jylliene: ::glances to science::
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> Oh.. ::slight chuckle::: No, dear. My shuttle has been broken for over ten years. And it's fairly well stuck in the ground.
Annisha: @ Kushana> :: to her comm :: What? :: listens :: And the hull? :: listens :: Very well.
Johnson Kenyon: # (plus the data from before the wave hit us)
Tae'Lynn Dran: Let's start matching up what we've got so far.
Annisha: @ Kushana> My ship repairs are nearly complete.
Theobald Dumont: ok
Alexis McFarland: @ No fix.
Jylliene: +Nei'rrh+ No sign of any planetoid yet.
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> No, there is no fix for this shuttle. But I am sure that your ship will be repaired in no time.
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Still fixed on the sky a moment, but then turns.:: I think the star is angry. ::frowns.::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::Tarisa:: There has to be a wave to see if there is a planetoid out here... It's gravimetric field is probably heavily affected by the dwarf star you mention
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> ::looks up:: The star?
Annisha: @ Angry stars? Are au in the catnip again?
Johnson Kenyon: # ::wonders how we account for the dwarf star::
Tarisa: @ Miana> Mmm. ::Nods, but not sure how to explain.:: The pretty lights is the star's scream.
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> Oh... ::points skyward:: That's our second sun. It does strange things every so often. Nothing to worry about.
Johnson Kenyon: # ::Nijil:: As long as we have the ship up, let's send out that probe to investigate further in.
Alexis McFarland: @Oooh.
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> It's quite far away.
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> But it does produce very pretty things in the sky, especially at night. Remember the aurora borealis?
Theobald Dumont: ::gathers all the data from the 3 wave comparison, spectral imaging of the dwarf star, and tricorder readings::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Nods.::
Alexis McFarland: @mm,
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Make it so Mr. Kenyon...standard search protocols.
Johnson Kenyon: # Aye sir ::tapping console to move the probe out in a standard search pattern::
Annisha: @ Romulus lost a lot of its air, also I lived near the warm places.
Johnson Kenyon: # +AEGIS+ We're sending a probe and will relay any data we find
Tarisa: # ::Figuring out a way to filter the stars gravity from the planetoids.::
Jylliene: +Nei'rrh+ Understood, Nei'rrh.
Tarisa: @ Miana> Boom, right? ::Frowns.::
Johnson Kenyon: # +Shuttle Warren+ Do you have any probes?
Alexis McFarland: @Boom
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> ::Miana:: Boom?
Scott Coleridge: ::looking over the sensor data::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Nods.:: Her planet went boom.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Taris, set a course of 124 mark 45, warp 2
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> Romulus? Did something happen to Romulus?
Tarisa: # ::Nods.:: Course set.
Johnson Kenyon: # WARP, sir?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: & Gila>+Nei'rrh+ Ah, there you are. Just got our comms up. We have three.
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Frowns.::
Theobald Dumont: ::Dran:: Are we looking for planetoids?
Alexis McFarland: @ ::Nods::It went boom.
Annisha: @ Oh, ie... the Breen.
Johnson Kenyon: # +WARREN+ We have launched one of ours and are about to move to another location.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Yes. That's our best bet on locating the lost ship.
Annisha: @ It's there, but...
Chirakis: @ Argos Engineer> ::reports emergency transponder is functional.
Johnson Kenyon: # ::to Nijil:: Didn't you say this could have been much worse if we went to warp?
Theobald Dumont: They must orbit that star.
Annisha: @ +Argos+ Send out a distress call.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # I did.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Should be a close orbit too.
Johnson Kenyon: # Something about "POP"
Chirakis: @ Engineer> +COM+ Engaging for distress.
Johnson Kenyon: # Don't you think we should take it slow?
Theobald Dumont: Yes, but inside the Nebula?
Tae'Lynn Dran: Since we're having a hard time getting a confirmed reading on the star I think any planets will be equally masked.
Tarisa: @ Y'shta> ::Noticing Miana's expression.::
Nijil tr'Korjata: # If au wish to pedal to Remus on a bicycle, sure.
Alexis McFarland: @::huggles Miana::
Tarisa: # ::Perks up.:: I am getting a distress signal. It is garbled, but I can detect it.
Tarisa: @ Miana> We need to leave...
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Really? Is it the Warren?
Johnson Kenyon: # ::tapping console to read the source::
Annisha: @ Well of course we do...wait.
Tae'Lynn Dran: I'm starting to think this is less a nebula and more the atmosphere of a very weird star.
Alexis McFarland: @ That would be nice.
Johnson Kenyon: # ::to Nijil:: Sir? Pedal to Remus? Is it safe for us to go to warp?
Nijil tr'Korjata: # :: Watches as the Nei'rrh drops out of its short warp ::
Theobald Dumont: ::Jylliene:: Are they sending out a probe?
Nijil tr'Korjata: # It just was. The Warren is only 3 minutes away now.
Jylliene: They did say they were...
Tarisa: @ Y'shta> She has a very high aptitude for science, but has trouble trying to explain.
Theobald Dumont: That will help. ::Dran:: we can better triangulate.
Johnson Kenyon: # ::Tarisa, can you relay the coordinates of the distress call to the Warren and Aegis?
Tae'Lynn Dran: We've got enough viewpoints on this. We should be able to.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Space is full of risk. I made a choice, a chance to live. If it was the wrong choice there would have been no time to argue.
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> ::Y'shta:: She does indeed.
Johnson Kenyon: # ::thinking he should have kept looking at Tarisa's tail.... based on his lack of understanding of Nijil::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: & Gila> Something dropped out of warp. +Nei'rrh+ Was that you Shuttlecraft Warren?
Tarisa: # ::Relays signal coordinates.::
Chirakis: @ Whippet> ::barks, jumps around, and runs toward the Argos, then comes back and barks again::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::stands up and heads to the back of the ship for some air::
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Au did sign the waivers before we left Mr. Kenyon?
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> What's the matter, girl? Something wrong?
Alexis McFarland: @ Mm, Miana is smart.
Jylliene: ::looks down:: Getting a set of coordinates from Nei'rrh.
Chirakis: 10:55 PM
Jylliene: Putting them onscreen.
Jylliene: ::patches them through::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::shakes head as he walks away::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Frowns.::
Tarisa: @ Miana> It will get worse.
Chirakis: @ Whippet> ::repeats jumping, moving toward Argos, then back and barking:::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::turns back, to Tarisa:: You might want to redirect the probe to those coordinates.
Tarisa: # ::Tapping console.:: Doing so now.
Theobald Dumont: ::Dran:: We should tell our people to look for the location of a tight orbit around that star.
Chirakis: @ Whippet> ::nips at Brubaker's clothing and barks:::
Annisha: @ Kushana> Doctor, I think au should gather your things, presuming au wish to leave this place.
Jylliene: Nei'rrh says it's from a distress signal.
Johnson Kenyon: # ::: closing the door to the front half of the ship and breathing deeply::
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> ::Kushana:: I agree. My things are packed. I'll help the girls.
Tae'Lynn Dran: I think they've got something.
Theobald Dumont: What a relief.
Nijil tr'Korjata: # Tarisa, encompass the Warren with our shields when we get close enough. Put us right over her.
Tarisa: @ Y'shta> ::Piggybacks Annisha.::
Chirakis: @ Brubaker> ::gathers some of the children's things and takes a hand:::
Chirakis: (two minutes)
Alexis McFarland: @ ::slowly gets up using her crutches::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::thinking none of Nijil's behavior makes any sense.... from fatalistic to suicidal... must be a Romulan thing::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Takes Brubaker's hand.::
Chirakis: @ Whippet> ::next to Miana::
Annisha: @ Are we leaving?
Tarisa: # Approaching the Warren now. ::Sets the ship above the shuttle and extends shields.::
Tarisa: @ Y'shta> Yes.
Alexis McFarland: @::hobbling along on her crutch, clutches onto Miana's other hand to keep balance::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::shakes head... moves over to the food replicator and orders a hot chocolate::
Theobald Dumont: ::Coleridge:: Commander, do we have access to the Breen energy dampening weapon intelligence?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: Cayne> The two shuttles are approaching each other. I do not know what another wave will do in that case.
Johnson Kenyon: # ::with plenty of whip cream::
Chirakis: ACTION ::some of Argos crew rounds the hill, one picks up Alexis and carries her and the others assist where they are needed:::
Chirakis: (Last words)
mimipavilion: ::watches and waits::
Johnson Kenyon: # ::sipping hot chocolate::
Scott Coleridge: ::standing next to Theo:: Good question.
Annisha: @ I am dizzy...
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 2/1/19
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Well played, as always.
Chirakis: We will pick it up from here.
Chirakis: Commander Coleridge, words for the crew?
Scott Coleridge: No
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none...
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.


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