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Sky Harbor Aegis | 5 October 2018

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 10/5/18 - 10:03 PM=/\=
29 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.119

TBS is 30 mi. The time is 2040 hours (8:40 PM) Aegis local.
A large alien starship is in orbit, well away from other ships.
They are physically and technologically advanced beyond any species we have ever encountered.
Dr. Sandero and Captain d'Ka made contact telepathically.
We now have an overload of information about them.
Captain Ramson is about to call the command staff (everyone) to the conference room.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Dacia Sandero: ::Still in the CNC I think::
mimipavilion: ::in medical::
Scott Coleridge: ::sitting in the conference room, idly rearranging the orbital docking pattern to recreate a piece of 23rd-century postpostmodern art::
Jylliene: ::CnC::
Kallah Ramson: ::on CnC::
Johnson Kenyon: ::recording the sensor readings of the main sensor array::
Chirakis: :::enters CnC with d'Ka, who enters the conference room while Kirel remains in CnC:::
Kallah Ramson: Ops, please call a senior staff meeting. let's see where we stand right now.
Scott Coleridge: ::nods at d'Ka:: Captain.
Cptn d'Ka: :::nods politely to Ramson, then enters the conference room:::
Jylliene: ::sends out the call for senior staff to the conference room::
Cptn d'Ka: ::nod:: Commander.
Scott Coleridge: This is about the point where Captain Ramson calls an all-hands meeting, so I thought I'd grab one of the more comfortable chairs.
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::enters the station off a runabout that took far too long to get here::
Kallah Ramson: ::enters conference room::
mimipavilion: ::hears the com and heads for the cnc and the conference room, leaving medical in charge with one of her assistants::
Cptn d'Ka: :::polite nod to Ramson:: Captain.
Kallah Ramson: ::returns the nod::
Dacia Sandero: ::follows everyone to the conference room::
mimipavilion: ::arrives on the CnC and goes directly to the conference room and takes a seat::
Jylliene: ::heads for the conference room::
Johnson Kenyon: ::packing up equipment and heading to the TL::
Dacia Sandero: ::Goes ahead and takes a seat too::
Chirakis: ::checks a few things, then enters the conference room and takes her place at the table:::
Kallah Ramson: ::steps over to one of the windows looking out onto the commerce decks, takes a moment to admire the view::
Tarisa: :;Follows into the conference room, taking a seat.::
Chirakis: ::standing until the captain sits:::
Cptn d'Ka: ::he looks worn, but focused:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looking at her PADD:: Okay. I'm here. I need to be... how do I get there.::looks up and around. the station's kinda big::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::With Alexis and Annisha.::
Johnson Kenyon: ::enters TL with bag, to computer:: Main engineering
Chirakis: Security Officer> ::approaches Dran:: Need some help, Ensign?
Kallah Ramson: ::turns back and and takes her seat at the table.::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::laying in bed, next to Miana::
Chirakis: (Kenyon, you're in the conference also)
Chirakis: ::sits:::
Annisha: @ :: Sleeping...mostly ::
Johnson Kenyon: (I'm not senior staff, but okay)
Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh, yes. I'm new. I'm guessing I need to check in with medical first. Um. How do I get... over there. :::points::
Cptn d'Ka: ::takes a seat:::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Sits down in the conference room ::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Sits next to Nijil ::
Kallah Ramson: Are we all here?
Chirakis: Security Officer> ::pointing to the wall screen, he activates it with a finger::: Ask, and it will tell you where to go and how to get there.
Johnson Kenyon: ::arrives at the conference room, a little dirty with a tool bag, takes a seat::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Smiles at Jylliene ::
Tae'Lynn Dran: Ah, okay. Thanks. ::looking around::: How long does it take to get use to navigating this place?
Chirakis: Security Officer> Not long, especially with the screens to lead you.
Jylliene: ::grins at Nijil::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::taps the screen. Looks over closely the diagrams and maps scrolling by::
Johnson Kenyon: ((about 6.9 months... 15 months if you use the Jefferies tubes))
Alexis McFarland: @ ::is sleeping as well, cuddles Miana::
Kallah Ramson: I believe we have gained a lot of information about the aliens. Can we make heads or tails of it though?
Cptn d'Ka: ::fingers steepled, he is relaxed, but worn::
Kallah Ramson: ::looks to d'Ka and Dacia::
Dacia Sandero: ::nods::
Johnson Kenyon: ::quiet.... wondering what he missed::
Cptn d'Ka: Yes, Captain.
Cptn d'Ka: ::takes a long look at Dacia, thinking of what could easily have happened, and glad it did not:::
Dacia Sandero: Yes, indeed.
Kallah Ramson: I must admit I have been guarding my mind to them, until we know better their intentions. This has hampered my ability to access them. :::looks to Dacia:: What can you tell us?
mimipavilion: ::looks around and listens::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::manages to make her way to a turbo lift:: Computer, please take me to main medical.
Cptn d'Ka: ::his focus is on Dacia::
Johnson Kenyon: ::feeling overwhelmed, continues to listen quietly::
Dacia Sandero: They seem to be benevolent, and pretty advanced. I wasn't able to find a way to communicate with them effectively, but they did seem to be quite intelligent and advanced in their technology.
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Listens ::
Chirakis: ::notes Kenyon's ill ease, she nods in his direction and a semi-smile, hoping it will relax him, if only a bit::
Jylliene: ::nods::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::shuffles through the things in her bag. She makes sure her transfer orders and records are ready if and when needed:::
Johnson Kenyon: ::awkwardly forces a smile, sits up straighter::
Kallah Ramson: ::to dKa:: do you agree?
Cptn d'Ka: ::looks up after a slow exhale:: Yes, Captain. However, there is much more. If you will allow me?
Johnson Kenyon: ::looks to dKa::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: shifts his attention ::
Kallah Ramson: ::slightly worried...Chirakis smile can be as dangerous as Chirakis frown::
Kallah Ramson: Go ahead.
Cptn d'Ka: Thank you, Captain. ::his tall, elf-like form rises from the conference chair and he pauses before beginning::
Dacia Sandero: ::looks over at d'Ka::
Jylliene: ::watches d'Ka::
Tarisa: ::Paying attention.::
Dacia Sandero: ::still trying to process everything she encountered from them herself::
mimipavilion: ::her attention is on d'Ka::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::arrives at medical:: oh, oh my. Okay, where's that map again.
Cptn d'Ka: This might frighten some of you, but I assure you, there is no need to be frightened by these newcomers. They are benevolent. They will not harm you unless they are forced to do so.
Scott Coleridge: ::wonders what d'Ka will say about this::
mimipavilion: Palmer>::sees the newcomer and approaches:: Can I help you?
Johnson Kenyon: ::upon hearing dKa, looks at his feet::
Cptn d'Ka: Therefore, I will tell you what I know, what was transmitted to me... and to Dr. Sandero ::he nods in her direction::: by the alien.
Alexis McFarland: @::Zzzz.. with Miana and Annisha::
Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh I hope so. Hi, Ensign Dran. I just transferred onboard.
Cptn d'Ka: They call themselves the Dahlem.
mimipavilion: Palmer> Ah, first of all welcome aboard. I take it that you are here for your medical exam. ::smiles::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Sleeping soundly, but occasionally purrs.::
Johnson Kenyon: ::repeating the name in his mind. Dahlem... Oddly comforted hearing a name::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::holds out a PADD:: Yes.
Cptn d'Ka: Yes, they are strong. They are formidable. They are technologically and physically well beyond our imagining. That is why they do not approach Aegis. They fear they might inadvertently do harm.
Cptn d'Ka: :He pauses to regain his strength:::
mimipavilion: Palmer>::takes the PADD and looks it over:: If you will follow me. ::leads Tae'Lynn to a biobed::
Kallah Ramson: :::sounding good so far...but still wary::
Jylliene: ::nods slightly::
Cptn d'Ka: They come from a system on the outskirts of the Large Magellanic cloud, approximately 25,000 light years from here.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Okay. :::follows along::
mimipavilion: ::slight nod, but is a bit concerned of all this::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Seems they won't be able to visit ::
Tarisa: ::Taking notes.::
mimipavilion: Palmer>::motions to the biobed::
Johnson Kenyon: ::mouthing, only 25000 light years::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::sets her bag down and hops up onto the biobed::
Cptn d'Ka: They were drawn here by something they detected in this area of space, and area they had not explored.
Kallah Ramson: ::interested in that::
Dacia Sandero: ::nods::
mimipavilion: Palmer>::begins scanning Tae'Lynn::
Johnson Kenyon: ::wonders if he should raise his hand::
Cptn d'Ka: I suspect :::looks to Ramson, then back to the rest:: I suspect that they detected the Lore King's construction of their intergalactic conduit. "Suspect" being the operative word.
Scott Coleridge: They are slightly late.
Johnson Kenyon: ::mouthing... Lore King::
Cptn d'Ka: :::he turns to Scott::: They have been here for several thousand years, Commander. Exploring.
Scott Coleridge: That ship?
Johnson Kenyon: Then, they probably have been watching us.
Cptn d'Ka: Of that I am not certain.
Cptn d'Ka: :::Kenyon:: Possibly.
mimipavilion: Ship?
Cptn d'Ka: ::he retrieves a piece of metal from a pocket and holds it up::
Johnson Kenyon: I just don't think you could be around for a couple thousand years and not notice a Federation of planets forming 25000 light years away
Cptn d'Ka: ::the metal is tarnished and broken:::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::looks at Palmer, trying to peek at the sensor readings::
Scott Coleridge: ::Mimi:: The ship currently lurking just at the edge of our range. I was asking if that ship has been here all that time.
Johnson Kenyon: ::watching d'Ka::
mimipavilion: ::nods to Scott::
Cptn d'Ka: ::Kenyon:: Perhaps you should ask them about that.
Johnson Kenyon: Love to, but they kinda freak me out
Cptn d'Ka: As they do most of us.
Tarisa: ::Tilts her head.::
Cptn d'Ka: However, to continue....
Scott Coleridge: Why make contact with us now, though?
Kallah Ramson: Have they suggested a more... normal... means of communicating.
mimipavilion: ::hopes it not that Frankenship, but turns her attention to d'Ka::
Cptn d'Ka: They are trying, Captain.
Kallah Ramson: ::nods, then looks to Coleridge and back to d'ka::
mimipavilion: Palmer>::finishes up the scan:: Well, it seems you are in perfect health.
Cptn d'Ka: The one who came to form a telepathic triangle signaled to Commander Coleridge in a kind of sign language. ::looks to Scott:::
Kallah Ramson: Yes, why now?
Tae'Lynn Dran: Good to know. That was a long runabout ride. They had us in a holding pattern for awhile. Something going on around here?
Cptn d'Ka: Commander, he pointed to your insignia, then to his, then put his two hands together. He was indicating that you were the same rank as he.
mimipavilion: Palmer>I'm not sure.
Tarisa: Maybe it is possible we fulfilled a requirement for first contact?
Cptn d'Ka: ::looks to Ramson::: I do not understand your question, Captain.
Johnson Kenyon: Are we certain of their benevolence? I mean if they are that technologically advanced they could do or make us feel anything
Kallah Ramson: ::though she took the oath, has had her personal issues with Starfleet first contact protocols, she doesn't like being on the other end of that either::
Cptn d'Ka: :::Tarisa:: Possibly.
Cptn d'Ka: ::Kenyon:: Also possible.
Kallah Ramson: I was repeating the Commander's questions. Why did they make contact now? As Tarisa said, did we pass some test or something?
mimipavilion: Palmer>I'll let Dr. Pavilion take a look at the scans, as well as letting her know that you came by. You are free to go.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Thank you. I should report in. Um.:::looking at the PADD again:: Where's the command level?
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: To Kenyon :: They would have done that and not revealed themselves.
Cptn d'Ka: I suspect that they detected our ships continually caught in their conduit, unable to communicate, unable to navigate properly. However, I am not sure. Again, it is an assumption.
Cptn d'Ka: ::still holding the metal in one hand:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Raises hand ::
Cptn d'Ka: Commander?
Johnson Kenyon: ::nods to Nijil::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: What is our threat assessment? Friend, foe..neutral?
mimipavilion: Palmer> About three levels down. Though I doubt you have the clearance to go to the CnC.
Annisha: @ :: Hears the zapper...Bzzzz ::
Dacia Sandero: I think they seemed friendly, but that's just my assessment of them
mimipavilion: ::sees that d'Ka is holding something in his hand and raises hers::
Tarisa: @ Miana> ::Ears twitch a second as she shoots upright.::
Cptn d'Ka: My personal threat assessment - through telepathy - is that they are benevolent. They want to explore our area of space. They find us benevolent as well, but err on the side of caution, as we do.
Scott Coleridge: Does anyone else feel like we keep attracting the attention of very alien, ultra-powerful species with access to vastly different methods of space travel from us?
Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh. Well. Okay. ::concerned.:: What should I do now?
Cptn d'Ka: :::waits politely:::
Johnson Kenyon: ::smiles at Commander Coleridge::
Kallah Ramson: there is a trend forming. ::smile::
Alexis McFarland: @ ::stirs:: Aww Miana. The bugs can't get in here. I think we're fine. ::pets::
mimipavilion: Palmer>::thinks for a moment:: You could go eat on the commerce level or find your quarters?
Cptn d'Ka: :::Coleridge, Ramson:: May I continue?
Kallah Ramson: Please.
Johnson Kenyon: Might I suggest one of us volunteer to go to their ship?
Cptn d'Ka: ::nods::: Doctor, you had a question?
Tarisa: @ Miana> :;Calms down. She stretches and then lays her groggy head back down.::
Johnson Kenyon: ::shuts up::
mimipavilion: ::to d"Ka:: I was just curious as to what is in your hand.
Cptn d'Ka: ::holds it up:: Ah.
Cptn d'Ka: You remember the USS Vladivostok and how they were rescued? How they were treated for illness by a strange group of aliens?
Annisha: @ :: lying in her bed :: Yeah... they need a new something... away from the farm.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Dropping my stuff off would be nice. If I haven't checked in, do I even have quarters yet?
mimipavilion: Of course, they were brought here.
Tae'Lynn Dran: Oh please tell me there's someplace to stay. I don't think I could take another night on that runabout.
Cptn d'Ka: ::he places the metal on the table:: This metal was given to me by one of the Dahlem. Dr., if you would, what is inscribed on the metal?
Johnson Kenyon: ::wonders if there is a log he could access of the Vladivostok.. one that wasn't above his clearance::
mimipavilion: Palmer>::pauses:: You could stay here for a bit until, go eat.
Cptn d'Ka: Would you read the inscription, please, Doctor?
Dacia Sandero: ::looks at the metal::
Tarisa: ::Looking at the metal, curious.::
Tae'Lynn Dran: I don't want to be in the way.::hops off the biobed::
Jylliene: ((She was expected, so there are quarters assigned. She'd just need to know to check a console to find them))
mimipavilion: ::takes the metal:: USS ::pauses...hesitantly:: Vladivostok
Cptn d'Ka: They were the strange beings who saved the crew of USS Vladivostok.
mimipavilion: Palmer>::Tae'lynn:: if nothing else you can check the computer via a console.
Dacia Sandero: Yes...
Tae'Lynn Dran: Maybe a little aimless exploring will help me get my bearings.
Cptn d'Ka: They are the ones who formulated the substance that saved the lives of many who had grown ill.
Nijil tr'Korjata: I would wager if they went this far to communicate with us that they have an open invitation.
Tae'Lynn Dran: I'll do that. Thanks again.::grabs her bag:: See you around.
mimipavilion: Palmer>::nods::
Chirakis: 10:50 PM
Kallah Ramson: One Question.
mimipavilion: ::sits back still holding the metal, remembering the whole incident::
Cptn d'Ka: ::nods to Nijil:: And, to answer your question about having someone go aboard, they have requested your science officers to come aboard.
Cptn d'Ka: Yes, Captain?
Kallah Ramson: Are they aware of the navigational hazard their entry point, the null space, has caused in the area?
Cptn d'Ka: They are.
Cptn d'Ka: And they are concerned.
mimipavilion: ::softly places it down::
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::steps back into the TL::
Cptn d'Ka: Their science officers are working on the problem now.
Scott Coleridge: ::gets a ping on his PADD that a new science officer has in fact arrived on the station, smiles when he thinks about what their first mission will be::::
Cptn d'Ka: And one last word, Captain, if you will permit me?
Tae'Lynn Dran: ::begins paging through the diagrams and maps again on the TL control panel::
Kallah Ramson: Go ahead.
Johnson Kenyon: ::listening to the conversation turn productive and feeling much better::
Cptn d'Ka: They are surprised that some of us resemble the humans - the Terrans - as much as we are surprised at them.
Cptn d'Ka: ::looking around, assuming that there are no more questions, he sits:::
Chirakis: 10:55 PM
Kallah Ramson: Anything from anyone else?
Chirakis: Yes, Captain.
Kallah Ramson: ::nods to Chirakis::
Jylliene: ::can't think of anything herself::
Johnson Kenyon: ::opens mouth and closes it::
Chirakis: Why do they clothe themselves always?
Jylliene: ::is puzzled::
Cptn d'Ka: ::smile:: The material protects them from the elements that they use for travel, especially when they travel through their conduit.
Chirakis: ::nod::
Tae'Lynn Dran: Okay, Command is just down there. Junior officer quarters up there. Ohh, Science Labs. ::study,study,study::
Tarisa: ::Is curious now.::
mimipavilion: ::wonder what their ship looks like::
Johnson Kenyon: Can anyone volunteer for this mission?
Kallah Ramson: No mission to volunteer for, yet.
Cptn d'Ka: ::hearing Mimi telepathically, he points to the viewport, where it is in full view, and it looks like a Starfleet ship:::
Chirakis: (two minutes)
Johnson Kenyon: ::looking at Capt Ramson, then back to the table::
Cptn d'Ka: ::then he relaxes, somewhat worn and trying not to show it:::
Jylliene: ::not used to folks wanting to volunteer- more used to folks being voluntold::
Kallah Ramson: Anything else?
Chirakis: (wise, Cdr Kital)
mimipavilion: ::sees d'Ka point out the viewport and mouths "oh" and is glad it's not the frankenship that showed up prior to the Vladivostok crew arriving::
mimipavilion: ::can tell that d'Ka is tired::
Kallah Ramson: If not, dismissed.

Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis: 10/5/18
Chirakis: Thank you.
Johnson Kenyon: Thanks for including me in the senior staff
Johnson Kenyon: I thought I was going to go around the station and do preventive maintenance or something
Chirakis: Of course. We use the terminology meaning everyone so everyone will know what is going on.
Chirakis: Captain, may I suggest a TBS that takes us to the next day?
Kallah Ramson: Agreed.
Chirakis: TBS will take us to Alpha shift - 0700
Chirakis: Comments for the crew, Captain?
Kallah Ramson: None.
Chirakis: Commander Coleridge?
Scott Coleridge: Nope
Chirakis: Comments or questions from the crew?
Chirakis: Seeing none...
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.

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