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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 09.02.18

MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur is in orbit of Risa where the crew has been participating in the opening days of a conference for candidate worlds for Federation Membership, while also playing host to former Federation Defense Secretary, Sulia Link. As we pick up, Excalibur is hosting the opening night reception for the delegation. Dress attire is formal, but i am told the food is good and the servers will be Risan, against the request of our VIP, so feel free to participate in the reception or enjoy the Risan suns setting on a beach with a fruity drink.


Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


William Chocox: ::is enjoying the food at the reception::

Cptn Swain: ::Making his way to the reception, checking his collar in the panel as he goes::

Cptn Swain: Arden> Worried your neck has gotten thicker? ::smirking, also in full-dress uniform:: I don't see why we had to come to this. You're not even on active duty and I am leave.

Cptn Swain: Miranda threatened to reprogram my replicator if we didn't.

Cptn Swain: Arden> ::continues smirking:: I don't see how that affects me. I have my own quarters.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene, never one to pass up food and an open bar, is already there with a cup of some opaque green drink. She looks like she might have been pre-gaming the reception, too. Her dress uniform, though, is impeccable. ::

Tandaris Admiran: ::has not been in a dress uniform for a while now, but he nevertheless manages to look presentable as he enters the reception room::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda was dressed to impress, uniform fresh and polished, looking lovely in her white dress jacket and grey tunic. For once, she wasn't frowning, but she *was* scrutinizing everything. The flowers, the food, the servers and their dress. The crewmen and their uniforms. Anything that wasn't perfect would be dealt with in swift manner.::

William Chocox: ::blinks as he looks over at the new arrival:: (m) Didn't know Commander Admiran even had a dress uniform.

Tandaris Admiran: ::makes his way to the food table::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Walking to the reception in her dress attire ::

William Chocox: ::walks up next to Commander Admiran:: I'm surprised you have a dress uniform.

Hunter Matheson: ::Kal enters the reception wearing full dress MGSGT SFMC blue and red, decorated to the hilt cause it helps catch the girls and maybe turn a few heads:::

Cptn Swain: ACTION> A real live Risan Jazz band is providing the entertainment for the evening, and dozens of diplomats for at least thirty different worlds have started to make their way into the reception area, which has huge floor to ceiling windows giving us a view of the Risan suns dipping behind the star. Secretary Link has yet to arrive, however.

Rhan K'hal: :: having had to wheedle, whine, beg and offer favors to the owner of a non-Risian style resort to cater and staff this thing on short notice, is in attendance ::

Hunter Matheson: ::he politely steps aside for the newcomers, introduces himself to a few, shakes a few hands when offered::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene appears and offers Miranda one of those little sandwiches with a toothpick through them. :: "Pretty packed in here, sir, but I see someone important is missing?"

Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: Not nearly as surprised as the person who is now missing one….

William Chocox: ::blinks again:: You didn't.

Hunter Matheson: ::using his best "sir" and "ma'am" whenever he can, scanning the crowd to get a good feel of the invitees:::

Cptn Swain: ::Enters with Arden in tow, they looked down right adorable together.::

Hunter Matheson: ::doubletake at the couple::

Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: I can't confirm or deny without making you an accessory¦.

Tandaris Admiran: Best you retain plausible deniability.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Divas like to make an entrance. ::She took the sandwich from Irene and popped it into her mouth.::

William Chocox: Of course sir. Didn't hear a thing.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: My point exactly. ::Pointing at Swain as he entered.::

Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Also making his way in, wearing full Romulan Star Navy dress uniform which included his rank sash. He had considered wearing a cape, but demurred. What if he needed to make a quick escape and the cape got caught in the turbolift doors?::

Tandaris Admiran: ::glances over at the couple's entrance:: Hmm.

Rhan K'hal: :: gives a jaunty little salute to Arden and Swain as he passes by, ushering a certain old diplomat toward the non-alcoholic drinks table ::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Enters the reception ::

William Chocox: ::looks over at Swain and Arden:: Surprised he was allowed to come.

Tandaris Admiran: He looks so serene.

Hunter Matheson: ::he's inside, meaning no cover, which means no saluting, but he does nod a greeting to the couple:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She hissed at a server as he passed.:: There's a stain on your jacket. Get it seen to before our guest arrives.

Tandaris Admiran: We might have to prevent a murder.

Cptn Swain: ::Makes his way over to Miranda and the new science officer.::

Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Makes his entrance through a side door. ::

Irene Mincine: "I see..." :: She watches Arden and Swain's entrance, then Issaha's, and Indaura's comparatively muted entrance. :: "I was at one of these with my mother once. The guest, a member of the High Council came in, completely blasted, and tried to look up the server's skirt. It was... a fun evening."

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She glowered at Swain as he neared, flexing her injured hand. The swelling had gone down enough to forego the wrap, but it still twinged. Worth it, though.:: Good evening, Arden.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: We might have a bit of fun at this one. ::She said aside to Irene.::

Cptn Swain: Arden> ::Grabs a fruity drink from a passing server for himself, letting Asher fend for himself:: Good evening, Miranda.

William Chocox: I could find a distraction down in Engineering.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene chuckled to herself, then reflexively stood up straighter when Swain and Arden approached. :: "Sir. Sirs."

Rhan K'hal: :: having steered the old lush into the arms of the escort that was arranged for him, far-far away from the bar, then steers his way back around and notes all the pips congregating ::

Hunter Matheson: :::he finally weaves through the crowd to Cho, nods to Cdr Admirin:: Commander.

Cptn Swain: As you were Ensign. ::Grabs a bubbly drink.:: This looks fantastic.

Hunter Matheson: ::Cho::: Grab a few beers and I'll join you in engineering.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She ignored Swain and tried to catch Rhan's eye, waving him over.::

Tandaris Admiran: ::nods at Hunter::

Rhan K'hal: :: hopes Miranda keeps her knuckles to herself tonight, makes his way over at her signal ::

William Chocox: The types of distractions that I have are best not handled while inebriated.

Rhan K'hal: Captain, Commanders, and various other ranks.

Hunter Matheson: ::he nods to Cho, then turns to Admiran:: Sir, I take it that these receptions are few and far between?

Irene Mincine: :: Irene slouched once again at Swain's word. :: "You should try this, captain. I'm... not really sure what it is." :: She sipped the opaque green drink and winced. ::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Gets a drink ::

Indaura Ryssan: :: drinks ::

Cptn Swain: Vulcan Port I think.

Cptn Swain: Or something new from Frocus III.

Hakran K'hal: $ :: since no one put a phaser to his head to make him go, and hates getting confused for his brother in the dress whites, is in his quarters listening to Andorian metal while reading up on some of the topics that will be on offer at the symposium ::

Cptn Swain: Arden> ::Nods, sipping from his own drink::

Cptn Swain: Where is our most distinguished guest?

Hunter Matheson: ::holds up a hand to wave off a server, passing on whatever pretty concoction is on the tray:::

Tandaris Admiran: ::Hunter:: I can't remember the last one we had.

Tandaris Admiran: Then again, we spent a long time in the Gamma Quadrant.

Cptn Swain: ::He'd yet to actually meet the Secretary, but he'd heard more than enough already from the ships gossip wheel. He had also heard about Miranda's little trick with his whiskey, but decided that was fair recompense for everything he'd put her through lately.::

Tandaris Admiran: Now that we're back here … I guess these will be more common. ::doesn't sound pleased by this::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She spoke quietly to Rhan.:: K'hal, there's a Tellarite delegate that's already started being argumentative near the bar. Have Matheson steer him away from the Andorian or they're liable to spark a war.

Hunter Matheson: ::Admiran:: Yes, sir. Guess that would keep you away from this type of thing.

Rhan K'hal: :: sighs, nods ::

Rhan K'hal: :: looks around, finds Hunter and beelines for him ::

William Chocox: There's worse things than these little parties. We could be chasing the captain through a swamp.

Hunter Matheson: And... you look just about as happy as I feel. ::forces a smile to a delegate::

Hunter Matheson: ::feels a bee coming his way:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She straightened, once more scanning the crowd for any sign of trouble. Her eyes flitted briefly to Swain.:: She'll get here when she gets here. She's very eager to meet *you* for some reason.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene shrugs. :: "Whatever it is, it's good. I'll have to... um... procure some, planetside."

Cptn Swain: Arden> ::Catches Asher's eye for a moment, before turning to Irene:: Why don't you come with me and see if we can find something to eat.

Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: That's an excellent point. ::snags a drink off a tray::

Rhan K'hal: :: zooms in :: Hello, pleasant evening, lovely wine, etc etc. I need to borrow the Gunny. :: grabs him by the elbow and leads him off a little way ::

William Chocox: ::snags a drink off the same tray::

Tandaris Admiran: And it has been a long time since I was on Risa

William Chocox: Too bad we're not on Risa.

Hunter Matheson: ::dragged away:: We being attacked, sir?

Cptn Swain: Arden> ::Politely whisking Irene away, leaving Asher and Miranda alone::

Irene Mincine: :: Food? Food! :: "Certainly, sir. If you'll excuse me, Commander. Captain." :: She figured she was being whisked away, but didn't really care. FOOD! ::

Cptn Swain: I really don't deserve him. ::He took a drink:: Or you.

Rhan K'hal: :: Hunter :: No, but we can prevent a war. Bar, at 11 O'Clock. Tellarite and Andorian getting a little heated. You go in for the Tellarite and get him interested in military history or something, and I'll come in and smooth the Andorian's antennae.

Hunter Matheson: Yes, sir. :::moves in:::

Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: Yes, but the trick is to pick your sessions based on the best locations.

William Chocox: True.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: No, you don't. ::Agreeing wholeheartedly.:: You're lucky he loves you enough to have come to me.

Hunter Matheson: :::squeezes between the two:: Excuse me, sirs.... ::Andorian:: Sir, you look very familiar.

Cptn Swain: ::He nodded, there wasn't much more to say to that, as it was entirely accurate.::

Hunter Matheson: Andorian> :::glare:::

Cptn Swain: He's always been there, you know. No matter how many times I pushed away or found a reason -- he's always been there. ::Smiles::

Hunter Matheson: Oh... wait... I know. I saw you down on Kalamari V last year. You're Sinta Inzar, Delegate to the Union!

Hunter Matheson: ::glad he reads those weird magazines when they come through:::

Tandaris Admiran: For example, one of my sessions will finish just before opening time of this delightful little club with the most intriguing dancing.

Hunter Matheson: Inzar> ::skeptical:: And you are?

William Chocox: I don't need details sir.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: And yet you keep stepping on his feelings. ::She looked away with a slight sigh, feeling more sorry for Arden than angry at Swain.:: We seriously need to talk about your future on this ship.

Hunter Matheson: Matheson, sir. Master Gunnery Sergeant Matheson, sir. I am honored to make your acquaintance. ::straightup Marine attention:::

Cptn Swain: ::Takes another drink:: The last time I brought that up you punched me.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene offers Arden one of those little sandwiches with a toothpick from a tray, as well. :: "I... hmm..." :: She's watching the marine and the Andorian, from a distance. ::

Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: Are you attending any sessions? Or are you going to spend all your time working on that little project of yours?

William Chocox: Little of Column A, a little of Column B.

Cptn Swain: Arden> ::takes the offered sandwich:: I love these. Risan food is excellent. I was station at Starbase 12 for a couple years and it's just a hop skip and jump, so we'd come here a lot on long weekends.

William Chocox: I suppose I should try to mix in "fun" every so often.

Hunter Matheson: ::doesn't let him get a word in edgewise as he gently maneuvers the Andorian toward the smorgasbord::: How about something to eat, sir? Drink? ::glances over the Andorian's shoulder:::

Tandaris Admiran: You're more than welcome to come to the session tomorrow on the application of Klingon political science to current tensions in the Borathi Kantella trade wars.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene is also eating a sandwich, careful to keep any off her dress uniform. :: "I didn't leave Proxima before I joined Starfleet. Risa seems pretty nice."

Hunter Matheson: Inzar> ::Mutters something about overzealous Starfleet personnel but is delighted to see the food:::

Sulia Link: ::Making her entrance, dressed to the hilt in the latest, very tasteful, Arbazan fashion::

William Chocox: Sounds riveting.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Yea, well, you caught me off guard. It felt like a betrayal of the highest order. Like we braved untold dangers and put our own careers on the line to save you, but you really didn't need saving and aren't even going to stick around so I can be mad at you for a long time.

Cptn Swain: I said I was thinking about retiring. I've been thinking about retiring since the Dominion War. ::He sighed:: But it was a poor choice of timing.

Hunter Matheson: ::and Inzar seems engrossed by the food, so he works himself away::

Indaura Ryssan: :: Taking another drink, watching others from a quiet corner of the reception ::

Hunter Matheson: ::and decides that going to a delegate reception in full dress isn't exactly the thing to do next time:::

Cptn Swain: And for the record... I did appreciate your backup. If you hadn't come... well I feel pretty certain we would have either been left to rot in the LMC or I would have been a prisoner of the Tal'Shiar.

Sulia Link: ::Frowns almost immediately as she enters. Everything was ... wrong. The music. The food. The flowers. The... waiters. Gods be good she was going to have someone's hide for this.::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Poor timing, indeed. ::Her frown only deepened as their guest arrived.:: Here comes the explosion.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Slightly pleased with herself.::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene notices the frowning guest of honor. :: "Sir..." :: She says quietly, nudging Arden and gesturing to her. ::

Rhan K'hal: :: notes that the Tellarite was so surprised at having the Andorian he was arguing with stolen out from under him, has had the wind blown out of his sails and is just frowning into his drink - turns around and just shakes his head :: I know I speak perfect Standard.

Hunter Matheson: ::weaves his way out of the delegates and into more familiar surroundings:::

Rhan K'hal: :: sees Link enter :: Oh dear, that's the "Bomb Romulus" face.

Hunter Matheson: :::finally finding Rhan and is close enough to hear his comment:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Madame Secretary! ::She moved to greet their diva.:: A pleasure to see you again. Might I introduce you to our Captain, Asher Swain?

Hunter Matheson: :::and turns toward the Bomb:::

Hunter Matheson: ::on his way by Rhan:: (w) Mission accomplished, sir. ::and moves on:::

Rhan K'hal: :: hums something along the lines of agreement ::

Sulia Link: ::Storms past several guests and directly towards Hawthorne and Swain, though she completely ignored Hawthorne:: CAPTAIN SWAIN! I see you finally decided to show your face. I don't know what this whole nonsense was about leave of absence, but you have some explaining to do. Your... your first officer ::again pretending Miranda wasn't there:: and that... that mangy Caitian ninkenpoop you call an operations officer have *ruined* this reception! I gave extremely clear directions that were to be followed to the exact letter! Do you have any idea...

Hunter Matheson: ::can't help hearing the bomb do her bombing::: (w) Crap.

Rhan K'hal: :: crosses his arms at the "mangy Caitian ninkenpoop" bit, mutters "forget what I thought earlier, please DO use your knuckles, Commander." ::

Irene Mincine: :: Irene was doing her best to make herself invisible. ::

Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: Like I said. Murder. Prevention. ::takes a sip of his drink and watches with amusement::

William Chocox: Shall I head to Engineering?

Hunter Matheson: :::nodnodnod to Cho:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She took a step back from the diva's wrath, trying to look contrary and failing miserably. Tilting to look at Swain, she smiled broadly.::

Cptn Swain: ::Clears his throat just loud enough to get her attention, and no doubt anyone else:: Madame Secretary, It is an honor to meet you I've heard... so much about you, I will give you a tiny bit of free advice that I can't believe someone hasn't given you yet. First, if you don't want the whole room to know somethings screwed up, don't yell. Fake it till you make it. Second, Commander Hawthorn and Mister K'hal are two of the finest officers I have ever had the pleasure of serving with and I would strongly suggest you avoid using such disparaging and frankly racist language to describe them or any member of my crew again.

Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: And miss the fun?

William Chocox: See, that's the dilemma.

Irene Mincine: :: Irene whispers to Arden, stifling laughter at Swain's response. :: "Sometimes it's nice being an ensign..."

Cptn Swain: While you are a guest aboard this ship, I will note that you are not a full ambassador and thusly have no actual command authority here, so I advise you sit back get a drink and enjoy the rest of the evening, Madame Secretary.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Getting a bit of a buzz from the back of the room ::

Sulia Link: ::Blinks, not exactly sure what to say::

Cptn Swain: Arden> ::to Irene:: He does have his moments,

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> At Miranda's cue, the band resumed playing a distinctly Risan melody.

Sulia Link: ::Clears her throat again, patting down her dress:: Well then, Captain, have a good evening. I think I shall retire for the night.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Remembers this song ::

Cptn Swain: ::Wait for Link to get out of ear shot:: I think I need another drink.

Rhan K'hal: Well, that'll be trending on InstaHologram in ten minutes.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She shot Swain a glance.:: That was almost worth the trouble you put us through.

Hunter Matheson: ::lets out a breath he was holding:::

William Chocox: Well, that was disappointing all in all.

Hunter Matheson: ::Cho:: So, you *wanted* the fireworks?

Irene Mincine: "That was fast..." :: Once Link left. :: She finished her green drink. ::

Cptn Swain: Can't retire if they fire you. ::pats his temple with one finger::

Cptn Swain: Arden> ::on his second drink:: Mmhmm

Tandaris Admiran: ((Been there, tried that, didn't stick))

Rhan K'hal: :: not particularly happy after being manipulated by Miranda for this, then insulted by Link on top of it, stiffly exits the room ::

Cptn Swain: But in all seriousness, Miranda, you should come have dinner with Arden and I at the Lagoon tomorrow. Arden is insisting on cooking and we can talk about... things.

William Chocox: I would've provided them.

William Chocox: But you didn't hear that from me.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Her lips twitched.:: Fine, but only because Arden is cooking.

Tandaris Admiran: ::Matheson:: It isn't really a vacation on Risa until the first murder!

Cptn Swain: Issaha>::waiting outside, he didn't really like the Risan jazz:: Hey, Mister K'hal!

Hunter Matheson: ::cho:: Copy that, sir.

Hunter Matheson: ::blink:: Murder, sir?

Hunter Matheson: No wonder the Corps doesn't allow liberty on Risa.

Rhan K'hal: :: narrows his eyes :: El'Arrain N'Dak, is there something I can do for you?

William Chocox: A good murder mystery can keep the mind sharp.

Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Smiles, warmly:: You can come down to the planet with me and help me find a good place to watch the sunset with a relaxing drink. The reception was really lovely, but the Risan Jazz does something to my ears ::smiles::

Hunter Matheson: ::just stares::

Cptn Swain: << Two minute warning, thanks for going over tonight >>

Rhan K'hal: Getting off this gods-damned ship and getting drunk sounds great, I don't really care where the sun is.

Cptn Swain: ::Smiles:: He'll be delighted.

Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::grins:: Point the way to the transporter room, then.

William Chocox: You've never pretended to be Sherlock Holmes on the holodeck Gunny?

Irene Mincine: "I'm definitely going down to the planet after this reception..." :: Irene said no to a refill on her drink. ::

Rhan K'hal: I can do better than that. :: pulls out his padd, tap tap tappity tap, and away shimmer the large-eared ones ::

Cptn Swain: ...and...

Hunter Matheson: :::slides slowly toward the entrance, picking up his cover on the way, holding it under his left arm and making for the lift:::

Hunter Matheson: ::whew:::


Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


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