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Sky Harbor Aegis | 10 November 2017

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 11/10/17=/\=
14 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.104
TBS is 4 hours. The time is 1200 hours - 1200 PM Aegis local.
Ma'ev crew is on Aegis, getting medical and psychological assistance.
We are concerned about the time loop posing a threat to other ships.
We are investigating the possibility that the Ma'ev has found the path to the Lore Kings.

=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Kallah Ramson: ::stepping out of her office onto the CnC::
Fletcher Jackson: ::CnC, after a large lunch that tasted great but he probably should not have had:::
Jylliene: @ ::preparing for a hike::
Scott Coleridge: ::on the CnC, neck-deep in managing the shift-change chaos caused by so many crew being seconded for medical duty::
Chirakis: ::steps into CnC from the lift and nods to Ramson:: Captain.
Nijil tr’Korjata: @ Au up for this?
mimipavilion: ::in her office, having lunch, given the circumstances::
Kallah Ramson: ::returns the nod::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: checking his shoes ::
Amanda Davis PhD: ::in the medical complex, tending to those who need it:::
Alexis McFarland: ::gets her lunch of linguini and a Jumja Dew::
Lawliet: ::in the CnC, cross checking long range sensor data and data from the Ma'ev::
Kallah Ramson: ::steps over to Scott:: Commander.
Jylliene: @ Of course. ::grins:: It's a walk around the lake, not terribly far.
Gila Orrak: :: Patrolling the commerce level ::
Dacia Sandero: ::in medical, still tending to the Romulans::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: holds her hand :: Let's go.
Jylliene: @ ::accompanies::
Annisha: :: Eating with her friends :: Come come we are always eating, and if not that, sleeping?
Alexis McFarland: ::quickly finds an empty table and sits down::
Chirakis: ::moves to the TAC console:: Commander Cayne, you are relieved for lunch. Enjoy yourself. Take a few extra minutes if you need them. ::she is obviously in a calmer mood than normal::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: At his station on the CnC ::
Alexis McFarland: But it's lunch time.
Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: Captain.
Fletcher Jackson: ::stifles a burp::
Alexis McFarland: And I like sleeping with Miana
Kallah Ramson: Do you have a moment to discuss something in private?
Amanda Davis PhD: ::entering her office after receiving notice that the records she requested have been delivered:::
Annisha: What, is she warm or something?
Annisha: I can be warm...
Scott Coleridge: ::Ramson:: Of course. Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask the same of you. But then... ::gestures:: you know. Stuff happens. It keeps happening.
KelsaViegnor: ::having lunch::
Amanda Davis PhD: ::looks to Mimi's office, wondering if she had anything to do with expediting them:::
Kallah Ramson: Starfleet's unofficial motto. Stuff Happens.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Goes along a path that circles the lake ::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Eating with the others. giggles::
Kallah Ramson: ::motions towards the conference room::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ I think it's autumn here, sure feels it.
Alexis McFarland: Yes, she;s warm and cuddly. You're warm too Annisha
Chirakis: ::hearing Ramson, she even smiles as she mentions again:: Commander Cayne, you are relieved for lunch.
mimipavilion: ::still eating her food, looking at something, paying no mind to Amanda::
Jylliene: @ ::enjoying the view of the lake and the surrounding trees:: It does. Refreshing, isn't it?
Chirakis: ::Cayne:: Take all the time you need.
Annisha: They say Rihan blood runs hot.
Scott Coleridge: ::Fletcher:: Mr. Jackson, I'll be back. If anyone calls complaining about the shift schedules, send them to my voicemail. ::does not have voicemail::
Tarisa: ::Is outside the lab, sipping on a tea.::
Fletcher Jackson: Yes, sir.
Fletcher Jackson: ::wondering what voicemail is::
Kallah Ramson: ::steps into the conference room::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Nods :: Thank you captain. :: logs off::
Fletcher Jackson: ::doesn't want to ask::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Puts her forehead on Annisha's:: Yes, she is warm.
Fletcher Jackson: ::but.. okay...voicemail it is:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Steps to exit the CnC ::
Alexis McFarland: ::eats her linguini:: Very warm and soft
Chirakis: ::logs into the TAC console and takes the con:::
Lawliet: ::looking through historical fragmented historical records concerning the Lore Kings::
Scott Coleridge: ::follows Ramson into the conference room::
Dacia Sandero: ::checking on the most injured Rihannsus::
Chirakis: :::still pondering her bond mate's comment:::
Alexis McFarland: Cuddly Rihannsu.
Annisha: I am NOT cuddly, no matter what anyone says
Chirakis: ::and wondering what he knows that he is not saying:::
Jylliene: @ It's nice to feel a change in season. The station is comfortable, and I like it - but it's always that same perfect temperature.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Enters the lift ::
Alexis McFarland: ::giggles::
Gila Orrak: :: Looks over the shops ::
Kallah Ramson: ::sits on the edge of the table as the door closes. smiles::
Scott Coleridge: ::wary of that smile::
Fletcher Jackson: :::sending the commander's requests to... whatever he thinks looks like voicemail::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Thinks :: Au are right. I mean they simulate the day and night cycles, but it's still not the same. I mean I think we both take medication for it.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: As he talks a leaf falls onto his open hand ::
Kallah Ramson: Command has encouraged us to investigate the threat this time loop might pose to other Romulan ships.
Jylliene: @ ::wonders what medication he's talking about::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Cuddles Annisha.:: Liar.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: twirls it in his hand :: This does not happen either.
Annisha: :: grrs ::
Jylliene: @ ::decides not to ask::
Tarisa: Miana> ::purrs::
Jylliene: @ It doesn't.
Kallah Ramson: So, we will proceed with the Adriatic going on a science mission.
Alexis McFarland: ::huggles Annisha:: Mmm
Scott Coleridge: Fold. But yes, that makes sense.
Tarisa: Miana> Yay huggle party.
Annisha: No, no, no...
Kallah Ramson: I will not be commanding the mission. I want your suggestion on who should.
Alexis McFarland: Yes yes yes
Gila Orrak: :: Stops by Kelsa's shop :: Hello?
KelsaViegnor: ::noms on one of the Blubby wraps she's heard the prominent group of children refer to::
Chirakis: ::after she checks the area for threats and finds none, she sets the alarm for significant threats and moves to Lawliet:: Commander, have you eaten lately?
Scott Coleridge: Hmm, interesting.
Scott Coleridge: Commander Lawliet has expressed a great deal of interest about moving into the command track. That's one of the things I was meaning to mention to you.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Enters the commerce area ::
Kallah Ramson: ::nods::
KelsaViegnor: Thelea> ::looks up, in shop:: Hello. ::greeting Gila::
Alexis McFarland: ::wipes some linguini sauce from her mouth::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Giggles::
Lawliet: ::looks up at Chirakis:: What...is it lunch time already?
Scott Coleridge: I'm not exactly objective here, though.
Annisha: Au know, I did not have many friends on ch'Rihan..
KelsaViegnor: Thelea> How may I help you?
Chirakis: Yes, Commander, it is. You are free to go, if you so choose. The universe will not end if you relax a while.
Scott Coleridge: There’s a limited number of potential mission commanders, and *I* don't want to do it, so I’m not going to suggest myself.
Gila Orrak: I was looking for the owner. I used to work here before...working somewhere else. :: gestures to her uniform ::
Jylliene: @ It is lovely, all of the colors. That one is nearly violet.
mimipavilion: ::finishes up her lunch and moves into main medical, looking for Dacia::
Alexis McFarland: That's too bad, Annisha.
Jylliene: @ ::indicates one of the trees ahead::
Scott Coleridge: That was the other thing I wanted to ask you, Captain.
Dacia Sandero: ::working on a patient::
Amanda Davis PhD: ::Amanda closes down the console and sits there for a while, wondering how the Romulans keep their people so fit. Unless they only choose the ones who are fit in the first place, which is entirely possible:::
Alexis McFarland: I can't say I didn't have any friends on Earth or Betazed
Kallah Ramson: ::grin:: I was wondering if the taste of command was sticking with you.
Scott Coleridge: The whole … offering me command of the Melbourne … thing … that was someone's idea of a bad practical joke, right?
Lawliet: ::scufs:: Perhaps not. ::signs out of his terminal::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ The variations here are much more than our park.
KelsaViegnor: Thelea> She is at lunch. Is there something I can help you with, or perhaps leave a message for her?
Chirakis: (Orville)
Alexis McFarland: Or even Vulcan or Andoria
Chirakis: (And it was not a joke.)
Scott Coleridge: ((See, I can't even remember the name of the ship!))
Chirakis: (Not exactly a name you would like to remember)
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ Do au ever see yourself settling on a planet?
mimipavilion: ::spots Dacia with a patient and walks over and stands back enough so not worry the patient::
Amanda Davis PhD: :finally, she stands and exits her office, looking for Mimi:::
Dacia Sandero: ::finishes with the patient and notices Mimi nearby:: Need anything?
Fletcher Jackson: ::hm.. another for voice mail:::
Jylliene: @ Now and then. I think I could be happy doing that.
Annisha: I wonder if I'd be allowed to travel the Federation worlds. Must be different than in the Galae.
Lawliet: ::walks over to turbolift:: Commerce Area.
mimipavilion: ::shakes her head:: Just wondering how things were going?
Jylliene: @ And you?
Kallah Ramson: It was not a joke. Well, not on you. Maybe on me perhaps. I believe we had to pry you out of engineering. Would be interesting if we woke the giant in putting you into command.
Alexis McFarland: Andoria is cold, Vulcan is deserty and hot and Earth can be both... Betazed is nice and warm
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ I was thinking of it... after a time. I really relished in my time on the homeworld.
Alexis McFarland: What's your planet like, Miana?
Chirakis: ::content taking the watch while the others relax, as it gives her the opportunity to watch their replacements, just in case:::
Jylliene: @ ::nods::
Annisha: Ch'Rihan is temparate, but now it's....
Scott Coleridge: May I speak freely?
Kallah Ramson: Always.
Chirakis: ::then she realizes what she is thinking, and it harks back to d'Ka's cautionary statement:::
Alexis McFarland: Aw. ::hugs Annisha:::
Fletcher Jackson: ::voice mail::
Gila Orrak: :: to Thelea :: I'll visit next time. Just let her know Gila came to visit.
Alexis McFarland: Earth can be nice and warm too
Fletcher Jackson: ::voice mail, voice mail, voice mail::
Tarisa: Miana> Mithra is very nice.
Scott Coleridge: ::deep breath::
KelsaViegnor: Thelea> I will do so. Thank you. ::nods politely::
Amanda Davis PhD: ::waiting for Mimi's attention::
Lawliet: ::exits the turbolift and walks down the path toward the restaurants::
Dacia Sandero: Things are going along nicely ::got distracted on another patient:: We managed to treat a good number of patients.
mimipavilion: ::smiles:: Good. good. Get some lunch if you haven't eaten yet.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ I hope we can hold on to this moment :: squeezes her hand ::
Chirakis: ::standing amidships in the CnC::
Scott Coleridge: What was Starfleet thinking, extending that kind of offer? I've barely managed to get used to the idea of being an executive officer! The idea of me commanding a starship is... it's risible, that's what it is.
Scott Coleridge: My success on the mission with Aegean was more down to our crew's competence and how used I am to working with them.
Jylliene: @ ::grins:: That's the idea. That we make memories to recall.
Alexis McFarland: Like Betazed then.. nice and warm with beautiful palm trees... but not as touristy as Risa
Scott Coleridge: I was just getting used to being an XO, and for someone at Starfleet to decide to offer me a command... it... ::sighs:: It has rattled me.
Gila Orrak: :: Continues on and thinks of lunch ::
Scott Coleridge: ::needed to get that out there::
Amanda Davis PhD: ::patiently waiting, knowing that Mimi is very busy:::
Lawliet: ::finds an earth-based fish restaurant and takes a seat::
Dacia Sandero: ::mimi:: Yeah, will do. ::Looks at her chrono::
KelsaViegnor: ::nom nom nom on the wrap. Surprisingly good.::
mimipavilion: ::has a feeling someone is behind and turns around a bit and sees Amanda and nods back to Dacia::to Amanda:: What can I do for you?
Kallah Ramson: It should rattle you. Should scare the hell out of you. Every single time it should take your breath away.
Amanda Davis PhD: Hello, Mimi. I know you're terribly busy, but I do want to let you know that no one on the Ma'ev crew has a history of psychological or physical problems.
Dacia Sandero: ::feels little hungry now, works on her new patient giving them a hypo and a wave of the dermal regenerator. Tells the Romulan to rest up::
Kallah Ramson: There are a lot of lives resting on your actions, your command decisions.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ This may not be a bad planet to settle on, but I enjoy a bit of technology.
Amanda Davis PhD: There are a few, of course, who have scars from fighting. But there are none major.
Kallah Ramson: And you can't do it all.
Chirakis: 10:30 PM
mimipavilion: Alright, but I have a feeling of something else from you. Understood.
Jylliene: @ ::nods:: It's a beautiful place, but yes, I'd choose someplace a bit more connected.
Alexis McFarland: ::eats a piece of garlic bread and dips it in some of the leftover sauce::
Scott Coleridge: That's not even the part that bothers me. Even as an engineer, the lives of the station sometimes rested on my actions. But as an engineer, I was part of a team of equals.
Kallah Ramson: But, just as you said... the success comes from the competence of the crew...and getting the most out of that.
Scott Coleridge: Being captain strikes me as a very lonely thing.
Annisha: Would I be accepted on Mithra?
Amanda Davis PhD: You do?
Kallah Ramson: ::smiles:: That depends on your command style.
Alexis McFarland: I'd like to visit Mithra too.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Nods.:: Mmhm. Everyone is friendly.
Kallah Ramson: They try and train a certain detachment.
mimipavilion: No not really, but I'm sure you do, if you did.
Fletcher Jackson: ::voice mail... voice mail... voice mail:::he frowns, wondering how the commander deals with this without screaming:::
Annisha: Well, we both have pointy ears :: shows hers ::
Amanda Davis PhD: ::laughs lightly:: You've lost me, Mimi.
Jylliene: @ Connected, but with plenty of natural areas.
Kallah Ramson: The Captain who believes he is the better of his crewmates will not get everything possible out of the crew.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ You however seem to be on a Command track.
Lawliet: ::orders a plate of salmon::
Jylliene: @ No reason to leave the station to begin with if we'd end up settling in the midst of a completely urban...
Scott Coleridge: I am content to remain as I am for the time being, Captain. Or, you know, if you find someone better, I could always shift back into engineering... ::can't keep a certain wistful tone out of his voice::
Jylliene: @ Command track?
Jylliene: @ Me?
Jylliene: @ ::not so sure of that::
Kallah Ramson: ::smiles:: The problem is you've proven you have the experience to command
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ I think you'd be great. And if au need a chief engineer I know a guy.
Kallah Ramson: So, you're kinda stuck in that regard.
Scott Coleridge: ::mumbles something about competence never being rewarded::
Kallah Ramson: But, I am happy if you do decide to stay here.
Scott Coleridge: Anyway, if you think I'm the best person to command the Adriatic mission, I'll do it. I won't like it, but I'll do it. Otherwise, Commander Lawliet seems like the most logical choice for such a mission.
Jylliene: @ ::chuckles::
Gila Orrak: :: Sits at a table in the midst of the lunch crowd ::
mimipavilion: ::smiles a bit:: Sorry, as a psychologist I'm sure you would have some theories about their previous and current status, change wise that is.
Alexis McFarland: ::Moves onto her dessert of mango sorbet::
Kallah Ramson: I was actually considering Lawliet too. I am sending SubCommander Jorahl on the mission as an adviser.
Jylliene: @ I think the station suits Annisha well. But if we were to consider our own family, I feel like I'd want them to have a home world.
Scott Coleridge: ::nods:: I would have expected as much.
Amanda Davis PhD: Oh yes. Definitely. But I received their records in... well... record time. Romulans are meticulous, and I was surprised to find that they had no previous problems.
Scott Coleridge: As you're aware, I made Lawliet my XO on the Aegean mission...was planning to even before he expressed interest in trying out command.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ It will be Captain Annisha.
Jylliene: @ ::chuckles:: No doubt of that.
mimipavilion: ::nods and smiles:: Elaborate. Please.
Amanda Davis PhD: However, this means that what the are experiencing now was probably caused by the time loop and/or their experience with finding the... Lore Kings' path.
Jylliene: @ Unless she decides to be a more behind-the-scenes type
Dacia Sandero: ::decides to head over to the food court for lunch, looking around at various food stalls::
Kallah Ramson: Then it's decided. Please inform him of the mission. Assist in any preparations he might need.
mimipavilion: ::nods:: Both incidents have everyone on edge
Jylliene: @ ::envisioning the wall-of-monitors::
Lawliet: ::finishes his plate and stands up::
Scott Coleridge: Understood. When would you like them to depart?
Chirakis: ::continues her rounds in CnC, answering questions, checking data, then she stops at Jackson's console::: Ensign?
Fletcher Jackson: ::startled, he looks up:: Yes, ma'am?
Dacia Sandero: ::settles on a Greek place, and orders some lamb gyros::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Just walking around the lake ::
Lawliet: ::walks back down the path towards the turbolift::
Chirakis: I have noticed you seem to be confused about Commander Coleridge's messages.
Gila Orrak: :: Sees one of the medical people eating at some Earth restaurant ::
Jylliene: @ ::enjoying the relaxed walk::
Fletcher Jackson: Oh... yes, ma'am. He wants me to send them to voice mail, but... ::he shrugs:: I can't find it, so I made one.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Sitting at his normal place, getting a drink ::
Scott Coleridge: ((Oh no!))
Chirakis: Voicemail.
Kallah Ramson: Adriatic should have it's mission pod outfitted with the proper sensors by now. If we have a general search area from Ma'ev's data, launch at any time.
Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am. I don't think it works, but I did follow orders. For all I know it's somewhere in deep space, floating around.
Chirakis: I see. ::though she clearly does not::: Carry on.
Lawliet: ::gets into the turbolift:: CnC
Fletcher Jackson: Yes, ma'am.
Amanda Davis PhD: Yes, they do. But they seem to be coping better and better.  I released a few already.
Scott Coleridge: I'll get right on it, then, if there isn't anything else.
mimipavilion: ::nods:: That's good.
Alexis McFarland: What're we gonna do after lunch?
Lawliet: ::gets out onto the CnC::
Amanda Davis PhD: Those who are inured, I released only from psychological evaluation. I leave them to you.
Kallah Ramson: ::stands...steps closer to Scott:: One more burden for you to bare.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Shrugs as she sips her juice.::
Gila Orrak: :: Wait, is she the mind reader? ::
Chirakis: ::turns at the sound of the lift:: Commander Lawliet. :::nods::
Scott Coleridge: ::uh-oh::
Annisha: I bet I'd get in a lot of trouble.
Lawliet: ::walks over to the science station and signs back on::
Scott Coleridge: ::hopes he doesn't have to plan Chirakis' surprise birthday party this year::
Chirakis: (Kahless, no. She does not do birthdays.)
Alexis McFarland: Not surprising
Scott Coleridge: ((Exactly: it's so much of a surprise no one tells her about it.))
Chirakis: (Perfect)
Kallah Ramson: I want a full investigation into both the time loo.... time fold AND the Lore Kings. But, I have been commanded not to investigate the latter.
Annisha: I can be a good girl, I just don't wanna.
mimipavilion: Ok, send me your list you released psychologically and see if they're ready to be released physically.
Fletcher Jackson: ::bites his lip as he sends more to voicemail:::
Alexis McFarland: Heh
Amanda Davis PhD: ::nods to Mimi:: Of course. I'll send them right away.
Kallah Ramson: Luckily the Admiral picked a poor choice of wording, so I will not do any investigating.
Amanda Davis PhD: Or.. I will send it right away.
mimipavilion: Thanks. ::chuckles::
Kallah Ramson: But there's something important about this that can't be ignored.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: :: Sees Gila in the distance ::
Scott Coleridge: But if Commander Lawliet and SubCommander Jorahl were to happen across data about the Lore Kings as they investigated the phenomenon...
Lawliet: ::compiles the latest information from the Ma'ev database::
Amanda Davis PhD: ::she enters her office and sends Mimi the list, then exits to complete her rounds:::
Kallah Ramson: I trust them to make proper use of any opportunity that comes their way.
Scott Coleridge: ::nods:: I understand.
Kallah Ramson: Thank you.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Winds around the lake :: I'm not sure I could do command.... a smaller craft perhaps. Tight team.
Kallah Ramson: See, you keep being trustworthy ... how are you trying to avoid command again?
Fletcher Jackson: :::voice mail voice mail voice mail:::
Scott Coleridge: Simple, Captain.
Scott Coleridge: Make myself so indispensable to you that you can't let me go.
Chirakis: 10:50 PM
Jylliene: @ ::nods:: It's really more about the team you have.
Jylliene: @ No guarantee you get to stay with a small group, though.
Kallah Ramson: ::grins:: Dismissed.
Scott Coleridge: Thank you. ::in a tone that implies for more than being dismissed::
Fletcher Jackson: ::working hard sending the voice mail to, well, voicemail:::
Scott Coleridge: ::leaves the conference room::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ I can only imagine how a Starfleet crew would respond to a Rihan Captain.
Fletcher Jackson: ::hears the door open and turns toward him:: Commander?
Chirakis: ::nods to Scott as he enters::
Scott Coleridge: ::Jackson:: Jackson.
Lawliet: ::reviews the sensor data::
Scott Coleridge: Commander Lawliet, a minute in my office please. ::and walks into his office without letting Jackson get a word in::
Kallah Ramson: ::exits conference room::
Fletcher Jackson: Sir, I sent a heck of a lot of those requests to voice mail, but... because there is no such thing, well, I made one. Thing is, I have no idea where it goes.
Fletcher Jackson: I sent ... it.... 
Lawliet: ::looks up:: Aye sir. ::signs off and follows Coleridge::
mimipavilion: ::goes back to her office and looks over the list::
mimipavilion: ::makes note of those who can be released from medical::
Fletcher Jackson: ::notices that he left already::
Chirakis: Action> Deep in the bowels of the universe, a Pakled ship receives a packet of information called "voicemail" and has no idea what to do with it.
Jylliene: @ ::shrugs:: Depends. In a crew already used to a mix of Romulan and Starfleet officers? Likely not much differently than to any other captain. A full Starfleet crew being assigned a Romulan captain might be a bit different, though.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Looks ahead :: Are those large barrels with steam rising from them?
Scott Coleridge: ::motions for Lawliet to sit if he likes:: Have you found enough in the Ma'ev's data to narrow down a search region?
Kallah Ramson: ::steps over towards Chirakis::
Chirakis: ::she turns:: Captain.
Jylliene: @ ::peers:: Not sure. No. No, they are not. There is nothing strange over there. We are going back to the cabin and not investigating anything.
Lawliet: ::takes a seat:: Just now sir. I've been able to narrow it down to a region of 5 square light years.
Fletcher Jackson: ::he sighs and continues on, doing what he was told to do:::
Jylliene: @ We are vacationers here. We'll report it on our way out.
Scott Coleridge: Good work. I know that computer core wasn't in good shape.
Kallah Ramson: Adriatic will be going on a science mission. this should be outside of Alliance space. However, I'd like to increase patrols near that edge of their space, just in case they go wandering too close to our mission.
Scott Coleridge: The Adriatic is being prepped for a mission to investigate the temporal fold as we speak.
Alexis McFarland: Yummy ::finishes her lunch and dessert::
Chirakis: ::listens carefully:::
Scott Coleridge: Captain Ramson and I want you to be the one to command the mission.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ Yeah, but there are chairs and towels next to them.
Lawliet: ::nods:: Very good. When do we depart?
Lawliet: Wait
Lawliet: Me?
Scott Coleridge: You.
Jylliene: @ ::a quiet moment:: Oh.
Jylliene: @ Then let's take a peek.
Lawliet: ::a bit taken back:: ....Aye sir.
Scott Coleridge: I believe an old Earth aphorism is appropriate: "Be careful what you wish for." ::smile:: You said you wanted more experience on the command track.
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Walks up to the oversized half-barrel ::
Chirakis: Whom do you have in mind for patrols, Captain? Task Force Aegis is patrolling on the edge of known space.
Scott Coleridge: Captain Ramson is assigning SubCommander Jorahl as a scientific and engineering adviser.
Kallah Ramson: With Aegean and Apanex having AQS drives, we can't send them out at the moment. So we'll need to have fighters on patrol.
Lawliet: ::raises an eyebrow:: I just didn't expect a command assignment so soon.
Lawliet: ::nods:: Understood.
Scott Coleridge: Other than that, you will need to let me know what crew and any other equipment you need.
Chirakis: Should I approach the admiralty and request them?
Chirakis: 10:58 PM
Scott Coleridge: You'll depart as soon as you're ready.
Lawliet: ::stands up:: I'll have a crew roster ready for you in an hour.
Kallah Ramson: I believe our own complement of fighters should do. Make arrangements. Use Runabouts to extend their range as needed.
Chirakis: Yes, Captain.
Alexis McFarland: ::holds Miana::
Scott Coleridge: You did well as my XO on Aegean. Just one word of advice: trust your crew. Tell them what you want, give them a clear direction, and then let them deliver results.
Chirakis: ::makes a mental note arrange it with Flight Operations:::
Scott Coleridge: And Commander...
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ :: Looks around for people ::
Nijil tr'Korjata: @ They sure are a sneaky bunch
Lawliet: ::nods:: Sir?
Scott Coleridge: I recommended you to Captain Ramson for this mission. So, don't let me down. ::wink::
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 11/10/17
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: Very well played. Very well.
Chirakis: Captain Ramson, TBS?
Kallah Ramson: One hour.
Chirakis: One hour it is. Comments for the crew?
Kallah Ramson: Just a note about the Adriatic.
Kallah Ramson: It is an Aegean class, but designed with more Starfleet tech. So, it will have a normal Starfleet feel and all. Though, I do believe ops and tac still have to stand.
Lawliet: What does an Aegean class ship look like again? It's been so long
Lawliet: So something like an Intrepid
Kallah Ramson: Somewhat, but smaller.
Lawliet: got it
Chirakis: Questions from the crew?
Tarisa: I really hope Lawliet won't have a crew roster. Should I be worried?
Chirakis: ::looks to Lawliet:::
Lawliet: I guess you'll find out....next week.
Scott Coleridge: Dun dun dun
Chirakis: Heh. Very well. If nothing else...
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don't forget your towel.

Aegean Class Ship:

Aegean Class Ship.jpg

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