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Our new orders had come in and we've been sent to check out Melos 3. Melos 3 is a small planet located in the Melos star system. Located midway between Darbet and Gaithe, Melos 3 had been left un-colonized for some time as both sides wished to claim, but neither wanted to start a war while applying for Federation membership. Now, with both having become Federation members, a joint colony had been established about 20 years previously, but now reports of strange occurrences, broken machinery and sabotage have surfaced. We are to investigate and put a stop to what we find and try to prevent these two parties from attacking each other.






ACTION: The Republic is about 10 minutes outside of the Melos Star system


STSF_BluRox: :: sitting in the center seat, reading information Calvert had sent to her on a padd::

STSF Seiben: ::driving the ship::

Rue Wydown: So what sort of sabotage are we talking about?

Jas: ::Finishes patching up a fellow crewmate's sprained ankle with a shake of his head:: ...and be more careful next time!

STSF_BluRox: The reports are sort of vague, I have in the notes that had been received, mentions of the power grids being tampered with, I’m guessing we'll have to investigate the rest.

Jas: ::Wonders aloud to himself as the ensign leaves:: I think I've seen more injuries on this ship while in-transit than anywhere else.

STSF_BluRox: Seems that even they.... have been 'left in the dark' so to say

Rue Wydown: I'm just curious about the shenanigans. Whether they're minor annoyances or something life threatening.

August Jax Robinson: ::in her office, pulls up the level of technology both races level at... and their history to skim through later::

Jas: ::Mills about the sickbay, making sure everything is right where it should be::

Heather Jamieson: :: Sitting at the science console, looking into her cartography display ::

STSF_BluRox: Seems they are midway terraforming parts of the planet. it seems that there are occasionally bad dust storms, so they maintain many of the housing areas within a dome, that they can go to during the dusty season.

Rue Wydown: Oh yeah? Kind of like living in a greenhouse?

STSF_BluRox: Some have been able to maintain their homes outside of the domes for most of the time, but when these storms hit, to have that many people together, and no power, it prevents them from processing the air filtration.

Rue Wydown: No back up system?

STSF_BluRox: Not sure they want to bake in a greenhouse, I'd think there would be some sort of polarization. It may not even be clear, that's all the information we've received. We'll need to go take a look

STSF_BluRox: Again, information is vague, but it appears when they went to activate it, much of the system had been tampered with. That's all I have

Rue Wydown: We able to beam down or take shuttles?

Heather Jamieson: They know it is tampered versus some engineering issue?

Jas: ::Scratches head in confusion:: Where in the heck did that sonic separator go...?


ACTION:: 15 minutes have passed, and the Republic has bypassed it's preferred approach to the system, and moving off in a tangent from their destination.


STSF_BluRox: (Evidently, the new Helmsman dozed off while approaching, and never slowed the ship!!) lol

STSF_BluRox: :: looks over at Heather:: Please assist Mr Seiben with a course correction that will take us back towards Melos.....

Heather Jamieson: (This helm officer is no better...)

STSF Seiben: We've bypassed our approach -- I'll try to set a course back.

STSF Seiben: (Yeah, blame my bladder)

Heather Jamieson: :: Goes to help :: There are gravimetric interests here.. I'll just enter this change..

STSF Seiben: Ok, thanks. Sorry about that.

Jas: ::Rummages about through various devices::

Heather Jamieson: I have been in the holodeck a lot... in my spare time. Mostly shuttles, but I have browsed a ship or two.

STSF_BluRox: :: turns back to Rue:: Have you been able to work with Jax since she's been returned to duty?

STSF Seiben: Awesome.

Rue Wydown: She's down in Engineering. You and I were supposed to have a conversation about what the Admirals recommendations were. But with the shake out of the new crew members, we haven't had a chance.

STSF Seiben: ::moving the ship back to its course with Heather's help::

Heather Jamieson: :: to Seiben :: Interesting about this system is we really don't know the best entry vector until we try an approach.

Heather Jamieson: We are still gathering information.

STSF Seiben: I see, that's good to know

STSF Seiben: Explains why I missed it

STSF_BluRox: +Jax, Jas+ Please report to the bridge in a few minutes I've got some information we need to discuss with you both.


STSF_BluRox: ::turns to Rue:: My ready room for a moment then please

August Jax Robinson: +Blu+ on my way

Jas: ::Guffaws:: Next to the protoplaser?! Why would anyone --

August Jax Robinson: ::grabs her PADD and heads to the lift, slips in when the doors open:::

Jas: ::Pinches the bridge of his nose and taps his combadge:: +Blu+ I'll be right there.

STSF_BluRox: When they get up here Heather, have them take a seat in the conference room. Once Seiben has us in orbit, we'll all have a brief discussion there

STSF_BluRox: :: turns and walks into her ready room

Jas: ::Puts the sonic separator back in its rightful place and, after grabbing his PADD, heads out into the corridor and towards the turbolift::

Rue Wydown: Alrighty then. ::following Blu::

Heather Jamieson: :: moves a chair to sit next to Seiben :: Let me enable more coordination between astrometrics and navigation.

Jas: ::Enters the turbolift:: +TB+ Bridge, please.

STSF Seiben: We should be in orbit soon. ::heather:: That'd be most helpful. To be honest, I don't have much experience with these bigger ships.

STSF_BluRox: ((What!!!?? ))

STSF Seiben: (lel)

STSF_BluRox: :: walks around behind her desk and takes a seat, starts to pull up information on her terminal as Rue enters and the door closes::

Rue Wydown: ((oh boy))


Jas: ::Exits onto the bridge with a *swish* of the door, grinning as he takes in all the equipment and personnel::

Rue Wydown: ::opens her mouth to say something, then closes it, opens it to try again, and then stops, starts looking like a guppy instead of a human::

Heather Jamieson: I will give you some lessons. Just remember they are a lot slower in their turns at impulse and thrusters.

August Jax Robinson: ::Steps off the lift, nods to Blu:: Admiral

Heather Jamieson: Kasuga taught me a lot... :: looks a little forlorn ::

STSF Seiben: Yes, I remember that from the Academy simulations. You have to kind of plan your moves alot.

STSF Seiben: Ah, I see.

Jas: ::Kind of wanders around until he finds himself standing right in front of the main viewing screen, staring out at the stars in awe::

STSF_BluRox: Ok, I'm assuming that you had at least read the charges that had been filed against her, and why she was down in the brig in the first place?

STSF Seiben: OK, we should be in position soon. ::plots the orbital course into the navigational computer::

Rue Wydown: Aye, as well as had a rather lengthy conversation with her while you were working with the previous trial. How did you manage to separate her from that cell? She seemed pretty intent, although not content, to remain there.


Heather Jamieson: :: taps him on the shoulder :: You'll do fine... just watch your speed. :: smiles ::

STSF Seiben: Yes, definitely gotta do that ::slows down to orbital speed and matches with the planet's spin, sets course to the point of the planet there were to orbit::

STSF Seiben: Course is set, we have a good orbit. Much more challenging on a Soverign class.

STSF_BluRox: I think it came down more to the fact that Rand..... Admiral Calvert and I had discussed her situation and he realized she's been under quite a bit of stress, with her husband being out of communication for some time. That, and I think he just wanted her out of the brig and figured her best punishment would be to put her to work on extra shifts here. To let us handle it.

STSF Seiben: Biggest ship I orbitted/piloted was an Ambassador class before this.. the Endeavour.

Heather Jamieson: :: Goes back to her station ::

STSF Seiben: Thanks for your help

Heather Jamieson: :: Wonders if Jax is okay, then wonders why she is thinking that ::

STSF_BluRox: I think a compromise as we were not able to fully get Ayumu cleared either

Rue Wydown: Can I ask a question though? With extra full shifts on her schedule, doesn't that lead to fatigue and stress - the very thing that helped put her in the brig in the first place?

STSF_BluRox: If I may be frank, the Admiral was a bit disappointed, as was I, that this was allowed to devolve as it did. And I'll come back to your question in a moment.


STSF Seiben: ::maintaining orbit around the planet::

Jas: ::After several moments of star-gazing, he turns around in confusion, his eyes searching for the Admiral::

STSF Seiben: The Admiral is in the Ready Room ::to Jas::

August Jax Robinson: ::frowns at Rue::

STSF_BluRox: Specifically, it's looking more likely that Captain Kwai may not be returning. I know you've been filling in during the interim, but you have been here long enough that you should be able to take on the full first officers duty of dealing with the crew and any issues they have.

Heather Jamieson: Scanning the planet

Jas: ::Nods to Seiben and scans blankly around the bridge:: The Ready...Room...

STSF Seiben: ::sends a message that they are in orbit around the planet so as to minimize disturbing them::

STSF Seiben: It's the door to the left of the turbolift. It should read "READY ROOM"

Rue Wydown: All right.

STSF_BluRox: It would have been preferred that you defend Ayumu, as that typically would have fell to you to oversee, but also, as I was prosecuting, it would have been easier to hammer out a deal with you, than what I had to shove in the face of the young LT.

Jas: ::Clears throat:: Of course, right. Thanks. ::Walks over and enters the Ready Room::

STSF_BluRox: And with Jax, I ended up spending time in the brig trying to talk some sense into her, I need you to take care of these type of things please. Now, getting back to your questions..... :: looks up at her door opens::

STSF_BluRox: Excuse me? Can I help you? Is there a medical emergency?

STSF Seiben: Is the door chime to the ready room working? ::to Heather::

STSF_BluRox: :: turns to look at Rue, then back to Jas::

Heather Jamieson: I don't know. I thought it was.


Jas: ::Deer caught in headlights::

Jas: ::Clears throat again, and slowly back out -- door wooshes::

STSF Seiben: Hmm.

Rue Wydown: New guy. Needs a map. ::shrugs;; you were saying?

STSF Seiben: That was quick.

Jas: ::Nods to himself and looks around the bridge completely conspicuously:: Nobody saw that...

STSF Seiben: Saw what? I didn't see anything.

STSF_BluRox: Aye, we need to tighten up on people listening. In the last hour, the new helmsman just missed our trajectory, and I had asked Heather to send them to the conference room, not to my Ready Room. Things are getting sloppy around here. Someone is going to get hurt.

August Jax Robinson: can I hurt them?

Jas: ::Realizes he spoke aloud, eyes dart to Seiben:: Beg your pardon? Uh, nothing.

STSF_BluRox: As for Jax, orders were that she work extra shifts, however they do not have to be thinking intensive and they can coincide with planned recreation periods. I will leave the scheduling up to you.

STSF Seiben: OK

STSF Seiben: ALl right, that's a good orbit


STSF_BluRox: I believe the admiral had suggested cleaning the waste management area, perhaps some new paint

STSF_BluRox: But I'll leave you to work this out with her and get her back on point with her work.

August Jax Robinson: wait a moment

Rue Wydown: Alright.

August Jax Robinson: work extra shifts? why is that?

STSF_BluRox: Now, before they direct more people in here, let's go meet with the senior staff in the conference room, and let them know what we know of this mission

Jas: ::Positions himself silently by the turbolift doors and tries to keep out of the way as the bridge crew go about their work::

STSF_BluRox: ((( When they get up here Heather, have them take a seat in the conference room. Once Seiben has us in orbit, we'll all have a brief discussion there)))






STSF Seiben: ::Paused::

August Jax Robinson: ::Paused::

STSF_BluRox: Blu told you that earlier......did you purposely screw the new guy, or forgot?

Jas: ::Paused::

STSF_BluRox: Rue will be following up with you I'm sure...lol

STSF Seiben: (24th century hazing lol)

Jas: It's fine, adds to my new guy-ness.

STSF Seiben: Same with Seiben's missed approach

STSF_BluRox: Jax didnt' hit anyone with a spnner...that's good

Rue Wydown: Yet

Jas: Just title this episode "Amateur Hour" 

STSF_BluRox: Ok, so now that we took some extra time to get here, at least we're in a good orbit and we can head down next week and try to figure out what's going on around here....

STSF_BluRox: I just may Jas!!

August Jax Robinson: can I hit someone with a spanner?

August Jax Robinson

August Jax Robinson: like my boss

STSF_BluRox: Alrighty, it's after midnight and I have to leave for work in about 5 hours, so let's put this sim to bed. Anything before we close Rue?

Rue Wydown: Nothing from me tonight 

STSF_BluRox: ok then. Crew Dismissed. We'll see most of you Thursday, and everyone back next Monday.


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