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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 09.24.17

Cptn Swain: MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur is assisting two other Federation vessels aiding the recovery of Alpha Veras II, which has suffered a catastrophic failure of its power network. Excalibur's medical team continues to serve as over-flow triage, while operations and flight crew help ferry supplies from the Tennessee Valley and the Excalibur to the surface. Engineering has been tasked with investigating the original failure of the power grid.


Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM
Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM
Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM
Rhan K'hal: :: doing the organizing of the things ::
William Chocox: ::is on the surface with Tandaris::
Cptn Swain: ((If you're on the surface, Grab an @ __))
Tandaris Admiran: @::just materialized on the planet at the primary control centre for the planetary power grid::
William Chocox: ((::grabs an @ and appends it to his statement::))
Tandaris Admiran: @::to someone who is rushing by, clearly stressed:: Excu... oh.
Tandaris Admiran: @::reaches out to grab another passer-by:: Hello, we're.. ah.
William Chocox: @::whistles:: Can you help us please?
Indaura Ryssan: :: Helping those in need, and their needs were many.
Hunter Matheson: @ ::just outside cargo shuttle Alkaid, checking inventory as it rolls off:::
Cptn Swain: ACTION> Sickbay gets another round of patients with various burns, nothing too serious though Tamran physiology can be a bit tricky. They appear to be genetically augmented and have a difficult to synthesize blood that bonds with copper, similar to Romulans.
Tandaris Admiran: @ Ah, whistling. If only I hadn't traded away that ability on Serionis Prime to a genie in exchange for a very, very good... ::suddenly realizes where they are:: Yes, well.
William Chocox: @ Genies are real?
Tandaris Admiran: @::gives Chocox that look he uses when Chocox says something strange:: Everything is real.
Tandaris Admiran: @::hefts his toolkit and helps himself to a console, interfacing his tricorder::
William Chocox: @ Alrighty then. ::walks up to the console::
Tandaris Admiran: @::begins interfering::
Hakran K'hal: Dazim> +Admiran+ :: voice only comes out of the console Admiran just interfaced with, sounding strangely like Sean Connery except with more of a hiss than a lisp :: Sso, you're the Sstarfleet officcersss?
Hakran K'hal: @^
Indaura Ryssan: :: Uses her mix of charm and good looks to help the overflow triage...mostly her charm... ::
Tandaris Admiran: @ Oh, hello, Computer. ::pets the console affectionately:: Yes, I am Commander Tandaris Admiran, and this is Lieutenant William Chocox, from the USS Excalibur.
Tandaris Admiran: @::Chocox, aside:: The voice synthesizer module could use an upgrade, if we have time.
William Chocox: @ Scotland not doing it for you?
Hunter Matheson: @ ::signs off, hops aboard, contacts Tennessee FOps, and lifts off for another round:::
Hakran K'hal: (( for the sake of ease, I'm going to stop over S'ing, you'll just have to hiss it yourself ))
Tandaris Admiran: ((Understood!))
Tandaris Admiran: ((Basically like the real Sean Connery and any accent ever))
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> +Admiran+ I don't care if you're the entire Federation council, if you don't stop doing that to the console it will explode. Power grid failure, consoles. Surely you Starfleeters have learned your lesson in that by now.
Tandaris Admiran: @+Dazim+ Of course! I was just trying to get someone's attention. ::stops messing with the console:: Can you give me a report on your system status?
Tandaris Admiran: @::Chocox:: They really got burned on an aftermarket AI personality, didn't they?
William Chocox: @ Yes they did.
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> +Admiran+ My :: finger quotes implied :: "system status" is rather cranky and tired of eating the crap they're handing out at the relief shelters. But I was asked to help you, so here I am, or at least all of me that you're going to get while you're thousands of clicks away.
Tandaris Admiran: @::penny drops:: Oh, sorry. Voice coming from a console, naturally assumed you were... synthetic. Wait, are you synthetic? You did mention eating … but then again …
Tandaris Admiran: @ ::waves his hand:: Anyway, synthetic, organic. We are here to help get to the bottom of your grid failure.
William Chocox: @ Occam's Razor sir.
Tandaris Admiran: @::Chocox:: Good point. Probably organic then. Synthetics usually aren't this... ornery sounding.
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> +A+ Yes, we wouldn't want any repeats, would we. :: almost sounds amused :: Well, what are you waiting for? Start detecting. If you have any questions about gel or how it's integrated in the system, ask. If it's a purely mechanical engineering matter, I assume you know your ass from a shuttlepod already.
William Chocox: @ I have a little bit of experience with overloaded power systems.
Tandaris Admiran: @+Dazim+ And how may we address you?
Indaura Ryssan: :: Scanning someone's knee ::
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> +A+ Dazim. Just Dazim. Didn't your own people tell you? This is why I hate dealing with Starfleet and their mumblemumble :: out of distance of the comm unit grumbling continues ::
Hunter Matheson: @ ::departs Tennessee with materiel going to the primary grid control center:::
William Chocox: @ How were we supposed to know that?
Tandaris Admiran: @+Dazim+ My own people tell me lots of things. I mostly don't bother to listen.
Tandaris Admiran: @::Chocox:: See if you can start accessing whatever passes for system logs around here and find us the logs leading up to the incident time.
William Chocox: @ Aye sir. ::gets working::
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> +A+ :: doesn't bother to mute his mic, and various clanks, clunks, bangs and the occasional curse continue to filter through the console Admiran chose ::
Tandaris Admiran: @::Chocox:: In particular, I want to know if there was a specific location the failure began, or if it was simultaneous across the entire grid.
Hunter Matheson: @ ::on approach, notices the mess they have to negotiate to land and hovers for a while as they sort things out with the loadmaster chief::
William Chocox: @ On it.
William Chocox: @ ::works on getting through the logs::
Indaura Ryssan: :: Sealing a cut ::
Hunter Matheson: @ ::sets down in an area that actually has room to offload::
Tandaris Admiran: @::knows very little about bioneural tech, but having been a doctor with a specialty in neurology in a past life, he thinks he can wing it::
Tandaris Admiran: @+Dazim+ So, Dazim, prior to the failure, was there anything weird happening with the bioneural circuitry? Any warning signs? Some sickness?
Tandaris Admiran: @::taps on his combadge, then on his tricorder a few times, while he waits for a response::
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> +A+ :: grumbles his way back into mic range :: I know about as much as you do, although overhearing the other various and sundry academics around these parts that there had been an alert of some sort at the nearby gel production plant before this part of the grid fried.
William Chocox: @ Thank you! ::focuses his attention there::
Tandaris Admiran: @::tap tap:: Ah-hah! Got you.
Tandaris Admiran: @::turns to Chocox:: Carry on. I'll be back. ::thinks:: Maybe.
Tandaris Admiran: @::taps combadge again:: Energize.
William Chocox: @ Aye sir. ::is immune to Tandy's weirdness at this point::
Rhan K'hal: :: meanwhile, aboard the ship, gets a response from 39 Tango about the request that Hawthorne had tagged - shoots it off to her and Swain before heading off to lunch ::
Hunter Matheson: @ ::waiting for them to offload, he wanders the area, checking it out:::
Tandaris Admiran: @::dematerializes and then rematerializes in Dazim's workshop(?), having traced the comm signal::
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: hears a transporter beam, looks over at the materializing Trill with his arms full of various fried lab equipment ::
Hunter Matheson: @ ::and just happens to find Cho busy at the console, doing the boss's work:::
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> Make yourself at home, why don't you? :: a very pale blonde, almost white-furred Cait, with flyaway hair and a short scrawny build scowls over at Tandy ::
William Chocox: @ Greetings Mr. Matheson.
Tandaris Admiran: @::looks around the crowded room, coughs slightly:: It's so messy!
Tandaris Admiran: @::flashes a grin at Dazim:: I love it already!
Hunter Matheson: @ Hey, Sir. You alone down here?
William Chocox: @ Commander Admiran is around somewhere.
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> Oh, you'd love it if your lab exploded and you'd have to clean up, piece together your research and start over, would you? :: tosses a crispy gelpack at him ::
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> If you enjoy it so much, YOU clean it up.
Hunter Matheson: @ ::he nods, looking around:: nasty mess here. Think it's even fixable?
Cptn Swain: (( two minute warning ))
Tandaris Admiran: @::catches the gelpack and begins sniffing it:: I don't know if I'd say I *love* it, but I've gotten used to it at this point.
Indaura Ryssan: :: more healing ::
William Chocox: @ Few things are unfixable.
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> Now that you've invaded my privacy, without my approval I will add, either make your intent known or I'll shoot you. It's legal here, you know.
Tandaris Admiran: @ I made the mistake, you see, of teaching my assistant how to blow things up. ::shakes his head:: Of my regrets in this lifetime, that is but one.
Hunter Matheson: @ Guess that's why you're the engineer and I just drive.
William Chocox: @ I can teach you, at least the basics.
Hakran K'hal: @Dazim> :: looks around, wondering where that disruptor got to in the mess ::
Hunter Matheson: @ Uh... ::holding up a hand:: that's okay, sir. I'm good with flying.
Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM
Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

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