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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 07.23.17

MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur remains in orbit of Irassa IV. We believe a Romulan ship is nearby in orbit and we also believe that our missing crew members are aboard. Engineering has rigged a makeshift tachyon pulse to try and reveal them. Aboard the ship, Harper and Issaha are trying to effect an escape.


Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


William Chocox: +Admiran+ How's it looking Commander?

Tandaris Admiran: +Chocox+ We're about to find out.

William Chocox: +Admiran+ Ok.

Tandaris Admiran: Tachyon pulse ready to fire on your command, Captain. It won't pinpoint the Romulan vessel but will reveal if the vessel is within 500,000 km.

Hakran K'hal: :: on the bridge at the primary science station, ready to hunt Romulans ::

Cptn Swain: ::nods:: Do it.

Indaura Ryssan: :: Where she is suppose to be ::

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> ::Following Harper,pushing his way through the forcefield, which was, as Harper indicated, extremely uncomfortable::

Hakran K'hal: Rhan> :: at the secondary science station, concentrating on looking for the life-signs of their missing crew should anything pop up; transporter controls at the ready ::

Cptn Swain: Go to Red Alert. I don't want to fight them, but we should be ready.

Tandaris Admiran: +Chocox+ While we're waiting, why don't you go into the secure database and take a peek at the "tachyon cloakbuster (idea)" file. I was never able to figure out a way to stop the feedback surge from overloading the main deflector and destroying the ship …

Charlie Harper: @::outside the forcefield, shakes hands and arms, feeling like a permanent case of pins-and-needles has set in::

Maryse Dubois: ::Steps out from her office, and into main sickbay.::

William Chocox: +Admiran+ Always wanted to make more booms. I'll be right on it. ::starts looking for that file::

Hakran K'hal: Tactical Anon> :: goes to red alert ::

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> ::wiggles loose:: That was... unpleasant.

Maryse Dubois: ::Looks up as the red alert goes off.:: They must have found the Romulans, or are about to.

Charlie Harper: @I did say so. Now what?

Cptn Swain: ACTION> The tachyon burst speeds out from the Excalibur, since we've got heck-a CGI budget for this episode for no real reason and towards the area where we believe the Romulans are located.

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> Fair. ::Rubbing his arms:: There should be a ht'ejj on this deck.

William Chocox: ((Next episode is a bottle episode.))

Hakran K'hal: :: watching the burst spread out, ready to pounce (figuratively) on anything that pops up on the display ::

William Chocox: Alright, so I need...is he sure about that?

William Chocox: ::is squinting at the file::

Cptn Swain: (( Give me a number everyone 1-20 ))

Hakran K'hal: (( 4 ))

Hakran K'hal: Rhan> (( 7 ))

Tandaris Admiran: ((16))

William Chocox: ((8))

Indaura Ryssan: (19)

Cptn Swain: ACTION> The tachyon pulse lights up the sensors like a Christmas tree, and briefly reveals the outline of a Romulan light cruiser, but only briefly.

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> ::Looks around:: This way.

William Chocox: ::is taken aback a bit:: Do we even have that part?

Indaura Ryssan: :: to Dubois :: Romulans...

Hakran K'hal: :: does his figurative pouncing and lights up the area where the ship was with a full active sensor sweep, sparing not a single type of particle and wave ::

Cptn Swain: Stand by all phasers. K'hal put me on an open channel.

Rhan K'hal: :: watches the scan results come in, tries to find a [whatever species Charlie is] and life-signs matching N'Dak ::

Rhan K'hal: :: boops a button :: Channel open, sir.

Hakran K'hal: Tac> :: readies phasers :: On standby, Captain.

Tandaris Admiran: ::paying attention to the scan results, pondering if there is anything else they can do to give themselves an edge:;

Cptn Swain: +Romulan+ Romulan vessel. This is Captain Asher Swain of the USS Excalibur, you are in direct violation of the Neutral Zone Treaty. Drop your cloak and identify yourself.

Hakran K'hal: :: contemplates the Romulan singularity power system, wonders if he can tweak a graviton scan to detect enough of the gravity waves that must slip through containment - plays with that idea while the rest of the scans continue ::

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> Let's hope we do na run into anyio.

Cptn Swain: ACTION> Comm's static.

Rhan K'hal: No reply, Captain.

Charlie Harper: @ ::follows, watching Issaha carefully::

William Chocox: Alright, so I found that part...now how do I avoid feedback?

Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: Hopefully we'll get our missing crewmen back in one piece, but if not, lets get things in order.

Hakran K'hal: :: tweak, observe; tweak, observe; tweak, observe ::

Cptn Swain: +Romulan+ Commander it's no use trying to pretend you're not out there...

Indaura Ryssan: :: To Dubois, nods ::

Cptn Swain: ::Tandaris:: Target another tachyon burst.

Cptn Swain: @Ndak>::stops at a corner:: Damn.

Tandaris Admiran: Acknowledged. ::targets a burst in the direction where they observed a possible ship:: Ready.

Charlie Harper: @What is it?

Hakran K'hal: :: pauses in his graviton theory testing so he can monitor the tachyon burst again ::

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> The transporter room, it has a security seal on the door.

Cptn Swain: Fire

Indaura Ryssan: :: Checking supplies in medical ::

Tandaris Admiran: ::fires the burst::

Charlie Harper: @ Paranoid lot, you people.

William Chocox: Alright, if I route it around...hold on...Ensign! ::shouts at a random ensign::

Cptn Swain: @NDak> I mean, we are known for it.

Hakran K'hal: :: watches the burst spread out again ::

Tandaris Admiran: ACTION> The tachyon pulse outlines a Romulan cruiser approximately 30,000 km off the port bow.

William Chocox: ::makes a mock-up of what would be producing the feedback and hands it to the ensign:: Hold this and step back a bit.

William Chocox: Rando Ensign> Sir?

Tandaris Admiran: ACTION> ...and another, about 20,000 km off the starboard bow. And another one, about 10,000 km away from there.

Indaura Ryssan: Have you ever operated on a Romulan Doctor Dubois?

Hakran K'hal: Oh that's not good...

Rhan K'hal: :: ears flatten ::

William Chocox: Don't worry, it won't explode...most likely. Now come along, do keep up.

William Chocox: Rando Ensign> ::takes a step back::

Hakran K'hal: Captain, we seem to have 3 ships out there... or we're getting echoes. I'd lean toward the former.

William Chocox: ::activates it from his console::

Tandaris Admiran: Three ships?? What kind of expedition is this?

Cptn Swain: ::Frowns:: The n'Ina, the p'Inta and the s'Anta Maria?

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> Ideas?

Rhan K'hal: :: snorts ::

William Chocox: ((::walks out at that pun::))

Hakran K'hal: :: rotates an ear, ruffles his whiskers ::

Tandaris Admiran: Even if they are echoes, we have no way of knowing which one is the real one.

William Chocox: Rando Ensign> Sir?

William Chocox: Perfect!

William Chocox: ::takes it back from him:: Thank you for your help.

Cptn Swain: We have a ship full of sophisticated survey equipment, Commander.

Tandaris Admiran: @Romulan Commander> The prisoners have what? Dispatch a full security team to that sector, now.

Maryse Dubois: Operated, no. But I am familiar with their physiology.

Cptn Swain: Surely you and one or both of the K'hal's can mad science us up something./

Hakran K'hal: We did get the upgrades for this mission to look at the star.

Tandaris Admiran: Of course, the star.

Indaura Ryssan: I took a course

Tandaris Admiran: The magnetic flux from the star should be interacting with the Romulan ships' hulls, even when cloaked.

Indaura Ryssan: Felt like an extension of Vulcan, of course.

Tandaris Admiran: If we could map the gradient of that flux in our immediate vicinity...

Maryse Dubois: Well they are very similar.

Tandaris Admiran: @ACTION> Alarms begin to sound in the general area of N'Dak and Harper.

Charlie Harper: @ You could't hack it? Your family's some high muckety-mucks, right? Don't you know codes?

Hakran K'hal: And look for where the cloak is subtly modifying what should be a relatively even gradient.

Charlie Harper: @ Oh.... that's not good.

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> This is a Tal'Shiar vessel. I am a Galae officer, and not exactly on their list of friends. ::Looks up:: Great.

Hakran K'hal: :: swivels back to his console, pulls up the various sensor settings :: A little bit less of you, a little bit more of you, none of you at all, and a good double helping of you.

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> We need to move.

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> There should be another transporter on another deck. It might not have the same security.

Rhan K'hal: :: dedicates a good portion of processing power from the science labs' equipment for his brother ::

Charlie Harper: @ Lead on, then.

Hakran K'hal: Okay... engaging modified scan now.

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> ::Nods, and heads towards what he thinks should be a turbolift::

Hakran K'hal: :: watches the screen as it maps the flux gradient layer by layer ::

Cptn Swain: (( TWO MINUTE WARNING ))]

Tandaris Admiran: @Romulan Commander> Bring us around to the far side of the planet. If we can put it between us and them, we can jump to warp and get far enough away before they pursue.

Rhan K'hal: Captain, shall I prepare a high-power, directional hail ping to hit them with if we can see them?

Tandaris Admiran: ACTION> Scan reveals exactly one anomaly, 20,000 km off the starboard bow and moving away.

Hakran K'hal: Aha, you're an oddly ship-sized ripple, aren't you?

Cptn Swain: ::Nods to Rhan::

Rhan K'hal: :: sets it up quickly, has always had this one in his arsenal :: Ready.

Rhan K'hal: :: rings their doorbell - HARD ::

Rhan K'hal: Hail ping away.

Cptn Swain: (( That sounds exceedingly dirty Rhan ))

Maryse Dubois: ((haha))

Tandaris Admiran: @Romulan Commander> They've what? ::makes the noise he makes when someone is going to be executed for failing their duty once they return home:: Very well. Bring us around. Defensive posture. Drop cloak.

Rhan K'hal: (( makes for an interesting read of the chat log I guess ))

Cptn Swain: @Ndak> ::Feels the ship turn:: They'

Cptn Swain: ve dropped cloak.

Hakran K'hal: Tac> Romulan ship decloaking.

Cptn Swain: ..and...

Tandaris Admiran: @Romulan Commander> +Excalibur+ Starfleet vessel. We need to talk.

Cptn Swain: That's an understatement.


Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

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