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RES Talon Mission Briefing 51707.06 - Season 22

RES Talon Mission Briefing 51707.06 - Season 22


The Pexil and Koga while searching the medical records had found that the children had been undergoing some sort of radical medical testing, but still na why they were here to begin with. Meanwhile, t'Aejhae and Laehval found the location of where they suspected the Governor to be in hiding, and looked for a way to get him out. After finding an air shaft, they were able to smoke them out. However, one of the guards made a move and NDak plunged his kaleh into his chest.






KhreRiovtRex: $ :: Sitting on the floor of her chambers, still stunned at the message she had received::

STSF Seiben: ::Looking at the records with Pexil::

tAehjae: ::with t’Temarr and NDak looking down at the downed guard:: Are au OK NDak?

Laehval tTemarr: Guards> ::Both dead.::

m_k_tksa: ::in medical with the children, talking with the Kheinsa about the issue::

Laehval tTemarr: Governor> ::Sighs, but doesn't make any move to fight.::

STSF Seiben: ::on the Oira::


ACTION: NDak is distracted by the blood that has spattered upon his cape


STSF Seiben: (and he just got it dry cleaned too!)

Laehval tTemarr: t'Aehjae, escort the Governor to the square and have him beamed aboard the ship for questioning.

KhreRiovtRex: (the nerve of these Othan...!)

tAehjae: IE Rekkhai

Laehval tTemarr: Children> ::Tuckered out and pretty much asleep.::

tAehjae: :: takes the Governor by the arm:: Lets move out

tAehjae: :: moves with the Governor towards the square:: +Talon+ tA to Talon.

Laehval tTemarr: Governor> ::Plods along with t'Aehjae toward the square.::

STSF Seiben: +t'A+ Ie, Talon here. Go ahead.

m_k_tksa: Let's go in my office talk. ::trying not to scowl, really not sure what's going on::

tAehjae: +Talon+ Talon prepare to transport myself and the Governor to the ship. Au also may wish to inform t’Vatrix that we have him in custody and are bringing him aboard for questioning.


ACTION> t'Aehjae and t'Temarr are beamed aboard the Talon with the Governor.


STSF Seiben: +t'A+ Very well. Stand-by for transport then. ::beams then over::

tAehjae: :: aboard the Talon::

m_k_tksa: Maec>::following t'Ksa:: So, what do you think about all of this?

STSF Seiben: +t'Vatrix+ Oira to t'Vatrix. We have the Governor in custody. He is to be questioned by Dheno.

tAehjae: :: nudges him to move as she heads him towards the interrogation room::

m_k_tksa: According to those records, there's something hinky going on. ::pulling up the records on the main etrehh console screen above her desk:: Look at this.

KhreRiovtRex: :: sitting on the floor by her desk, hears the com, taking a moment to recognize it, breaking her from her thoughts, finally reaches up and taps it:: +com+t'Vatrix fahd..?

Laehval tTemarr: ::Laehval parted ways with t'Aehjae, heading for the bridge.::

KhreRiovtRex: +Koga+_ Hann'yyo tr'Seiben.

Laehval tTemarr: ::She entered the lift.:: +Lerak+ t'Temarr to tr'Pexil.

m_k_tksa: Maec>They've been experimented on. You don't think they're --

Lerak trPexil: +temm+ Here...


m_k_tksa: Clones? ::scowls at him:: Don't be ridiculously. But we're going to have a heck of a time determining which families they belong to. If there are any survivors in their families.

tAehjae: :: moves the governor into the interrogation room and sits him in a chair:: Now for some answers!

Lerak trPexil: (tem)

STSF Seiben::: continues to look through the medical databanks as well for any other information he could extract::

KhreRiovtRex: :: mind racing as to where he could be?:: He had to be close enough that he was able to send her a directed message, he wouldn't have chanced it otherwise...but where?::

Laehval tTemarr: +Lerak+ I heard tell of a device beamed aboard from the planet. Have au yet discovered what it does?

Laehval tTemarr: ::She strode onto the bridge.:: S'Bien, report.

STSF Seiben: We have found the medical records for the children we found on the medical facility. Maenak staff are looking over it at this time. The children were also looked after by maenak staff. Apparently, they were subjected to various experiments of some sort, but the medical jargon is above my knowledge.

m_k_tksa: Maec>::leans against her desk, arms folded:: You think they were taken?

Lerak trPexil: +Tem+ it's a comm link. Descrambler for their channels

Laehval tTemarr: Experiments? What sort of experiments?

Laehval tTemarr: Governor> ::Raises his hands at t'Aehjae.:: What? I'm a victim, here! We were hiding from the Othans!


m_k_tksa: No, I think they voluntarily signed up for this. ::::gives him a look:: The DNA isn't repetitive, so they're not part of the family.

Lerak trPexil: +tem+ is there something wrong with it?

STSF Seiben: I'm afraid I'm not too certain. The data in the experiment reports contains medical terminology I am not familiar with. But they seem to be quite comprehensive.

Lerak trPexil: +tem+ we picked up some medical data as well.

tAehjae: As I said The questioning... Why did au na come out when we called

Lerak trPexil: :: working on the device as they spoke ::

KhreRiovtRex: :: stands and starts pulling up sector maps and trying to figure where all he could have sent a message from, knowing he would na have sent if if there were a chance that someone else may have intercepted it::

Laehval tTemarr: Governor> We didn't hear au! That safe room goes deep and the comm was broken. ::Scowls.::

Laehval tTemarr: ::Takes her seat, looking to Koga.:: And the children? Have they been seen to? Cared for?

Lerak trPexil: +tem+ if we can break other encryption, we may be able to track their movements.


KhreRiovtRex: :: realizes shes' still clenching the bloody sword, drops it on her desk, and eventually drops back into her chair in exasperation, as there is no way to determine where he might be just from this sector.....but if it were true, he had to be somewhat close::

KhreRiovtRex::: but...what if it were lie? What if this were some cruel Othan hoax to confuse her?

STSF Seiben: Ie, t'Ksa and the maenak staff have been caring for the children since their arrival. I believe they are sleeping in their accommodation area.

Laehval tTemarr: +Lerak+ S'Bien just informed me. This device -- can au use it to our advantage? Can we use it to intercept their communications?

Lerak trPexil: +t'ksa+ there could be other children and unfortunates in other facilities.

tAehjae: My superiors will be here shortly to ask au questions,

Lerak trPexil: +tem+ ie, hopefully off their grid.

tAehjae: how long were au hiding?


m_k_tksa: ::takes a seat at her desk, scratching at the back of her head:: I'm still trying to tell if there's any long term detrimental affects to these procedures. Other than what we've discovered so far, the age progression, muscle tone accentuation and well....::Scrolling through a list::

m_k_tksa: +tr'Pexil+ Ie, true. Do au think au can tap into the records of the facilities?

Laehval tTemarr: Governor> I don't know. I lost track of time. Days, surely. Maybe a week.


Lerak trPexil: +t'ksa+ I am trying.

Lerak trPexil: (no)

Laehval tTemarr: ::She sighed.:: Children... of all things. Do we have records of their parents? Relatives?

KhreRiovtRex: (sigh)

Laehval tTemarr: +Lerak+ Very well. Keep me informed. I will wish to test this device out as soon as we are away from this planet.

STSF Seiben: ::shakes head:: Unfortunately not. We've not been able to find any records of the children’s' families or next of kin.


tAehjae: There were many children found. Do au know why they were being held?

Laehval tTemarr: Governor> Children? Na, I know nothing of children. ::Lying through his teeth.::

Lerak trPexil: (back if this works)

tAehjae: Au are the governor, and Au do na know about the children of aur city?

KhreRiovtRex: :: cursing herself for na being able to determine where he might be, decides she should go down and see this Governor, but Laeh may already be doing so, since she's not heard back from any more of the away team since she had left with the exception of this capture::

m_k_tksa: Maec>::taps a few commands into the console:: So, let's start cataloging what we know so far.

KhreRiovtRex: :: exits her chambers, seeing Laehval rhae the oira, but wonders why she's na come to speak with her::

Laehval tTemarr: Governor> Do au know how busy I am? How much responsibility I have? I can na possibly know about every little thing that goes on.

KhreRiovtRex: :: leaves it for the siuren, and enters the lift:: Br'tehh

KhreRiovtRex: :: lift closes and head downward::

Laehval tTemarr: ::Stands as t'Rex enters, then sits as she departs, leaning back in her chair.:: S'Bien, t'Aehjae should be interrogating the Governor right now. Transfer the feed to my panel.

STSF Seiben: ::nods:: Transmitting the feed now. ::does so::

STSF Seiben: ::transfer the feeds to Laeh's console::


KhreRiovtRex: :: enters the br'tehh, and heads to the interrogation area::

KhreRiovtRex: :: taps on the window, letting t'A know she's there and wishes to enter::

Lerak trPexil: :: working on the device, but the computer needed to do the work now ::

m_k_tksa: ::digs into the medical experiment paperwork that the children were subjected to, trying to figure out the who, what, when and why while Maec works on getting the familial connections identified::

KhreRiovtRex: ::knocks on the window again:>:

KhreRiovtRex: Etrehh, override door locking mechanism, t'Vatrix Dev Dev io kri io

KhreRiovtRex: :: opens the interrogation room door and enters, sill with dried blood on her face and front of her uniform, having na had the time to change since receiving the encoded message

tAehjae: :: hears the tap and opens the door for t’Vatrix::

KhreRiovtRex: If au value a life at all, au will speak truthfully and tell me what I wish to know, or au will be having a very short day. As several others have already found out.....






Laehval tTemarr: Nice simming, all.

KhreRiovtRex: Ok, so interrogating the Gov, trying to solve the mystery of the kids, and the device is now something else, a communication thing, we'll pick up next week

STSF Seiben: Ooh

KhreRiovtRex: anyone have any comments or questions?

m_k_tksa: Nothing from me

Laehval tTemarr: Everyone have a good weekend.

Laehval tTemarr: See you back here next week.

STSF Seiben: Goodnight!

KhreRiovtRex: Crew Dismissed


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