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Sky Harbor Aegis | 30 June 2017

=/\= Aegis Mission Brief 6/30/17 - 10:01 PM=/\=
2 April 2388 - Stardate 2388.092

TBS is 2 days. The time is 1500 hours (3:00 pm) Aegis local.
Aegean is in the final stages of loading for an exploratory mission to the p-Kappa 198 system where they will investigate a strange signal that was detected by the Romulan reconnaissance mission to Alien Alliance space.
Commander Coleridge is Mission Commander.
=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
=/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=
Kallah Ramson: ::on the CnC::
Jylliene: ::CnC::
Fletcher Jackson: ::somewhere getting ready for the mission:::
Scott Coleridge: $::on Aegean, overseeing preparations::
mimipavilion: ::in medical::
Chirakis: ::security complex, finalizing some paperwork:::
Lawliet: ::CnC::
Dacia Sandero: ::in sickbay, getting ready for the mission as well. Getting what she needs from medical's supply room::
Alexis McFarland: ::in school, finishing her class work and keeping an eye on the chrono::
Tarisa: ::In the Science Lab, making sure everything had been loaded onto the ship.::
Gila Orrak: $ :: In the security room on the Aegean, speaking to Commander Cayne :: Sir, it's not that I am not grateful, it is just I was not expecting this so soon, to say nothing of off-station.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Has everything finished and her bag packed. She patiently waits for the school bell.::
Fletcher Jackson: ::worked hard studying Aegean's operations:::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: Nods :: Your scores were very high. :: he looked away :: Higher than mine.
KelsaViegnor: ::in the shop, finding it oddly quiet without Gila there. Continues her usual: seeing to clients as they shop, continuing planning for expansion of the body-care items recently added, which have proven to be quite popular.::
Annisha: :: Sitting in the park ::
Chirakis: ::files the last paper, checks for new information, and decides she has had enough:::
Kallah Ramson: Prepare a warp 9 probe. Input a matching course with Aegean. Launch when ready and patch telemetry to Aegean once they get underway.
Lawliet: ::overlooking the sensor logs for the past 48 hours::
Gila Orrak: $ :: smirking :: I had good marks at the scent shop too. Kelsa said I have a nose for it.
Alexis McFarland: ::packs away her stuff too::
Fletcher Jackson: ::he makes his way to the docking ring and gets his first look at Aegean:::
Dacia Sandero: Okay. I think I have everything.
Chirakis: ::exits security, handing it over to Lt Garand:::
Chirakis: ::Into the command lift::: CnC.
Scott Coleridge: ::going over the checklist::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: groans :: Learning humor too I see.
Alexis McFarland: ::School bell rings:: Yay!
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::steps aboard, kind of surprised, thinking the ship would be larger::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: Hands her a standard Federation rifle :: Can you inspect this...
Jylliene: ::back into usual routine for ops during an away mission - has to admit, she'll miss Fletcher while he's gone, as he always recommended the best doughnuts.::
Alexis McFarland: ::heads out to meet Annisha at the school park::
Tarisa: Miana> ::perks up, grabbing her bag.:: yay
Scott Coleridge: ((I hope our fitness regimen takes into account the CnC crew's sweet tooth))
Gila Orrak: $ :: Take the weapon and very quickly opens its power pack, relocks it, primes the chamber, checks the settings... all within about 30 seconds.
mimipavilion: ::finishes up her paperwork::
Fletcher Jackson: (I'll bring you a sample from p-Kappa 198, inscribed with your name. Sound good?)
Tarisa: ::Satisfied everything has been transferred over, she leaves for the TL.::
Chirakis: ::exits on CnC, pausing for threat assessment:::
Jylliene: ::preparing:: Preparing the probe. It will be ready shortly.
Chirakis: ::steps down:: Captain. ::nod of acknowledgement::
Lawliet: ::checks on Tarisa's progress for the mission::
Kallah Ramson: +Scott+ How's the preparations going?
Jylliene: ::glances over at Chirakis, smiles in greeting, then returns her attention to her console::
Nijil tr'Korjata: :: Meanwhile, Nijil is busy down in main engineering, but he was really working on his vows ::
Kallah Ramson: ::nods to Chirakis::
Chirakis: ::nods to Jylliene:: Commander.
Alexis McFarland: ::Walks to where Annisha was and sits next to her::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: takes the weapon back :: That was very fast...
Chirakis: ::moves to the tactical console and slaves it to security:::
mimipavilion: ::goes into main medical and looks for Dacia::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: Checks the weapon himself, albeit slower :: Very good.
Tarisa: Miana> ::Plops down on the other side.::
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::his gear goes in what they call quarters, and makes his way toward the bridge:::
Lawliet: ::looking through the progress reports and inventory::
mimipavilion: ::finds Dacia and walks up to her:: How are things going?
Tarisa: $ ::After a TL ride and a short walk through the docking port, she enters the ship. She first makes a trip to the lab to see if everything was in place.::
Dacia Sandero: Going good. Just checking the equipment before packing it up. I hope we'll be back before Nijil and Jylliene's wedding.
KelsaViegnor: ::prepares a table with a few free samples, greets passers-by at the entrance of the shop::
mimipavilion: Good. I hope so too.
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::and it looks really different than he thought it would be, but better in that everything is in Fed Standard:::
Jylliene: Probe ready for launch at your command. ::to Ramson::
Chirakis: ::she checks the sector tactical status, and all seems to be in order:::
Scott Coleridge: $+Ramson+ Supplies are loaded. We're waiting for the last of the crew to board and then will perform final pre-flight checks.
Lawliet: ::closes out of the station and moves to the turbolift::
Tarisa: $ ::Satisfied with the lab, she heads for the bridge.::
Chirakis: ::then calls for intelligence information on p-Kappa 198:::
Dacia Sandero: I best get going before I miss my ride. See you when I get back. ::grabs her med kit and heads to the docking bay::
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::sits at his console to check it out:::
Lawliet: ::enters the turbolift:: Docking Port, Aegean.
mimipavilion: ::nods:: See ya when you get back
Kallah Ramson: +Scott+ Sounds good. We're sending a probe now along your planned route.
Kallah Ramson: ::nods to Jyl::
Dacia Sandero: ::nods and rushes to a turbolift:: Docking port.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ Okay, now what if someone was to attack you from behind and to your back. :: He reached for her to demonstrate just where the attacker was coming from, when.. ::
Gila Orrak: $ :: Gila grasps both of his arms with force and throws him over her shoulder, flipping him against the ceiling and over onto his back with a THUD! ::
Jylliene: Launching.
Jylliene: And probe away.
Fletcher Jackson: (Ouch)
Tarisa: ((That must be a really low ceiling, or Gila is incredibly strong.))
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: Gets the wind knocked out of him. Two other security rush over to help the commander ::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: ((not particularly high))
Lawliet: ::steps off the turbolift and walks down the corridor to the docking port::
Gila Orrak: $ :: Gets held back by two guards ::
Dacia Sandero: $ ::exits the lift and walks into the Aegean, heading to her quarters to unpack her luggage::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ Ugh, no no. Let the Ensign go...
Gila Orrak: $ Commander, I am so sorry, I thought..
Tarisa: $ ::Steps out onto the bridge, her senses on full.::
Lawliet: $ ::walks through the docking port and finds the nearest turbolift:: Main Bridge.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ You answered the question... :: extends his hand for help up ::
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::checking out the operations console, and doesn't find it all that difficult, so he's a little more relaxed... just a little:::
Gila Orrak: $ :: Helps him up, grabbing his hand ::
Chirakis: ::steps toward Ramson:: Intelligence report is clean, Captain.
Scott Coleridge: $::Tarisa:: Welcome aboard. I hear you're going to be our science officer.
Alexis McFarland: I'm hungry. ::leans on Annisha and nibbles her sleeve::
Nijil tr'Korjata: +Jy+ Are au not on the mission either?
Lawliet: $ ::steps onto the bridge::
Jylliene: +Nijil+ No, I am not.
Annisha: I heard Rihans taste like deception.
Tarisa: $ ::Nods.:: Yes Commander. ::Ears perk up as someone steps up behind her.::
Kallah Ramson: ::Chirakis:: That's good to hear... as long as it's true.
Dacia Sandero: $ ::after she unpacks, she makes the short lift ride to the Aegan's sickbay::
Jylliene: ((until he notices the lack-of-a-chair, then perhaps, less relaxed.))
Alexis McFarland: Deception tastes bland.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: In that instant, Cayne flashed back to his time on Cardassia when both he and Gila were younger, and in more dire straights ::
Scott Coleridge: $::sees Lawliet:: Commander, welcome aboard.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: groans :: I need to get to tactical... ow.
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::familiarizing himself with the console::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Giggles::
Gila Orrak: $ Shall I?
Lawliet: $ ::nods to Coleridge:: Thank you sir. Do you have a moment to speak in private?
Scott Coleridge: $::Lawliet:: In the ready room. ::gestures:: I'll be right there.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ Remain here, yes. I will be fine Ensign. :: walks to the door with a bit of struggle ::
Lawliet: $ ::nods:: Aye sir. ::walks into the ready room::
KelsaViegnor: ::steps out into the corridor and looks at the entrance, then adjusts the sample table to be more noticeable::
Scott Coleridge: $::walks over to Ops:: Mr. Fletcher, please check if our crew have all boarded and get status reports from department heads.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ I'm fine... :: grunts :: I'm fine :: door shuts ::
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::scott:: Aye, Sir. Checking now.
Tarisa: $ ::Steps over to the science station.::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: Enters the bridge ::
Dacia Sandero: $ ::Checks out sickbay, and sets things up::
Fletcher Jackson: $ All crew are accounted for, Commander.
Annisha: Let's go. :: to Alexis ::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: Takes his station ::
Scott Coleridge: $::nods at Cayne:: Commander.
Alexis McFarland: OK ::follows Annisha and Miana:: Getting close to the wedding. You're almost ready?
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: Nods back, but noddle was not a good idea ::
Scott Coleridge: $::Fletcher:: Conduct final pre-flight checks. I'll be back in a few minutes.
Annisha: I think so, I've been practicing my gimpy guitar.
Fletcher Jackson: $ Pre-flight checks, Aye. (Am I helm, too?)
Alexis McFarland: I've been practising my Vulcan harp. How are those Vulcans you ordered?
Scott Coleridge: ((You can be, or we can have generic helm person.))
Fletcher Jackson: $ (I'll give it a try.)
mimipavilion: ::does a quick look around, leaves medical with one of the other doctors in charge until she returns::
Scott Coleridge: $::enters the ready room—it has been a while since he was in here, and then it takes him a few seconds to realize he's supposed to be on the other side of the desk this time::
Scott Coleridge: $ Thanks for waiting. What can I do for you?
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::running through the pre-flight sequence:::
Annisha: The Vulcan band wants to meet with me... I feel like I'm on a tribunal.
mimipavilion: ::orders the tl to the CnC::
Alexis McFarland: But you hired them.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: Looks in pain ::
Lawliet: $ ::takes a seat at the desk:: It's about Lt. Commander Tarisa heading Science for this mission.
Annisha: Oh I know... and I just hope my promise of my father looking at their ship helps.
Scott Coleridge: $::nods, listening::
Tarisa: Miana> ::Curious.:: They were finally allowed on the station?
Annisha: :: starts walking to the commerce level ::
Chirakis: ::mulling over the captain's comment, knowing that there is always something that is not mentioned::
Kallah Ramson: Action: Aegean's ready room is inside the Captain's quarters on the ship. Mostly cleared of Ramson's personal items, except for maybe a few gifts she left for Scott
Gila Orrak: $ :: Smiles at the other guards in security, she goes to check the other firearms ::
Alexis McFarland: ::follows along::That sounds nice. I'm sure your father will do it. Vulcan bands are nice.
mimipavilion: ::arrives on the CnC::
Lawliet: $ One of the reasons I wanted her to take point was to give her experience as a department head, but also prepare my future in Starfleet.
Chirakis: ::but she does have another source, so she returns to her private console, slips in an encryption chip, and sends a message:::
Tarisa: Miana> I have never heard a Vulcan band.
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::pre-flight complete, he readies for departure:::
Annisha: This one is different :: starts to hear music playing as they enter the commerce level ::
Tarisa: $ ::Makes sure the sensors are aligned properly.::
Lawliet: $ Basically I've been considering taking the bridge officers test soon and becoming a full commander. I've even given thought about changing from Science to Command.
Alexis McFarland: I went to a Vulcan mating ritual when my parents were stationed on Vulcan. It sounded really nice. ::sniffs the air of the food stalls in the commerce level:: Mmmm...
Tarisa: Miana> :;Ears perk up.::
Scott Coleridge: $::leans back in his chair slightly, steeples his fingers:: Very interesting.
Dacia Sandero: $ ::Organising things around sickbay and prepping for the mission::
Annisha: :: Hears some very old Earth music, or what she thought was from there. A sizable crowd was blocking their view of the people playing ::
Lawliet: $ I realize this is not the time or place to discuss this in detail, but I wanted you to know of my intentions.
Alexis McFarland: What's going on over there?
Annisha: It's them. :: jumps ::
Alexis McFarland: ::Jumps as well:: Who?
Scott Coleridge: $ Well, I was going to ask to speak to you regardless.
Chirakis: ::within a few minutes, she receives a reply - encrypted of course, and stated in an unconventional matter in a foreign language:::
Lawliet: $ Sir?
Annisha: The band.
mimipavilion: ::casually walks around the CnC::
Chirakis: ::she slips out the key, blanks the screen, erases the evidence, and steps back to Ramson::
Alexis McFarland: The band? But that's not Vulcan music.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: Checks into tactical ::
Annisha: They play anything and can play songs they only hear for a moment...
Fletcher Jackson: $ +Aegis OPS+ Aegean OPS, requesting permission to depart when ready.
Alexis McFarland: oooh
Scott Coleridge: $ Commander Cayne is the next-ranking officer but is overseeing security and has a brand new recruit to supervise. So, since you have fewer concerns, I would like you to serve as my executive officer for this mission.
Jylliene: ::glances at Ramson::
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: laughs :: Supervise..
Jylliene: Aegean requesting launch.
Kallah Ramson: ::nods:: Clear them for launch.
Dacia Sandero: $ ::works with the other medics on staff to get sickbay to proper order::
Chirakis: ::hearing that familiar voice, it sounds strange coming from Aegean::
Annisha: Let's get eats and come back\.,
Tarisa: Miana> Yay
Alexis McFarland: OK. Let's go!
Jylliene: +Aegean+ Aegis here. You are clear to launch when ready, Aegean.
Lawliet: $ ::sits straighter:: Well...I must say I'm a little taken back, but you'll get the best from me sir.
Alexis McFarland: Where do you want to go?
Tarisa: $ ::Satisfied with the sensors and the console itself, she glances around at the rest of the bridge.::
Fletcher Jackson: $ +Aegis OPS+ Understood, Aegis OPS. Designate departing corridor, please.
Scott Coleridge: $::smile:: I expect nothing less. Is there anything else?
Chirakis: ::quietly:: Captain, my sources say that there has been questionable activity in the area, but nothing of consequence.
Jylliene: ::sends:: +Aegean+ Standard departure vector, Aegean.
Lawliet: $ ::stands up:: No sir. Shall I get a status update from the Department Heads?
Fletcher Jackson: $ +Aegis OPS+ Understood, Aegis. Standard Departure vector. Departure within the hour.
Scott Coleridge: $ Yes, let's get to the bridge, get a status update, and then we can get underway. ::offers his hand::
Jylliene: ::cues up a window on her display showing their location, which will remain visible until their return::
mimipavilion: ::stops near Jylliene looks at the screen for a bit::
Lawliet: $ ::nods and walks out onto the bridge::
Kallah Ramson: ::Chirakis:: Would it be odd to say it's nice to see things calm enough for normal illegal activity to resume.
Chirakis: ::chuckle::
Scott Coleridge: ((Are the captain's quarters near the bridge, or does it take us longer to get there?))
Alexis McFarland: ::Queues up at good old Blubby's and gets a Blubby Burger with cheese combo::
Kallah Ramson: (just down the hallway)
Scott Coleridge: $::enters bridge::
Annisha: (it takes as long to get there as the dialog needs to fit)
Lawliet: $ ::walks over to the executive officer's station:: +COM+ All departments report status.
Scott Coleridge: $::Jackson:: Please note in the log that I'm designating Lieutenant Commander Lawliet as executive officer for this mission.
Kallah Ramson: (I think you could walk to just about anywhere on the ship to the farthest point in about 5 minutes, tops)
Fletcher Jackson: $ So noted, Commander.
Annisha: How about the place where they wrap meat in thin bread? :: the band changes genres completely, now playing Dixieland music ::
Tarisa: $ Science is ready. ::Gives a little tail flick.::
Alexis McFarland: That sounds nice. The line there is a lot less busier too.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: +Lawliet+ Tactical green
Scott Coleridge: $::Jackson:: Request clearance from Aegean for departure when ready.
Lawliet: $ ::nods at Tarisa::
Dacia Sandero: +Lawliet+ Sickbay ready here.
Fletcher Jackson: $ Clearance requested and granted, Captain. At your command.
Chirakis: 10:45 PM
Tarisa: Miana> ::Orders the nugget meal and a red Jumja juice.::
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::wonders how he likes being called Captain::
Annisha: :: gets her spicy meat wrap ::
Alexis McFarland: ::orders her Blubby Burger with cheese and a green Jumja juice:
Lawliet: $ +ENG+ Engineering, report status.
Scott Coleridge: $::shiver runs down his spine as he sits in the captain's chair::
Alexis McFarland: ::and fries::
Scott Coleridge: $ Lt T'Paun> +Lawliet+ Engineering is ready.
Lawliet: $ ::turns to Coleridge:: Commander, all departments have reported in and ready.
mimipavilion: ::looks around the CnC and is surprised nobody has noticed or if they did, didn't mind::
Gila Orrak: $ :: Finishes her inspection of the firearms ::
Scott Coleridge: $ Thank you. ::Jackson:: Take us out.
Annisha: :: Gets back to the band ::
Lawliet: $ ::takes a seat in the xo chair::
Fletcher Jackson: $ Going to full ship power, releasing station power, thrusters activated, moving out...
Alexis McFarland: ::follows Annisha and finds a table with a good view of the band::
Annisha: :: Now the band is playing a old tune called "Can't Stop" ::
Alexis McFarland: ::waves them over::
Jylliene: ::watching console:: Aegean is moving out.
Kallah Ramson: ::Steps over to her station. Opens a comm directly to Aegean's main computer:: Aegean, take care of that crew and bring them back safely. ::then closes the comm::
Scott Coleridge: $::Tarisa:: Commander Tarisa, Aegis launched a probe ahead of us. Please establish a telemetry link with it and report any discrepancies from what the Romulans reported.
Fletcher Jackson: $ One quarter impulse into departure corridor.
Fletcher Jackson: $ Moving to half impulse...
Tarisa: $ Yes Captain. ::Sets up link.::
Alexis McFarland: This sounds oddly familiar. I think my dad likes music like this.
Fletcher Jackson: $ Entering corridor, going to full impulse.
Jylliene: Probe is on course, and reports link to the Aegean.
Nijil tr'Korjata: ((Rihans would not lie or withhold information...sheez))
Fletcher Jackson: $ Exit vector received... engaging at your command, Captain.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ :: Watching the probe on his sensors ::
Lawliet: $ +ENG+ Engineering...reroute secondary power to the forward sensor array. Ensure we keep in contact with the probe.
Cdr Wyatt Cayne: $ Communications link to the probe is strong.
Scott Coleridge: $ Engage, warp 5.
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::feels strange, but exciting, at OPS/HELM on a starship::
Fletcher Jackson: $ Engaging at warp 5. ::press:::
Alexis McFarland: ::bites into her burger:: Yummy..
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::lets out a breath at the sense of power:::
Tarisa: $ ::Monitors the probe.::
Chirakis: ::watching the departure:::
Chirakis: 10:55 PM
mimipavilion: ::watches the departure as well::
Scott Coleridge: $::hears a tinge of excitement to Jackson's voice, slight smile--this mission is letting more than one person stretch their comfort zone::
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::crooked grin, thinking this is a heck of a lot better than donuts:::
Tarisa: ((blasphemy))
Fletcher Jackson: (heh)
mimipavilion: ::NIP:: And there they go.
Scott Coleridge: $::brings up the crew manifest at his panel to make sure he knows the names, since they're on this mission together for about two weeks::
Jylliene: ::nods in agreement with Mimi::
Chirakis: ::Ramson:: It's a strange feeling, Captain. Having the younglings take command in a mission.
Dacia Sandero: $ ::feels the ship jump to warp:: Hmm.
Chirakis: ::Mimi:: Very strange feeling.
Kallah Ramson: ::smiles::
mimipavilion: It is indeed.
Annisha: :: rocking out to the band ::
Chirakis: 10:58 PM
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::still grinning, staring at the console, and watching of course:::
Scott Coleridge: $::Jackson:: Our ETA to the system is approximately 2 days, yes?
Fletcher Jackson: $ Yes, sir.
Lawliet: $ ::turns to Tarisa:: Commander Tarisa, ensure you run a diagnostic on the probe and the Aegean sensor grid every 6 hours.
Scott Coleridge: $::claps his hands together, leans forward slightly in his chair:: Well, then. That should be plenty of time.
Fletcher Jackson: $ ::slight turn::: Sir?
Kallah Ramson: I'll be in my office.
Lawliet: $ ::turns to Coleridge::
Chirakis: Yes, Captain.
Kallah Ramson: ::moves that way::
Scott Coleridge: $ For the bridge crew to help me figure out what I should get Jylliene and Nijil for their wedding.
Tarisa: $ ::Nods::
Fletcher Jackson: $ Wow. That's coming up, isn't it. ::whew:::
Lawliet: $ ::smiles:: Perhaps something we'll find when we arrive at our destination...sir.
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=
Chirakis: 6/30/17
Chirakis: Thank you.
Chirakis: I must say, that was an interesting feeling for me IRL.
Chirakis: Letting the children loose.
Alexis McFarland: I wanna be loose
Chirakis: "children" not necessarily in a bad way.
Tarisa: Miana> Freedom!
Scott Coleridge: The real reason I requested Jackson along —  to be my straight man. 
Chirakis: Jackson? Straight?
Fletcher Jackson: ::snort::
Chirakis: Anyway... TBS captain?
Kallah Ramson: 3 days should get Aegean about to enter the target system. The probe will already have arrived and started its initial survey, sending those readings to Aegean.
Chirakis: And will we get any information on Aegis?
Kallah Ramson: Whatever Aegean relays to us.
Scott Coleridge: Hopefully just mission updates.
Scott Coleridge: And no spoilers regarding the presents
Chirakis: Of course.
Chirakis: Anything from you, Captain Coleridge?
Scott Coleridge: Nope.
Chirakis: Questions or comments from the crew?
Chirakis: I would like to congratulate Lawliet on his XO position on Aegean.
Dacia Sandero: yay
Lawliet: Thank you Captain.
Chirakis: And Cayne, for playing 4 characters simultaneously without missing a lick.
Chirakis: Very well played.
Chirakis: If nothing else...
Chirakis: Crew dismissed. Be well. Be Safe. Don’t forget your towel.
Dacia Sandero: Happy Canada Day
Chirakis: Happy Canada Day!

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