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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

USS Excalibur Sim Log - 04.24.16

MISSION BRIEF: Having discovered some unsettling secrets on the planet and a holocube we hope will point us in the right direction, we pick up in another meeting to discuss findings of the above.


Cptn Swain -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Swain -> BEGIN SIM


William Chocox -> ::sits in the conference room::

Hunter Matheson -> ::sitting in the conference room, drumming his fingers on the table:::

Maryse Dubois -> ::Sitting at the conference table again.::

Cptn Swain -> So.. you first doctor.

Cptn Swain -> What more did you find from the scans you took from the lab?

Rhan K'hal -> :: slumps his way into the conference room and into a chair, still pretty drained from his personal rescue mission ::

Tandaris Admiran -> ::in the conference room, looking somewhat pale::

William Chocox -> ::listens::

Maryse Dubois -> Well I found that we all have some of the modified Ketracel in our systems. It will take a few days, but it should clear out of our systems soon enough.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> And the side effects we can expect in the meanwhile?

Cptn Swain -> ::Nods::

William Chocox -> Damn.

Hunter Matheson -> :;drum... fidget... drum... fidget:::

Maryse Dubois -> Some irritability, cravings, other desires. Maybe a headache or two...

Hunter Matheson -> ::drum...fidget:: What.. .other... desires, doc?

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Lifts a brow::

Tandaris Admiran -> Don't hold out on us.

Tandaris Admiran -> I know you have the good info.

Tandaris Admiran -> ::twitch::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Mildly surprised she wasn't the one making that comment.''

Maryse Dubois -> ::Reaches over, grabbing Kal's hands.:: Stop that...

Hunter Matheson -> ::forced to stop:::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Wondering if Will's shyness had rubbed off on her.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::looks up at her:: What others, Doc?

Cptn Swain -> ::Clears his throat.:: Well, I am glad that it's only mild. Please keep the Commander and I informed.

Hunter Matheson -> ::slips his hands under the table:::

Cptn Swain -> Tandaris, what progress have you made on the holocube? Good news I hope.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::Stares across the table at Hunter for a moment before shifting to the engineer.::

Maryse Dubois -> ::Lets go and rests back in her chair. Nods to Swain:: Unfortunately I don't have anything to combat this, if I did it might make things worse.

Tandaris Admiran -> Well, that depends on what you define as "good news."

Tandaris Admiran -> ::stands up, slightly less smoothly than normally, and goes over to the display::

Hunter Matheson -> ::his gaze drops to the table, feeling... really looked at:::

Tandaris Admiran -> The good news is that I did indeed crack into the holocube, and it has some detailed information. I can tell you part of why the team was there.

Cptn Swain -> ::Leans back::

Tandaris Admiran -> And I also know where they might have gone.

Rhan K'hal -> :: watching the proceedings through slitted eyes, slumped in the chair like a puddle of fur ::

Tandaris Admiran -> ::brings up an image that looks like a schematic eerily familiar to those who found the lab:: That is where the good news ends.

Hunter Matheson -> ::looks up to Admiran at that one::

Maryse Dubois -> That looks familiar...

Maryse Dubois -> It's what we found in the lab.

Hunter Matheson -> ::stares, the bouncing of his legs stops::

Tandaris Admiran -> The lab you discovered? Experimental facility. You get three guesses what they were doing. I'l'l give you a hint: it's a Dominion standby.

Hunter Matheson -> ::aw damn;::

Maryse Dubois -> Cloning Vorta?

Rhan K'hal -> :: squints at it a bit more :: Mmmhmmm.

William Chocox -> That's weird.

Tandaris Admiran -> ::nods at Maryse:: Got it in one.

Cptn Swain -> ::Frowns:: Now we know why this mission isn't on the record.

Maryse Dubois -> With brand new Federation tech no less.

Tandaris Admiran -> It looks like the Hundred have been having trouble producing new Vorta.

Tandaris Admiran -> So they turned to the Federation, or at least a very unofficial, very low-key part of the Federation, for some assistance.

Rhan K'hal -> So the Federation is now in the Vorta production business? Are there going to be dealerships where you can buy or lease yours with qualifying credit?

William Chocox -> When can we get an on the record mission? It's a dream of mine.

Maryse Dubois -> Section 31 maybe?

Tandaris Admiran -> ::spreads hands, notices they are shaking, sticks them behind his back:: Maybe, maybe not. The holocube doesn't say.

Tandaris Admiran -> It does say they were meeting with mixed results, when they started detecting transmissions that got them spooked.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> So they were using a facility that the Dominion had officially abandoned?

Cptn Swain -> Or were hiding in semi-plain sight. What better place to have your secret facility than as aprt of another secret facility?

Cptn Swain -> ::Leans forward, steepling his fingers pensively::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> There was no activity in the lab you discovered, so they left this secret facility for another? Or perhaps relocated to another location on the planet?

Hunter Matheson -> Uh... excuse me, Sir. Ma'am. ::referring to Swain and Hawthorne:::

Tandaris Admiran -> ::Hawthorne:: The former, Commander.

Cptn Swain -> Yes, Hunter?

Tandaris Admiran -> They believed that Semil's faction had located this facility—

Hunter Matheson -> Just because there's Fed tech involved, doesn't mean it's a Fed facility.

Cptn Swain -> ::Lifts a brow.::

Hunter Matheson -> I can think of quite a few groups that could get their hands on Fed tech and do something like that.

Cptn Swain -> We know there's a Starfleet team working with them.

Cptn Swain -> Five Starfleet officers to be exact.

Hunter Matheson -> Aye, Sir. But that still doesn't mean it's Federation. Covert ops?

Tandaris Admiran -> ::coughs:: We can discuss the provenance of the idiots at another time, please?

Cptn Swain -> ::Nods::

Hunter Matheson -> ::knows he's stretching the bounds of his non-disclosure agreement:::

Hunter Matheson -> ::shrinks back::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::Miranda swung about in her chair, fingers twirling one lock of her hair as she stared out toward the stars.::

Cptn Swain -> My sentiment exactly. That's above even my paygrade. Our mission is to find them and return them to Camelot. So, you said you had information about their whereabouts?

Maryse Dubois -> ::Drumming her fingers on her leg as she listens.::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Exhales, still thinking about the sauna she missed out on.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::leg starts bouncing again, not so much as last time:::

Tandaris Admiran -> Indeed. ::switches display to show a sector map, with a system about half a sector away:: They moved to—you'll never guess—another abandoned Dominion base.

Tandaris Admiran -> This one is, fortunately, located on a somewhat warmer planet.

Maryse Dubois -> Thanks the gods...

Cptn Swain -> Why do I feel there's another shoe.

Cptn Swain -> Let me guess, this one requires us to go through a conflict zone?

Rhan K'hal -> :: dryly :: Because most species in Starfleet are bipedal.

Cptn Swain -> ::Smirks at Rhan::

Tandaris Admiran -> Not officially a conflict zone, Captain.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Trying not to snicker at Rhan.::

Tandaris Admiran -> But it is deeper within Hundred-controlled territory, which is probably why they chose it.

Cptn Swain -> That's somewhat positive then.

Cptn Swain -> ::Noticing the crew was still somewhat, fidgety:: Very well then, good work both of you. I think we're good here then. Unless there was anything else?

Tandaris Admiran -> Well, the cube had some details on the cloning program.

Tandaris Admiran -> I would just pass that on to yourselves and Maryse, though—it's rather technical.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> I would like to have a look at that, Commander.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::Realizes that she'd started to daydream and snaps herself out of it with a shake of her head, shifting her chair back to face the others.::

Tandaris Admiran -> ::Ithene:: Of course.

Cptn Swain -> Alright then. You're all dismissed, except for Commander Admiran.

William Chocox -> ::gets up and heads for engineering::

Cptn Swain -> Miranda, have helm set a course for the new coordinates and break orbit.

Hunter Matheson -> ::jerks back to reality at the word "dismissed"::::

Hunter Matheson -> ::stands, tugs on his tunic, and exits:::

Maryse Dubois -> ::Gets up from her chair, stretching a bit before exiting the room.::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::Nods tiredly and slowly pulls herself out of her chair, heading out to the bridge.::

Rhan K'hal -> :: pools out of his chair and slinks out of the room, following Maryse ::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Exits following Rhan and Maryse::

Rhan K'hal -> I hope it takes a week to get to wherever we're going. At least.

Cptn Swain -> ::With the room cleared except for Admiran, Swain exhaled. He knew they were going through things, so he'd decided to be a little lighter than normal, but it was still frustrating.::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Smirks:: I haven't had a chance to thank you Rhan.

Tandaris Admiran -> ::looks at Swain, wonders if he has something he wants to say::

Maryse Dubois -> it would be nice. ::Slips into the TL, holding it for whomever as she leans on a wall.::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Warmly:: Thank you.

Cptn Swain -> ::Admiran:: I am assuming by now you've figured out from the cube that the Admiral's son is commanding the team we're searching for?

Rhan K'hal -> You're welcome. Though I imagine you would've loved a place where you could sauna every day and ogle the populace.

Hunter Matheson -> ::as he walks down the hall and suddenly notices he's looking at every woman:::slips into the lift:::

William Chocox -> ::steps into the lift::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Smirks:: I do miss home.

William Chocox -> Anyone want a pizza?

Hunter Matheson -> ::I am not on that planet.. I am not on that planet... I am not on that planet...:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::Gives the new coordinates to the bridge watch with the Captain's orders, waits long enough for them to engage, before joining the others in the lift.::

Tandaris Admiran -> ::Swain:: The name did ring a bell. I thought it best not to bring it up.

Cptn Swain -> Pizza sounds lovely.

Cptn Swain -> ::Nods:: I appreciate you doing so.

Hunter Matheson -> ::pressed against the bulkhead:::

Rhan K'hal -> Only if it has extra anchovies.

William Chocox -> You ok over...

Cptn Swain -> The crew is on edge enough with the type of missions we keep getting assigned, without needing to know that we pulled this mission because of that connection.

William Chocox -> ::fixes K'hal with a death glare::

Cptn Swain -> Though I like to think of it as a vote of confidence.

William Chocox -> Excuse you?

Tandaris Admiran -> This is not the first time an admiral has sent a ship after a wayward child, and not even _my_ first time on such a mission.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::She cleared her throat, looking at the others that had been on the away team.:: Who is interested in some vigorous exercise?

Cptn Swain -> Likely not the first time on this ship either.

Hunter Matheson -> ::glance up at the commander:: What you have in mind, ma'am?

Tandaris Admiran -> ::shrugs:: If this is as important as the data on that cube imply, this is bigger than that though.

Rhan K'hal -> I'm more interested in a nap. And no, five naps a day isn't too many.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> The only vigorous exercise I have in mind is a mud bath in the pools of Terna

William Chocox -> It's against my religion Ma'am, but thank you anyway.

Cptn Swain -> ::Frowns:: The admiral did not go into any great detail about the mission, but I am aware from briefings that the Vorta are running out of clones that can be ... well cloned again.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::She shrugged and then looked to Hunter.:: Rock climbing. I've got a program I've been wanting to try.

Hunter Matheson -> Sure. I'm game.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Starts rubbing Rhan's furry arm.:: So soft...Your fur has really come in well. Better than your old fur, I think.

Tandaris Admiran -> Do you think Abronovitch was aware of the nature of his son's operation?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> I've heard it is very challenging. Good for... concentrating on the moment.

Maryse Dubois -> *your

Cptn Swain -> I venture a guess that he did. Little happens in this quadrant that he doesn't know about from what I've come to understand.

Hunter Matheson -> ::nod:: Takes your mind of everything but staying alive, ma'am.

William Chocox -> ::rolls his eyes::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> Yes, exactly. Meet me in Holodeck 1 in ten.

Cptn Swain -> But to be fair to the Admiral what they were doing has very little impact on our mission -- much as that might irk me.

Hunter Matheson -> What're we climbing? El Cap? One in ten, yes, ma'am.

Rhan K'hal -> :: half smile :: Considering the missions I've pulled since coming aboard I haven't had the chance to condition it as often as I was accustomed to at the Academy. Though you still won't hear me say that getting forcibly depilated was a good thing.

Cptn Swain -> You know that better than most people on this ship.

Hunter Matheson -> ::half wishing he'd brought his climbing gear along:::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> Will you can join me in the holodeck for mudbath and pizza if you'd prefer.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::She stepped out of the lift once it stopped at her floor, heading to her quarters to change.::

Maryse Dubois -> ::Grins.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::and he stopped at his, stepped out to change into whatever he had:::

William Chocox -> There's worse things K'hal. I still sometimes have stray memories from Ithene running in my head. And...I'll actually take you up on that.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::grins:: Good meet me there in 10 minutes.

Cptn Swain -> ::Exits:: Anyone else who wants to come relax can join as well.

William Chocox -> Yes ma'am.

Rhan K'hal -> True. When I got Ithene's body it was just all the mass in a half second. You got it a little more... interestingly.

Hunter Matheson -> ::in his quarters;: Hm... ::pulls the mountain bag and zips it open:::

Rhan K'hal -> :: and eyes Ithene :: And no, I'm still not going to let that go.

Hunter Matheson -> ::then empties it on his bunk, glad his DI isn't around::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::grins at Rhan as she leaves::: I expect nothing less.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Laughs.::

Cptn Swain -> ::Sighs:: Well, thank you Commander. I appreciate your work on the cube and as I said, your... discretion.

William Chocox -> ::steps out of the lift and heads for his quarters:: Interesting is a kind way to put it.

Hunter Matheson -> OKay.. so there is some stuff:::

Cptn Swain -> I know this transition back to every day work hasn't been what you'd expected to doing.

Maryse Dubois -> Um...hmm...Everyone else left now.

Tandaris Admiran -> ::shrugs again:: I don't know what I expected to be doing. I had become used to being … an inconvenience.

Tandaris Admiran -> Now I find myself uninteresting once more, and I am surprised how lonely that makes me.

Cptn Swain -> (( I like the idea that the senior staff is just taking a vacation day lol ))

Maryse Dubois -> ((hehe))

Hunter Matheson -> ::nylon rope, shoes, etc::

William Chocox -> ((How often does that happen?))

Rhan K'hal -> Yup. Can't say either of the recreation options appealed. I should probably stop by sickbay and get another hypo. Now I know why Cait children get it drilled into them to not use that ability unless it's life or death. :: sighs ::

Cptn Swain -> ::Nods:: Well, for what it's worth Commander, I am very glad we have someone with your expertise and experience aboard.

Cptn Swain -> I know that Commander Hawthorne appreciates the workload you've taken off her for sure.

Hunter Matheson -> ::rappel harness:::links::cord:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> (( They still haven't been cleared from medical. Duh. ))

William Chocox -> ::makes his way down to the holodecks::

Cptn Swain -> Even if you two sometimes have different... approaches.

Hunter Matheson -> ::checks the time and bolts out of his quarters and into the lift:::

Hunter Matheson -> Holodeck 1.

William Chocox -> ((Another polite way to put it.))

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::At the holodeck waiting for Will because Television, in a striking wrap::

William Chocox -> ((Lol))

William Chocox -> Commander.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Rests head on Rhan for a moment. Wishes she could take a nap here. Then she straightens up.:: Oh yeah, you do need checked up on again, don't you? ::Smirks.::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> Call me Ithene.

William Chocox -> ::walks up::

Hunter Matheson -> ::gears up on the way and steps out of the lift at that level, half ready:::

William Chocox -> Ok.

Tandaris Admiran -> ::Swain:: Thank you. For what it's worth, while you are very different from either Captains Corizon or Varen, you are not so bad yourself.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> You and I are maybe closer to each other than anyone on this ship, no need for formality when we're off duty, eh?

Hunter Matheson -> :::deep breath, enters::

Cptn Swain -> ::Smiles:: Thank you. I sometimes wonder if I made the right decision taking and then staying.

Hunter Matheson -> ::looking for the CDR:::

Rhan K'hal -> :: smiles :: Yeah, I'm the special one that has both withdrawal, cravings, AND a metabolic system that was drained to within an inch of death. Though it could've been worse, Ithene could've landed on me again.

Cptn Swain -> Arden is always telling me I am too self-critical, but ::smirks:: there I go talking about myself. Anyway, I am sure you're tired like the rest of the crew. Perhaps if you're looking for some company, we could have drinks in the lounge later?

Rhan K'hal -> :: steps off the lift on deck 11 across from sickbay ::

William Chocox -> That makes sense.

Tandaris Admiran -> All right. I should check in on engineering first, and then I'm going to lie down for a bit.

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::Miranda had changed into minimal clothing, favoring function over form. She wore tight pants that covered her legs to her knees and a tanktop, both in black. She'd pulled her hair back into a ponytail to keep it out of her eyes. Hunter spotted her as soon as he entered the holodeck, immediately stepping into a forest clearing. Miranda had her hands on her hips, staring up at a formidable cliff face that towered above. She already had her gear on, wearing a harness with several lengths of coiled rope beside her.::

Maryse Dubois -> ::Laughs a little as she walks with Rhan to sickbay.::

Cptn Swain -> ::Nods:: Good, see you around 1900 then?

Tandaris Admiran -> Sounds good. ::moves to leave::

Hunter Matheson -> ::tosses what he won't need to the side::: Guess I made it, Commander. ::checking out the cliff face::

Maryse Dubois -> ::Trying so hard not to just hang onto his paw.::

Hunter Matheson -> Um.. not as bad as El Cap, but it'll do. I'm not sure I'm up to El Cap anyway.

Hunter Matheson -> ::takes a knee to tighten his shoes:::

Hunter Matheson -> ::checks the gear bag at his left:::

Hunter Matheson -> ::pulls on his gloves::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> I'm told that this is one of the faces from Janitza on Bajor. ::Glancing over and down.:: Have you ever been there?

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::punches in the programs:: Holodecks do a reasonable facsimile of the mud baths, but it's not the same as the real thing.

Hunter Matheson -> Can't say that I have, ma

Hunter Matheson -> Ma'am.

Hunter Matheson -> Anything I should know? Quirks? Pitfalls?

Rhan K'hal -> I'd have to say we worked pretty well together down there. My brother speaks highly of you, and considering he's such a sourpuss, that's high praise.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::enters through the arch where a lavish mudbath facility complete with very attractive people have been created.::

Tandaris Admiran -> ::takes TL to engineering, just to check in::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> Me, either. ::She didn't wear gloves, but she had taped each of her fingers at the first knuckle. Dipping her hand in the pouch behind her, she came out with a white powder that she clapped between her hands to get rid of the sweat.::

Cptn Swain -> (( three minute warning ))

Maryse Dubois -> ::Smiles, trying not to blush. She brushed a few strands of hair from her face.:: Thanks.

Hunter Matheson -> So, we're free climbing?

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Makes her way over to the pool, taking off the wrap and sliding into the pool naked.::

William Chocox -> ::averts his gaze as he slips into the pool in a bathing suit::

Hunter Matheson -> ::secures his gear:: Base jumping from the top?

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> Whatever you like, though the safety controls are still in effect. I like the risk, but can't justify it when we just barely escaped the very real dangers of the away team.

Hunter Matheson -> I'm with you on that one, Commander.

Rhan K'hal -> :: hops up onto a biobed, pats the empty space next to him :: Might as well make this a two-fer for your staff, save them from slaving away with you being out of commission too.

Hunter Matheson -> ::checks the face to choose his angle of approach and route:::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Snorts:: You can't do a mudbath in a suit Will.

Maryse Dubois -> ::Nods in a agreement as she sits up on the bed.::

William Chocox -> Damnit. ::slides it off::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Mildly surprised her inhibitions didn't wear off on him.::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> It's not like the holograms care.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> And I certainly don't. I mean I was in your body.

Hunter Matheson -> ::approaches and takes a hand hold, judging the degree of difficulty::

William Chocox -> I'm just really self-conscious.

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> I know.

Hunter Matheson -> ::fairly sturdy, not exactly without slough offs, though::

William Chocox -> You would.

Rhan K'hal -> :: smiles over to Maryse :: You're surprisingly serene for someone that's served on this ship so long. I'm half suspicious that you're El Aurian.

William Chocox -> ::chuckles::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::As she orders them Pizza and drinks:: I told you we'd work on that. Next time we're at Camelot, I am taking you shopping.

Hunter Matheson -> :::having chosen his route, he begins:::

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> ::Grins::

Hunter Matheson -> Last one up..?

Hunter Matheson -> :::hand... grip...foot...:::

Cptn Swain -> (( Stockholm Syndrome Rhan ))

Maryse Dubois -> ::Smiles as she looks up.:: I guess I'm so used to things here, I don't let it bother me anymore.

Rhan K'hal -> (( LOL ))

William Chocox -> For what?

Maryse Dubois -> ((lol probably))

William Chocox -> ::sounds worried at the thought::

Hunter Matheson -> ::both hands gripping, steps from one foothold to the next:::

Cdr Miranda Hawthorne -> ::Miranda watched Hunter for a moment and then chose an area to his right to start. Planting her back foot, she took the short distance at a run, bounded off one of the lower outcroppings, and sprang upward two feet to grip hand holds out of her reach. Her fingers curled, holding her as she slammed against the face and she grinned down at Hunter.:: Last one up... what?

Cptn Swain -> Ithene> Whatever we find!

Cptn Swain -> ...and...

Rhan K'hal -> Bottle it and sell it, you'd make a fortune.

Hunter Matheson -> Last one up is probably going to be the safer one and come back alive, ma'am. ::headshake::


Cptn Swain -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Swain -> PAUSE SIM

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