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USS Republic Mission Briefing 51603.14

USS Republic Mission Briefing 51603.14


The crew, after rounding everyone up after the incident at the Galaxy Lounge had been headed back toward the Republic when it had to take off in chase of the 2 raider ships that were trying to escape from the planet, so the shuttle was ordered to remain on Eridos 2, and investigate while waiting for Republic to return. Hopefully they'll find some word of the stolen and missing items from the Federation Stations, and various colonies that J'Rom's beasts had raided to pay for his folly.

It was obvious that the raiders had been using the trade ports of this system to move their goods and hide their funds....but where?






LtCmdrRobinson -> ::wandering outside the higher security warehouses with Jax, not getting too close and not raising any suspicion::

((Information gathered so far: Lots of cargo loading bays and cranes dot the outer perimeter of the east end of town. To the south, extend a number of small and medium sized warehoused, and to the North a few larger ones. The west side of the town, appears to be where the business, and entertainment and housing lie.

Rue Wydown -> ::had hoped to give Christina a lesson on how to gather information, but as she's clammed up, it isn't going well::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::wandering around the warehouses and industrial areas with Heather::

STSF_BluRox -> ::unfolds Cardboard Christina and sets it next to Rue::

<<There is a faint trace of the last mustache that had been drawn on the cardboard>>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Still having a nice peaceful walk-ish::

Heather Jamieson -> :: to Kasuga :: We should do this more often...explore strange planets, risking our very lives..

STSF_BluRox -> Cardboard Christina> :: standing next to Rue, waiting to hear what she was going to ask::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::gives an indifferent shrug:: Eh, I suppose so. Though I prefer strolling down the beaches of Risa, or Sydney's Bondi Beach.

STSF_BluRox -> ((Heather, you in no way were ordered to go sit and play footsies with the enemy we were supposed to be trailing and tracking...that was all you hon::)

Ayumu Kasuga -> Lot of warehouses and cranes.

STSF_BluRox -> Cardboard Christina> So commander, what was it that you were going to ask them?

Heather Jamieson -> If I was not so red I could enjoy the sun.. or suns..

Ayumu Kasuga -> You need to use better sunblock. Or just get out more.

Heather Jamieson -> :: Looking around :: I still don't see anything that can help us.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Other than security cameras, I don’t see any goons milling about. Probably not related to our raiders. ::keeps wandering::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Yeah, nothing out of the ordinary here. Hopefully the other teams are having better luck.

August Jax Robinson -> should we go inside...


STSF_BluRox -> ((I think we lost Rue))

LtCmdrRobinson -> Nope. If we get caught, we don’t have an out with the ship gone.

Rue Wydown -> ::smirks at Christina, then calls out to the men and women working:: Oi! ::toothy grin:: Who do I see 'bout gettin' in the game, eh?

STSF_BluRox -> ((or not!)

STSF_BluRox -> Cardboard Christina>> :: whispers::Sir, are you sure that's safe?

Heather Jamieson -> :: Looks in another window :: I keep on thinking I'm going to look in the wrong window

August Jax Robinson -> true, but we won’t find anything out here

Ayumu Kasuga -> Then.. stop looking though windows.

Dock workers> :: Look back at Rue:: What kind of 'game'... are you looking for little girl?

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::chuckles:: Nothing interesting?

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::stops and sits on a bollard, watching Heather::

Heather Jamieson -> Yeah, looks a bit obvious..


Rue Wydown -> Job, luv. A job. ::jerks her head towards Christina:: Our last jimmy left us high and dry o'r here. Heard from the other port you lot were looking for good hands.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Well, yeah. ::sighs:: Covert intel is so not our forte.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Maybe we should take up charter fishing instead? ::smiles::

Rue Wydown -> Figured if we were stuck 'ere, might as well save up some script to buy a ticket out.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Tricorder scans are easy though. Federation tech would stick out if they had any. Need some cover? ::leans in to hug her::

Dock Workers> :: I supposed there might be something the boss could find for ya, and if ya can't lift, how are your crane operating skills?

Rue Wydown -> ::doesn't answer Christina's question about whether or not it was safe, of course it's not safe...it's never safe::

Heather Jamieson -> On a better planet :: As she walks with Kasuga along the line of various warehouses ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> I'll drink to that. ::takes a swig of water from her canteen::

August Jax Robinson -> ::snuggles close, opens her Tric and scans::

STSF_BluRox -> Cardboard Christina> Well, I can drive a transport vehicle.....

Rue Wydown -> I'm a fair pilot. Fast learner. Don't drink 'nuff to affect my work. ::toothy grin:: Won't mind

Rue Wydown -> Won't mind if ya point us in the right direction to talk to y're boss?


ACTION: As August scans with her tricorder, nothing outstanding is showing on the device, when suddenly a large blip occurs to their west::


STSF_BluRox -> Dock Workers> Why don't you come talk with me...I could use a new girlfriend......my place needs some cleaning up too...I could give ya 5 creds a week....

Heather Jamieson -> :: A good idea, she too drinks from her stash ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Let's see if we can find a place to hide and take some scans. Stay close to me as I'm giving you something from my bag.

August Jax Robinson -> (w) Will, something to the west.. nothing else around us

Ayumu Kasuga -> as if*

Heather Jamieson -> :: Gets close to Ayumu ::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Sniffs ::

Heather Jamieson -> What is that? A new perfume?


Dock worker 2> :: laughs and jabs his buddy:: See, they don't want you either. You girls got good sense, his place is a disaster.

Dock Worker 2> You don’t' get girls by inviting them to clean your mess up, you idiot...

LtCmdrRobinson -> Well lets head that way, and check it out.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::they move closer to an alley, inside her bag she rummages around and flips open her tricorder, taking some quick scans:: Yes.. I bought it at some starbase we visited some time ago. ::scans, her tricorder blocked by Heather's body, she continues to rummage around her bag::

Dock Worker 2> Go down to the end of that street there:: points to his left. Take a right at the red building and go to the black door. Go ahead in, and ask for Stan.

Rue Wydown -> ::smirks:: Certainly no' for 5 creds a week. ::grins at the second one:: Thanks again, mate. 'Preciate the help. ::waves at Christina:: C'mon luv, let's see if we can sign on.


Heather Jamieson -> :: Someone walks by and Heather wraps her arms around Ayumu so they can't see the tricorder, rests her head on her shoulders ::

August Jax Robinson -> ::takes his hand and goes that way::

Heather Jamieson -> :: close :: (w) What lousy timing. :: pretending to console Ayumu ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::flips it closed and discreetly places it back in her bag, then handing Heather a bottle of perfume, she sprays some on Heather. To passersby, its two crewmates casually chatting amongst themselves:: Nothing.

Ayumu Kasuga -> What do you think? Nice scent?

Cardboard Christina> :: looks at Rue, then the workers, then back to Rue:: Shrugs and follows.....

Heather Jamieson -> (w) Yeah, may not have been the best idea for thsi mission though,, too good.

Heather Jamieson -> (w) You have it with you? Well, when in Rome.

Random dock workers> :: walking to lunch, wondering why the two women are hugging in a dark alley, it's not that part of town::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Let's continue our stroll. (w) I don't think this area is really big enough to house anything major. Lot of small to medium-sized industry here, which I wouldn't think would be too profitable.

Heather Jamieson -> I'm sure he was not worth it. :: releases Ayumu :: Let's go.

Rue Wydown -> ::waiting until they are well out of earshot:: So, tell me, what do you know now from


ACTION: The signal that August had picked up on earlier blipped momentarily again


Ayumu Kasuga -> Yeah, men are pigs aren't they?

Heather Jamieson -> Well, not all.

Heather Jamieson -> :: Points to a wider and better lit path ahead and to the right ::

Cardboard Christina> That 5 creds isn't enough to clean a room? Or that we need to go find this Stan person?

Ayumu Kasuga -> Not all, sure but the ones I've met..

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks up at Will::My heart just skipped a beat again

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::walks with Heather::

STSF_BluRox -> ((Ayumu....that's because you and Heather keep picking up men on these little backward planets in the worst bars and dark alleys you can find...why don't you try a nice Academy Social hour?))

Ayumu Kasuga -> ((LOL! Maybe we should!))

LtCmdrRobinson -> Only a beat? That's a bit odd. Does your heart have a signal jammer that is failing?

August Jax Robinson -> That is what I think it is..

Heather Jamieson -> Really? :: using their previous cover :: I've never spoken to you about your choices..

Rue Wydown -> ::sighs:: Oh Ms Nickles, you've got a lot to learn. ::motions head with her chin:: Should be up there at tick. Let's see what more we can learn.

Heather Jamieson -> Nor have I spoke of mine.

Ayumu Kasuga -> You know, I know a good bar in Vancouver that I frequent. Nothing like those nice Canadian men...

Heather Jamieson -> There you go aboot Canada again. :: laughs ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> I don't know. Something about that country just draws me into it. It's weird, I wonder if I was Canadian in a past life.

Cardboard Christina> Yes sir..... at the black door


ACTION:: Ahead of Will and Jax, a door opens to the left, at one of the guarded warehouses, that had several cameras visible. As the door opens, Jax's tricorder blips again, only to stop, as the door shuts.


LtCmdrRobinson -> Well its mostly warehouses, so we just need to find the one warehouse with a large power junction outside, hopefully.

ACTION> : Carefully folds up the Cardboard Christina, walks over and tags Real Christina into the ring and places her next to Rue

LtCmdrRobinson -> ohh, yahtzee.

Heather Jamieson -> You could have been many things in a past life. I hope others are having more luck.

Christina_Nickles -> :: standing next to Rue::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Almost gets hit by the door:: yiP!

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Shrugs and continues walking down a paved path by a field:: I hope so... though this is actually a nice little walk.

Worker> :: exiting the warehouse while the guard slammed the door shut again... HEy...watch where you're walking there....

Rue Wydown -> So, let's see if we can find out if they're hiring. ::pushes her way through the door that was indicated by the dock workers;:

STSF_BluRox -> (( Note: It is getting late in the afternoon.....will the 6 of you be sleeping on the shuttle floor together at the spaceport, or will you all be meeting at an inn, and get a few rooms?

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Looks at her chrono:: It's getting late. What time were we supposed to meet the others?

Heather Jamieson -> We need to head back now actually.

August Jax Robinson -> Sorry, I didn't notice the door there


ACTION> As Rue and Christina push through the door, they find a small, tidy office, stacked high with crates, and a small man at a desk in the corner


Ayumu Kasuga -> All right. Let's head back to town. ::turns around and heads back to where they came from::

Christina_Nickles -> :: walks with Wydown and looks around as she holds the door open:: Im not seeing anything.

LtCmdrRobinson -> She never watches where she is going, my apologies.

LtCmdrRobinson -> It's about time our ship was done anyway, lets head back.

Heather Jamieson -> Just in case, we should consider other places to sleep.

Ayumu Kasuga -> A room at the inn perhaps?

Worker> Don’t' want to run people over, this isn't the tourist section of town. Then again, that section isn't so good either. You might want to head over there before it gets dark. They patrol this area at night with guard beasts....

Christina_Nickles -> I take that back...

Rue Wydown -> Whotcha. ::waves to the man at the desk:: We're here to see Stan. Told he might be hirin'?

Ayumu Kasuga -> I saw one in the town center. It's no Hilton, but it'd sure beat sleeping in the shuttle.

STSF_BluRox -> Man at desk> Who told you that?

August Jax Robinson -> guard beasts... What in Heavens do you have in there

Worker> Move along...nothing for you to worry about here....

Heather Jamieson -> Perhaps this perfume can get us a discount?

Christina_Nickles -> :: stands back and listens::





LtCmdrRobinson -> Not our business, dear. ::leads her away by her hand::

Rue Wydown -> The blokes out on the dock. ::jerks her head out the door::

LtCmdrRobinson -> You meddle in everyone’s affairs, honestly.

Heather Jamieson -> :: As they walked back :: Who'd not like a pilot like yourself?

August Jax Robinson -> Does this mean the Dragon is going to get me tonight in Bed? ::Smiles::

Ayumu Kasuga -> I doubt it, place looks a bit too serious and conservative for that. Don't worry, I still have quite a lot of [insert local currency name here] since Bernie and his pal bought us all those drinks.

Heather Jamieson -> Look at what I do... Good that you got us some credits here.

Christina_Nickles -> :: nods in agreement::

Man at desk> What kind of work are you looking for?

Ayumu Kasuga -> My Academy roommate was in the Girl Scouts when she was young.. Their motto was "Be Prepared."

Heather Jamieson -> (w) Not too loud.. :: smiles :: Not a lot about drinking though..

LtCmdrRobinson -> Was that a joke, or a sex thing? Cause you are getting me excited.

August Jax Robinson -> it was both... and good

Heather Jamieson -> :: Getting closer to town ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> There's the inn. ::points::






August Jax Robinson -> ::Paused:::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::paused::

Christina_Nickles -> :: paused::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused::

STSF_BluRox -> omg, I think I should have paused about 10 minutes ago...what have you people been drinking tonight!? lol

August Jax Robinson -> I think you trying to stall Will and Me from saying more

STSF_BluRox -> I was trying to give Rue a chance to respond...thinking...pause now, pause now....for Pete’s sake...pause now! Robinson’s omg! lol

Ayumu Kasuga -> lol

STSF_BluRox -> You guys are too funny

LtCmdrRobinson -> too late, more babies on the way

Rue Wydown -> Funny thing is I had it typed and was about to send when you paused :P

STSF_BluRox -> Christine, hope you don't mind that Cardboard Christina stood in for you...

Christina_Nickles -> Wish I was drinking... ended up working 11.5hours. Last folks were there for over 3 hours and ordered their last drink at 10:15 .. we were already closed.

STSF_BluRox -> I saw you typing, then when it stopped and nothing came, thought that they had made you lose your train of thought! LOL

Christina_Nickles -> no I don’t thank you

August Jax Robinson -> Wow, you are THAT GOOD Will

Ayumu Kasuga -> lol. That sucks.

Christina_Nickles -> lol

STSF_BluRox -> Ok, well that's all for tonight...thank goodness!

Ayumu Kasuga -> I don't work retail but up here, they'd be asked to leave once closing time hits

STSF_BluRox -> I was going to tell you guys to get a room, but I think you are already planning this!

Rue Wydown -> Okay guys. I need to head off to bed. Early work tomorrow ;)

STSF_BluRox -> Ok then, good work all, you made great progress tonight, even though you may not realize it yet.....

August Jax Robinson -> Yeah, we have a Dragon plan

LtCmdrRobinson -> we don’t plan ahead boss, our love is spontaneous

STSF_BluRox -> We'll see you all next week, and some of you on Thursday....

STSF_BluRox -> Crew..Dismissed....

06:48 LtCmdrRobinson -> night all, and Wife®

06:51 STSF_BluRox -> Good night all!

06:52 Rue Wydown -> NightNIte!

06:59 August Jax Robinson -> nite nite HusbaND

07:00 Ayumu Kasuga -> Goodnighr!

07:18 August Jax Robinson -> NITE NITE PEEP

07:23 Christina_Nickles -> night all going to sit in my massage chair for a bit and go to bed.

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