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Earning my wings

The hunt went unusually well.  Even though Vulcans are not known to be a hunting race I actually fared better than the Klingons. While the rest of the hunters decided to spear smaller prey, mostly armadillo-like creatures, I decided it would be more impressive to bag a larger animal instead.  Shortly after rigging my trap and hiding myself my tricorder picked up a rather large winged beast.  As the beast came closer I didn't need the tricorder to determine this was obviously not a bird.  In fact the closest analogy would be some kind of winged buffalo.  Yet for a large creature with hoofs and sharp horns it was remarkably docile.   :D


As it stepped onto the net to make a grab for the bait I quickly pulled on the rope.  The net closed around the animal to prevent it from escaping, but it was still putting up a considerable struggle.  To weaken it's resistance it was necessary to lift the beast off the ground so as to prevent it from using the ground as leverage. A few strong pulls and the animal was trapped in the tree.  This proved to be a tiring act even for a Vulcan.  When the XO asked for a situation report all I could do was huff and puff a simple "Acknowledged, stand by."   ;)


Eventually I reported the successful hunt, stunned the prey with my phaser, and had it and myself beamed to Cargo Bay 2.  After the beast was successfully immobilized I headed to Main Engineering to check up on Ensign Koralev before going to my quarters to change back into duty uniform.  In retrospect it might have been more efficient to simply stun the buffalo rather than set a trap, but the HoD took note of my hunting skills and promoted me to full Lieutenant.   :D


Then Rhoagie decided to show his respect for my new rank by throwing up some nearly sentient advanced asteriskroaches all over my office.  I'm hungry for buffalo wings, need to give Dr. Garnoopy my used pips, still out of uniform, Main Engineering is under quarantine, and even Prekip is complaining about how bad I smell.   :dead:

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