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RES Talon Simlog 51508.13

KhreRiovtRex -> Jolan Tru....Command Staff meeting only?

KhreRiovtRex -> Ah....there is io

KhreRiovtRex -> And another

KhreRiovtRex -> Jolan Tru to those just coming in....giving tA and tMahren a moment

KhreRiovtRex -> Is anyone there actually alive?

Lerak trPexil -> Koga is teaching me Canadian.,

Laehval tTemarr -> ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

KhreRiovtRex -> Nice Pex

KhreRiovtRex -> PM Laeh

tAehjae -> ((sorry was looking for something for my Mom whos visiting

Lerak trPexil -> (brb)

KhreRiovtRex -> let us konw when you're back Pex

KhreRiovtRex -> Let me post the Mission Briefing...he didn't leave the room, so should still be able to see it.......



RES Talon Mission Briefing 51508.13


While t'Aehjae and tr'Pexil search for the hidden RAC, but are unable to return with it once it was found....Leah and t'Ksa stow the elder t'Temmar in the basement storeroom where the door can be locked from the outside. Meanwhile back at tr'Gralik's compound, the newly arrived El’Riov Artus tr'Vitrum meets with Koga and goes to convince trGralik to send t’Vatrix with him to return to the capital.






Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'A :: We need to go...

tAehjae -> :: with Pexil :: tTemarr will na be happy that we did na bring the RAC back with us.

KhreRiovtRex -> @ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> ::Turns to Koga:: Do you think he will release t'Vatrix to us?

Lerak trPexil -> Na, but I think she will understand.

tAehjae -> Lets go and hope we are not spotted.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Walking briskly back through the forest ::

Koga S'Bien -> @ I believe he'll only release the Khre'Riov to us after he gets orders to do so from someone high up. If we have that, then ie, he'll have no choice.

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> I will have to insist that he does, though he does outrank me, he does na outrank the orders on this ISD

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval was waiting for them just outside the front door when they returned. She'd cleaned up and changed, but still looked rather dour.::

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> Ie, but he may insist on breaking her before he gives her up to us. I'm sure he will want the credit for what info she has to give

Lerak trPexil -> :: Nodded at Laehval :: We were na sucessful.

Laehval tTemarr -> So I see. Was the RAC missing?

Lerak trPexil -> Locked...


Koga S'Bien -> @ From what little I know of the man, that wouldn't surprise me. We'll have to act fast and insist that the Khre'Riov needs to be taken to the capitol immediately.

tAehjae -> Na it was there but someioelse found italso

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> :: looks quizzically at Koga:: Has she been subjected to much questioning yet?

tAehjae -> Pexil tried a few combinations but was na succcessful

KhreRiovtRex -> o much questioning yet? Has she given up any information that au know of? Au mentioned that au had injured her as well?

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> Why was that if I can ask?

Koga S'Bien -> @ It would seem so, ie. The Khre'Riov attempted to escape the facility, I had to stop her from doing that.

Koga S'Bien -> @ But even before that, it seemed to be that she endured quite a lot and probably was already questioned at length before I arrived.

Lerak trPexil -> I could na risk more attempts.

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> Au gave the password au were given, by au Ri'anov, ie?

Koga S'Bien -> @ I have, yes. Certainly came in handy at the right time.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She inhaled deeply through her nose and blew out a breath.:: Fortunately, we have two capable engineers and a dheno that knows security decryption. tr'Pexil, down on the sublevel, near the communications array, there is a storage locker with tools we can use to break into the RAC's subroutines.

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> But au do na know why au were given the password?

Laehval tTemarr -> If the two of au wish to change into other clothing, there is still plenty left to choose from in the sitting room.

Lerak trPexil -> If au think we can crack it. :: Goes to the sitting room ::

tAehjae -> ::nods:: Ie rekkhai


Koga S'Bien -> @ Not entirely, I was told to give the password only when the need arose.

tAehjae -> ::goes into the sitting room ..oicks up a few aricles and goes to change.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Changes right in the room ::

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> I see.... This is na the place to elaborate further. Do try however, if the need arises......do try na to injure the KhreRiov anymore than au have to, or already have. As I said, she is needed to answer some questions in the capital.....her presence is needed there. We can ill afford to have her yy'a here

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::nods:: Duly noted. I suppose there will be time for explanations later.

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> Now, if au would introduce me to this tr'Gralik...we have work that needs to be done

tAehjae -> :: returns to tTemarr after changing::

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::enters the complex and heads down a corridor:: His office should be down this way.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Emerges from the sitting room ::

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> follows Koga::

Koga S'Bien -> ::heads down the corridor to where tr'Gralik's office should be::

tAehjae -> ready when au are rekkhai


@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> Perhaps aus should introduce me, as au already know himi

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval made a brief trip downstairs and returned with a kit in hand. It was very similiar to the standard issue tools that they used on the Talon -- at least on the outside. She nodded to the two and waved a hand toward the forest.:: Lead on.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Pex was less assured of his dressing skills based on what he picked out ::

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::nods, and presses the door chime::

KhreRiovtRex -> @ tr'Gralik> Enter.....

tAehjae -> :: leads the way out the door and back into the forrest::

Laehval tTemarr -> (( Don't worry, Pexil... sock with sandals are still very 'in' on ch'Rihan. ))

KhreRiovtRex -> (lol)

Lerak trPexil -> ((Comfortable)

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> ::waits for Koga to enter first::

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::enters into the room:: Jolan tru ::respectful nod:: May I introduce El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum, a peer of mine. We have a bit of business we need to discuss.

Koga S'Bien -> (In with the h'Ipsters?)


Lerak trPexil -> :: Now walking back with t'A and t'T ::

tAehjae -> :: makes her way back the same direct as before just making sure NA to run into the RAC this time::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Whispers to t"A :: How's the injury?

tAehjae -> I will live ... :: whispers back::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Follows along, pushing past trees and brush. Her eyes flitted ahead at the two, but then focused beyond as they came upon the RAC.:: Show me what au found.

tAehjae -> Its this way rekkhai :: points to the top f the hill"" Just on the other side.

KhreRiovtRex -> @ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum>:: Comes to vae'drae and respectfully inclines head:: Riov....Rekkhai, I bring orders from the Capital and our superiors. They acknowledge au capture of the criminal t'Vatrix and her crew, and have requested that they be transported to the Capital with all haste, so that they me be questioned about the whereabouts of the Talon, Galae leadership and other key elements of this fight

Lerak trPexil -> :: Comes upon the locked RAC ::

tAehjae -> :: gets to the RAC and pulls at the cover over it to give better access to the doorway::

tAehjae -> This is it

@ tr’Gralik ::stands angrily:: We have na even had the time to question her yet. She was under so much sedative when she arrived, that we've been seeing to getting her to a state where we can make the first run at what secrets she is hiding

KhreRiovtRex -> @ trGralik> And who are au, that come here to my compound, demanding I turn over my prisoner before she is properly interrogated

tAehjae -> :: enters the RAC::


@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> Rekkhai, I serve the same branch as au do, and our superior Daise'Sael'Rio Polara Sonaru S'Bien has been tasked with bringing her back here for proper interrogation..::hold hands up defensively::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Moves inside and sets her kit down on one of the chairs, popping it open to reveal a wide array of engineering toys.:: What sort of security did au come across?

Koga S'Bien -> @ I feel your frustrations, and eagerness to question the Khre'Riov but our orders are quite clear that she be remanded to our custody immediately. Au will of course get full credit for capturing her.

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> That of course is na to mean that au do na do a fine job, just that even her superiors have ordered that the th'ann be brought to them

tAehjae -> :: remains at the door to stand guard:: I will yield to Pexil on those questions

Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters ::@ tr'Gralik> :: hold out hand: Let me see these orders......

Lerak trPexil -> A recursive algorithm, a timed lockout, each failed attempt added more time

@ tr'Gralik> :: Eyes Koga suspiciously as he wants to take custody of his former Enarrain, by orders from his ri’Anov

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> Koga, fhaen show him the ISD with the orders

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::hands tr'Gralik the ISD with the orders::

@ tr'Gralik> ::takes them and reads them over:: I wish to authenticate these...I hope au understand....

tAehjae -> :: flinches as she hears something move in the brush then sees some wildlife run through the bushes just around the RAC::

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::nods:: Of course, please do. Rules are rules after all.

Lerak trPexil -> The last attempt is clear... if it fails the next attempt will be in... three hours

Laehval tTemarr -> So, then we bypass it altogether and hack it from the inside to rewrite the code, wind back the timer, and release the lock. Simple, ie? ::She actually smiled, but then Laehval was fond of complicated engineering issues.::


@ tr'Gralik> Reads over the orders and punches the authorization mood, frowning when it shows that the Daise'Sael'Riov did indeed give the order for the transfer

@ tr'Gralik> ::hands the ISD back over:: I supposed I do na have time to interrogate her quickly before au must go?

Lerak trPexil -> Doubt it is that simple...

tAehjae -> :: hears them talking but na knowing what they mean::

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> It would be prudent for us na to waste our leadership's time while we squabble over who gets the credit for learning her secrets. It has been well documented already that au were responsible for the capture of the Khre’Riov and her command crew.

tAehjae -> ::continues watching out for possible bad guys::

Laehval tTemarr -> Is it na? ::She set up a secondary screen and then a third on the main console, plugging them both in to the RAC's core.:: This is something I developed when I was younger. A toy to amuse my sister. t'Aehjae, I imagine that you have find hand-eye coordination, ie?

Koga S'Bien -> @ I'm afraid that's not possible, etre tr'Vitrum said. But your service to the Tal'Shiar will not go unrewarded. Au should expect a sizable bonus in aus next paycycle.

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> If we were na in such a hurry, I'd ask au to send them along, as it were , I do have to rush her back. Au are free however to interrogate all of the others and we'll be back to retrieve them shortly

tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai


Lerak trPexil -> :: Standing by to help ::

tAehjae -> :: steps away from her door post closing the door and moves over to tTemarr::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She points Lerak to the pilot's chair and hands him an odd tool that was made to be held in both hands. It had several buttons and directional controls on the top.:: t'Aehjae, come sit here. ::She pointed to the co-pilot's chair and handed the security officer another of the strange devices.

tAehjae -> Ie ::sits and takes the device::

@ tr'Gralik> :: Obviously displeased, hands back the ISD, but says nothing about the others having escaped yet. Hopefully he can re-capture them and interrogate the others before they come back for them as well...... and more importantly...before they discover that he had let them escape. For that very last reason, he's willing to let them have her.

@ tr'Gralik> Au know where she is Koga, I trust au can get her back where she is wanted? Au already know to be careful around her, as she w

tAehjae -> What does this do rekkhai?

KhreRiovtRex -> we already saw..

Lerak trPexil -> :: Holds tool in hands ::

KhreRiovtRex -> @ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> Hann'yyo Rekkhai. We will be sure to mention au frequently and favorably in our reports

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Nods:: Ie, that I do. Hany'yyo for aus co-operation.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Kneeling between the seats, she activates both of the consoles and runs the inital startup program. t'Aehjae's screen bloomed to life. It was a simulation program showing a typical Romulan city. Without warning, humans began popping up in random locations.:: Shoot the lloan'na. Use the directional pad to move the disruptor target.

@ tr'Gralik> ::turns to Koga:: Au know where she is. Get her into a secured vehicle before she can try to escape again. And……, I expect that in return for trusting au and not leaving au to rot in the br’tehh with the others, that na only will you see to it that I get credit for this capture, but I expect to receive a report back from au, on everything they uncover from her during her interrogations…… Au owe me that much….





tAehjae -> Ie rekkhai::begins shooting as told::

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Nods:: Understood. We'll take the appropriate precautions.

Lerak trPexil -> A hidden back door Laehval?

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::nods respectfully, then heads out of the office to t'Vatrix's room::

Koga S'Bien -> @ Jolan tru.

Laehval tTemarr -> Na a back door, exactly, but something to keep the processors busy enough that it does na notice our hacking. ::Pexil's screen showed a black rectangle where blocked shapes began to fall from the top to pile up on the bottom.:: Lerak, try to complete a row of shapes to fill in the entire width of the screen. Use the directional pad to change the direction of the shapes.

tAehjae -> Rekkhai I am confused ::while still playing what looks to be a game:: How will this get us in to unlock the RAC::

Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: Right

Koga S'Bien -> (If you get 50,000 points, you'll break the high score!)

tAehjae -> ::hearing thaat answer:: I see ::continues playing::

tAehjae -> tTemarr? what is au high score?

tAehjae -> :: continues shooting clearing the screen going to the next level::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She took a seat and plugged in her own screen, letting the code tumble down. Without looking up from her coding, she explained further.:: Those games generate random sequences that the RAC's etrehh is attempting to put into some sort of logical pattern.

@ El'Riov Artus tr'Vitrum> If au will let us know when au are finished with the others au have captured, and we will gladly return to take them off au hands so au do na have to waste the manpower on them : bows and exits the room, waiting for Koga::






tAehjae -> ::paused::

Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused::

KhreRiovtRex -> Good sim you guys!

Koga S'Bien -> I'll bet Koga has the high-score in that game. :D

Laehval tTemarr -> Koga, you and t'Aaejae can compete in Call of d'Uty. I'll stick to t'Etris.

Koga S'Bien -> Sweet

tAehjae -> LOL

tAehjae -> Just loaded Tetris on my tablet for while Im in the hospital incase I get bored::

KhreRiovtRex -> Show of hands....:: should tVatrix sucker punch Koga next week?

Laehval tTemarr -> ::raises hand::

tAehjae -> ::raises hand:: IE

Koga S'Bien -> Nay. :P

KhreRiovtRex -> lol....

Laehval tTemarr -> POW! Right in the kisser.

Lerak trPexil -> Need to load fallout onto my tablet

KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, then...so tA won't be with us next week, so everyone wish her well and a fast recovery

KhreRiovtRex -> but tKsa should be back with us

Koga S'Bien -> Get well soon t'A!

Laehval tTemarr -> Good luck!

Lerak trPexil -> Good well luck soon.

tAehjae -> Thanks all... I will miss na being here

KhreRiovtRex -> (Koga, I'll be in touch to talk about plot stuff

Koga S'Bien -> (Awesome!)

KhreRiovtRex -> and with that...it's late and you all need to sleep...me too

Lerak trPexil -> Night all

tAehjae -> night all

KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed

Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight!

Laehval tTemarr -> Night.

KhreRiovtRex -> Night everyone!

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