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USS Challenger 11.02.2014

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, Challenger team has returned back to the ship to analyse the information and other devices equipment the team collected from the outpost.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> TBS was 1 hr

Cptn Ja'Lale -> QUestions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Hunter Matheson -> No sir.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Hunter Matheson -> ::at helm admiring the view::

H.G. Reed -> :: At her station, attending to reports. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Challenger is arriving back at Tyrellia.

Derrick Sabin -> ::in the Sci Lab frustrated over the results of the last hour::::

Cmdr Rinax -> ::back on the bridge:: Well, the away team did wonderfully. I was glad they were able to gether so much information. For the most part, they are digesting that information. I'm hoping we can have a thorough debriefing to review all the different findings.

Hunter Matheson -> Coming up on Tyrellia, Captain.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::in SB, wishing she had left an hour ago for a hot bath::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Slow us down and request orbital clearance.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::On MARDET, in the lounge. She'd just finished up her report. Presses send.::

Hunter Matheson -> Aye, sir. ::cuts to sub-light::

H.G. Reed -> :: Glances up, checks position and then goes back to her report. ::

Hunter Matheson -> ::Dvokr Hok:: Request clearance from Tyrellia control?

Cassie Granger -> ::CMTAC, checking on a few things::

Anastasia Poldara -> ::on the bridge, another unproductive conversation with Derrick over the comm but otherwise none the closer to figuring this thing out::

Dvokr chim Hok -> On it. +Tyrellia+ Tyrellia control this is USS Challenger. Requesting clearence for an orbital insertion.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Tyrellian Control has granted orbital clearance

Cassie Granger -> ::secure convo with SFCIntel::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Challenger is hailed by Tyrellian Control.

Cmdr Rinax -> ::on bridge, watching and listening to the action::

Hunter Matheson -> ::checks a few other things::

Cmdr Rinax -> ::notes a secure channel open from CMTAC, can't listen or see who is talking, just notes it's going on::

H.G. Reed -> :: Tapping her console, in the zone. ::

Cassie Granger -> ::as soon as the channel is cut, she gathers her things and exits, checking the deck for activity before entering the lift::

Cassie Granger -> ::slate clipped onto her utility belt, she steps off the lift and onto the bridge::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Relaxing on the couch as she reads something from her PADD.::

Cmdr Rinax -> ::nods to Granger as she enters the bridge::

Cassie Granger -> ::sharp attention:: Commander. Captain. ::moving on as soon as they acknowledge her::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Ahh. Cass. ::Nods:: Did your team find anything?

Cassie Granger -> ::steps forward:: Aye, sir, they did.

Cmdr Rinax -> ::attention now on Granger::

Cassie Granger -> The general consensus is that it's a setup. SFCounterIntel agrees, sir, ::Rinax:: ma'am.

Cmdr Rinax -> ::nods::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods:: U see.

Cassie Granger -> Klingons are not sloppy. They can be brutal but that's the nature of their race. But they do not leave things around unless they are making a statement. The question is, what kind of a statement is being made, and why.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, that is the rub isn't it? My hunch is saying Romulans, but we so far have little proof on that.

Cmdr Rinax -> Have you also found it to be true that the Klingon statements are full of verbose grossness?

Hunter Matheson -> ::orbital insertion as instructed by Tyrellia control::

H.G. Reed -> :: Takes the sensors offline for diagnostics. ::

Cassie Granger -> The Klingon statements are not typical Klingon, Commander. The language used is awkward, not dialectical, and definitely elementary translation.

Cmdr Rinax -> I'm referring to statements... being grossly bloody when they are trying to get attention.

Cassie Granger -> I would also rule out Romulans, Captain. Romulan MO is to let the enemy hang itself. They would let Tyrellia take the first shot, then retaliate.

Cmdr Rinax -> Violent, etc.

Cassie Granger -> Violent, yes, ma'am. But the language is elementary, like a school child would write.

Cmdr Rinax -> Hmmmmm ::scratches temple for a second::

Cassie Granger -> ::turns back to the captain:: There is still the possibility that someone is trying to instigate war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Hmm indeed. Who else would want to lay the blame on the Klingons.. . you mean like an another inside job?

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Listening...a bit ::

Cassie Granger -> Always a possibility, Captain.

Cassie Granger -> Who stands the most to gain in this?

Cmdr Rinax -> Maybe we can look at the rest of the evidence before completing that thought.

Cassie Granger -> Aye, Commander.

Cmdr Rinax -> Science department nabbed a bunch, and the engineers really took in a haul.

Cmdr Rinax -> Has the Tyrellian government contacted us yet?

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: perks up :: Nothing yet Captain.

Cassie Granger -> ::moves to the main security console to check Sylvanis's report and compare it to her analysis::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any results from their analysis yet?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Thanks.. ::to Hok::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Er Commander or anyone. I will ping them again.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Tries again :: They are getting our hail, just no response.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Tyrellian government sends a message to the CHallenger, they are free to beam down to the planet, they are curious to hear what they have found there.

Cmdr Rinax -> Captain, is the away team giving them all of the information we received, or are we being guarded with our responses?

Dvokr chim Hok -> Incoming. The have provided beam down coordinates.

H.G. Reed -> :: Finishes the diagnostic and brings the sensors back online. ::

Hunter Matheson -> ::tends to business, coming into station keeping in orbit::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I think we sent down most of it through secure channels.

Cmdr Rinax -> Ahh, ok.

Derrick Sabin -> ((I'm afraid I'm calling it a night. see you next week))

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I guess the Tyrellians are curious as to what we found though.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> We should form a team to beam down there.

Cmdr Rinax -> I think that each department should be represented, Captain, especially those that were on the AT, in case they have more questions about our mission.,

H.G. Reed -> :: Makes slight alignment adjustments to the sensors. ::

Hunter Matheson -> ::leaning back in the helm chair, twisting it side to side, hands laced behind his neck::

Cmdr Rinax -> Shall I have them get prepared?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Sounds good to me. Please form up a team to beam down there. ::Looks at the message:: Yes, please. Should beam down within the hour.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> hour

Cmdr Rinax -> Mr Hok, please send a message to all of those that were on the away team,, and department heads, to prepare themselves for questioning and reporting to the Tyrellian government. We will leave here in 45 minutes. Everyone... ::glances at the Capt:: by shuttle?

Hunter Matheson -> ::leans toward Reed, looking over her shoulder::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yeah, perhaps that would be best. Have you ever been to Tyrellia before?

H.G. Reed -> :: glances at Kal and smiles. ::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Aye

Cmdr Rinax -> ::thinks for a second:: Not... ::whispers:: Not that they knew of.

Hunter Matheson -> ::goofy grin back::

Cmdr Rinax -> ::catches the goofy grins, and rolls her eyes... on the inside:: Mr Hok, make that by shuttle. Get a good pilot for us as well.

H.G. Reed -> :: Whispers :: Not much to keep us busy, is there?

Anastasia Poldara -> Another shuttle ride? Ugh.

Dvokr chim Hok -> +Away team-Dept Heads+ Prepare for beam down to Tyrellia and questioning. Departure in 45 minutes

Cmdr Rinax -> ::hears Anastasia:: I heard that.... and you loved them! ::chuckles::

Hunter Matheson -> Uh.. no, not really. ::shrugs:: Kind of a break for me, though.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I don't know how safe beaming down there would be? Tyrellia is quite a unique place

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Sits up from the couch, setting down her PADD.::

Cassie Granger -> ::after taking another look at her slate, she stows it and moves toward the captain:: Sir?

Cmdr Rinax -> Sounds like a fun one.

H.G. Reed -> You've been working hard lately. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes? ::to Cass::

Cassie Granger -> Request to remain on board Challenger. There are a few things coming in from CMTAC that require close monitoring and the connection planetside won't be secure.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Oh, very well Cass. Whom did you have in mind to take your place?

Cassie Granger -> I would recommend Lieutenant Sylvanis.

Cmdr Rinax -> Please update Lt Sylvanis, so she has all of the information you know from the AT.

Cassie Granger -> Aye, Commander.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: Very well..

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK - sorry for the lack of action tonight. Next week, we'll be ready to head down to Tyrellia.. tbs will be 45 minutes

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ALso sorry for my computer issues. Hopefully, it will be better for me next week as well.

Cmdr Rinax -> Read up on Tyrellia, folks.

Dvokr chim Hok -> The time change distorts your day

Cmdr Rinax -> ::grins:: Should be fun.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions/comments before we dismiss/

Cassie Granger -> No, sir.

Cmdr Rinax -> Yeah, agreed Hok... I feel so much more tired!

Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK.. goodnight folks! Have a great week,

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