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USS Challenger 10.12.2014

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, the Challenger team was still investigating the outpost. They have gathered what they can as well as pulled out many memory chips from the outpost computers. The AT should now be wrapping up what they are doing and should be ready to beam back shortly. TBS was 5 minutes, or something like that.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions?

Artemis -> Signs for the AT's?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> none for AT. # for Rinax's team?

Cmdr Rinax -> That'll work Captain, thanks.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK. @ for Challenger.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Hunter Matheson -> ::with the engineers, security::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::bridge::

Dvokr chim Hok -> @ :: watching the comms ::

John Randall -> ::on the outpost, working with Thomas and Jenkins on restoring at least one of the damaged generators::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Keeping watch, but something isn't setting with her right.::

H.G. Reed -> @ :: Working at her station on the bridge, trying to refine her sensor scans. ::

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::to Dyan, Gretchen, (Art, aren't you with my side of the teams?):: Let's finish up this data dump and head back to the engineers. I think we've all got what we can here.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::on le bridge, monitoring signs::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::steps over to Hok:: Reports from below?

Cmdr Rinax -> (Le Bridge? Did you pick up a Rosetta Stone in your last swamp, Capt? ::snickers::)

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Just you me, Gretchen, and Ana.))

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (No just remembering my highschool French. What little I remember lol)

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Arty is playing with phasers on the ship.))

Dvokr chim Hok -> They have gathered memory modules for study

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (though I do wish I remembered more since a lot of industries here are bilingual)

John Randall -> ::to Jenkins:: Ok, now set up your configuration like this.....good. Now, bypass this junction here......right. Ok, input this code into the panel....Right. All right, Stan, throw the switch, and let's see if we get anything.

Cmdr Rinax -> ((::makes note:: Oops! Ok, thx))

Artemis -> @ ::Running through pre-buffering cycles for the Phaser Arrays::

Cmdr Rinax -> (Greets Anastasia! We had a 5 minute ETA, so just about where we left off)

Hunter Matheson -> ::routine check of the area, vigilant::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Yeah, just started a minute or so ago)

H.G. Reed -> @ :: taps on her console, slightly frustrated at her findings. ::

Dvokr chim Hok -> I presume I'll reconstruct the logs.

John Randall -> ::Thomas reaches for the switch, pulls it, and all three men step quickly back::

Cassie Granger -> @ Let's hope there is something worthwhile on them.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Taking as much video data as she can.::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Lights briefly flicker, then slowly power themselves online.

Anastasia Poldara -> ::helping her team gather up the drives and other equipment they are plunder—er, taking back for analysis::

John Randall -> ::looks up, then around, and slowly smiles:: Nice job, guys.

Hunter Matheson -> ::flicks off his night vision::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Action: Oxygen is also coming back online... the equipment is mostly outdated or obsolete and sadly won't fetch much on eBay or the black market. :(

Dvokr chim Hok -> @ hopefully a simple manner

John Randall -> ::the engineers make their way to the oxygen tanks/system::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::she gives a simple nod, concerned::

Cmdr Rinax -> # Alright everyone finished? Let's find the engineers, then we can get out of here!

Cassie Granger -> @ ::moves over to Reed:: Something not right?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::waiting to hear back from the Away Team, looks at the chrono on the wall::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Nods as she starts to move, but stops a moment as the lights flicker and come on.::

John Randall -> What is this, leftovers from the 21st century? This stuff is older than all of us put together. ::shakes his head::

Cmdr Rinax -> # Hmm... Power. Keep your helmets on, not sure it'll stay. I need quick analysis...

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (bah... turkey is messing with my brain lol)

H.G. Reed -> @ :: Looks up at Granger. :: Our scans our inconclusive. We are unable to gather any details and there is no good reason as to why this is.

Cassie Granger -> @ Best guess?

Cmdr Rinax -> # Will waiting another moment for power help us get any further in this area, or do we have all possible?

Anastasia Poldara -> # ::hefts her bag::

John Randall -> Thomas> ::smiles at Randall:: This one's all yours, Lieutenant.

Cmdr Rinax -> ((You need organic turkey, Capt... no eltriptophan, or however it's spelt, then you don't get sleeping and fuzzy.))

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Yes, indeed.)

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::turns to each team member for a response:: Dyan

H.G. Reed -> @ Something is preventing us from figuring out what is going on down there.

Cassie Granger -> @ No evidence of a field? Interference?

Cassie Granger -> @ Or could it be something natural? :::thinking::

John Randall -> ::gives Thomas a sideways glance:: Yeah, all right. Why don't you guys beam back up, and report to Lieutenant Michaels? I'll be along shortly.

H.G. Reed -> @ I am unable to determine. Maybe the away team can give us some idea.

Cassie Granger -> @ ::nod::

Anastasia Poldara -> # I think we should go back now, if there’s nothing else we need here.

Cmdr Rinax -> # Thanks Anastasia... your opinions Dyan and Gretchen?

John Randall -> ::removes his suit as the air is now breathable, although a little stale:: And take this with you. ::hands it to Thomas, who takes it, and he and Jenkins beam up to Challenger::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # If you think we need to go back, that's your call Ma'am. Bugt something still doesn't sit right with me.

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::notes Gretchen's response too:: Ok... you guys all have this "feeling" but I need facts.. identify it, quickly, if you can... or we need to move.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::sipping a glass of Rigellian tea::

H.G. Reed -> @ We will figure it out, I will just be frustrated until we do.

John Randall -> ::pulls out his communicator:: +Matheson+ Sergeant, my engineers have beamed up to the ship. When you finish your sweep, feel free to do the same, or return to the shuttle.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: trying all manners of breaking the interference code ::

Hunter Matheson -> +Randall+ I'll stay with the team, sir. It's not quite right down here.

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::gets an update while they decide:: +Engineers+ Team 2 Engineers, I need your update.

John Randall -> +Matheson+ As you wish. Randall out.

Cassie Granger -> @ ::getting antsy::

John Randall -> +Rinax+ Randall here, Commander. My engineers have returned to the ship, and I'm finalizing things here. You can remove your suits if you wish; the air is now breathable, and you should have plenty of light.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # +Kal+ If your guard duties are finished, I could use your help.

Dvokr chim Hok -> @ sorry i dont have more Captain Granger

Hunter Matheson -> +Dyan+ Roger. On my way.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ They should be hopefully beaming back soon. ::takes another sip of tea::

Hunter Matheson -> ::moves out, a knot in his gut::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Turns to Rinax.:: Ma'am, I'd like to check the station ops center. I feel we might have some answers there.

Cassie Granger -> @ ::Hok:: There's only so much you can do, Hok. The AT should give us some input.

Hunter Matheson -> ::approaching Sylvanis, slaps on a # :::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Gives Kal a thumbs up as he approaches.::

John Randall -> ::closes the communicator, and resumes fine tuning the oxygen tanks/rebreathers::

Hunter Matheson -> # ::Dyan thumbs up::

Cmdr Rinax -> # Ok folks, we have power and air for a while, so it's a go!

Hunter Matheson -> # ::flips up his EVA visor, breathing recycled air that has a tinge of smoke to it::

Anastasia Poldara -> # I agree, station ops could be useful.

Cmdr Rinax -> #::helmet release catches, and lets it hang down off her back, keeping her scanner going while the team gives the equipment more work.

Hunter Matheson -> # ::Dyan:: Ma'am, you're aware of the Klingon angle?

Cmdr Rinax -> #+Challenger+ Rinax to Ja'Lale.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ +Rinax+ Yes, Commander. Go ahead?

Cassie Granger -> @ ::listening in::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Nods:: I am, that's why I want to check Ops. Because I don't think it was them. Just a hunch.

Hunter Matheson -> # I'll take point. ::moves forward:: Don't like this place, Lieutenant.

Cmdr Rinax -> # +Challenger+ Captain, the engineers successfully set up power and air distribution. We have a large data sweep, but my team feels they can benefit from the OPS console and are accessing it now. We also have some strange feelings, but no hard facts about this place.

H.G. Reed -> @ :: Now puzzling over what has been reported back through sensor scnas. ::

Hunter Matheson -> # ::clearing the way as they move::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::glance to Reed::

Cmdr Rinax -> +Challenger+ You know, sir, following up on a couple of their hunches while we have the time, power and air.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # Yeah...me neither. +Cass+ Still have eyes on us Captain? We're going to the station Ops. Something isn't right.

Anastasia Poldara -> #::breathes stale outpost air:: Yummy.

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::to Kal:: Good work over there. Are you the last AT left?

Cassie Granger -> @ +Dyan+ That's affirmative, Lt.

Hunter Matheson -> # ::rinax:: Yes, ma'am. Engineers are back on board Challenger.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ +Rinax+ I know how you feel. Finish up what you're doing then beam back if there's nothing concrete

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Points at a door at the end of the corridor.:: I think that's it.

Cmdr Rinax -> # Ok good, then I have eyes on everyone. +Challenger+ We are all in one location again, those of us that are left. I'll chime you shortly.

John Randall -> ::as he works on the tank, the hackles on the back of his neck suddenly rise, and he whirls, eyes scanning in all directions; he feels that he's being watched::

Hunter Matheson -> # ::Nods:: Stand back. :::checks the door::breach::

Hunter Matheson -> # ::clears left, right, center::moves in::

Cmdr Rinax -> # Ok, we are looking for concrete, per the Captain. We must be careful still. ::scanning around them again::

Hunter Matheson -> # Clear.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ +Rinax+ OK. Goodluck.

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::moves last with the group::

Hunter Matheson -> # ::continues in, checking every hidden area::

John Randall -> ::pulls out his communicator, speaks in a low voice:: +Matheson+ Randall to Matheson.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # Yeah about the Klingon thing... ::Hoping Cass picks the conversation on the video.:: This isn't their M.O. ::Enters::

Anastasia Poldara -> #::has her tricorder out again::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::Settles back into his seat::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::listening::

Hunter Matheson -> # ::agrees but isn't going to go there, letting the El Tee be an El Tee:::

H.G. Reed -> @ :: Working at her console. ::

Anastasia Poldara -> # Klingons usually aren’t this sneaky.

Cassie Granger -> @ ::Hok:: Can you zoom in on that console?

Cmdr Rinax -> # Or this smart... they are slash and grab, not all th scan:is technical stuff. ::continues to

Dyan Sylvanis -> # They don't target a power generator and let people suffocate. There is no honor in it. It goes against their core values.

Hunter Matheson -> # ::checking the walls, floor, ceiling, looking for trip wires, electronics::

John Randall -> ::sighs, shakes his head, and closes his communicator; pulls out his phaser, and leaves the building with the oxygen tank, his eyes scanning in all directions, convinced he's being watched::

Anastasia Poldara -> # Klingon disruptors are not hard to come by, though.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # Exactly.

John Randall -> ::works his way through the rubble, all senses on heightened alert::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::Ja'Lale:: Do we know who was manning this station, Captain? Who exactly they were, their dossiers available?

John Randall -> ::thinks to himself he hasn't felt like this since his last covert mission::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Stops at a console.:: Here. I think this is the one. Sensor logs.

Cmdr Rinax -> # Go ahead, see what you guys can get... I'll keep the perimeter scans::

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::stays near the external walls, though still inside the same room as the others, and scans each wall for anything moving outside their room::

Dvokr chim Hok -> @ I will try.

John Randall -> ::suddenly dives behind some debris as he thinks he sees a humanoid shadow::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ The dossiers of the crew manning the outpost are in the database. I've skimmed it over, and as you may have figured, they are the sort of people who either aren't qualified to be assigned anywhere else, or previously got into trouble and wound up there. ::glances to Artemis and grins::

Anastasia Poldara -> #::joins Dyan and takes a look:: Finally. With power, we might actually be able to make sense of these instead of just pulling drives and hoping for the best.

Cassie Granger -> @ Any chance they could have staged all this?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ It's possible. But what would be their motive in doing so.

Cassie Granger -> @ Covering something up.

Artemis -> ::Returns with a cocky lopsided grin to the Captain:: Only those not capable of getting themselves out of trouble

Anastasia Poldara -> #::accesses the external sensor logs to see if there are records of any ships visiting::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Steps aside to let Ana work.::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::turns to Artemis, half grin::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::nods:: Again, it is possible. We can't rule anything out. Though the dead bodies are a good touch if that's indeed the case ::Smiles back at Artemis::

John Randall -> ::pulls out his communicator, and speaks in a low voice:: +Rinax+ Randall to Rinax. I'm in the southeastern portion of the outpost. I don't think we're alone here, Commander; I think I saw a shadow, and it was humanoid. Tracking now. Randall out.

Cassie Granger -> @ Agreed, Captain. Very good touch.

Anastasia Poldara -> #::looks up:: A thought occurs … have we accounted for all the personnel?

Cmdr Rinax -> # Do we have an accurate roster?

Dyan Sylvanis -> # Think it might be an inside job?

John Randall -> ::flips shut the communicator, and resumes tracking::

Cmdr Rinax -> # +::holds up one finger to her team:: Randall+ Rinax here.

Hunter Matheson -> # ::still on edge:: Always a possibility.

Dvokr chim Hok -> ::applying algorithms to zoom in ::

Anastasia Poldara -> # It would explain some of the lack of evidence. ::gestures at the console:: The logs don’t have any record of a ship visitation in the past week. The sensors could have malfunctioned. The ship could have a stealth system. Or someone familiar with the system could have tampered with it.

Cassie Granger -> @ ::watching the screen::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::calls up the bios for the crewmen of the outpost for better scrutiny::

Cmdr Rinax -> #::motions for everyone to take cover, and points at Kal, then at her COM, as if to say, "Thought everyone was back on the ship!", but can't right now. finger now on lips::

H.G. Reed -> @ :: Curious ::

John Randall -> ::rounds a corner, and dives for cover again as he sees what he thinks is the shadow::

Cmdr Rinax -> # +Challenger+ Captain ::quietly:: Randall is still SE of outpost, get a lock on him... he's tracking a shadow, thinks it's human.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @+Rinax+ Will do.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ Get a lock of Mr. Randall just in case.

Hunter Matheson -> # ::Nods, moves to clear the area::

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::whispers to team:: Scan around us, if you see anything... be prepared. Don't shoot Randall! ::pulls phaser back out::

Artemis -> @ ::Directs a dedicated trace to Randall's bio-sign:: Aye, Captain

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Goes to the door, unholstering her pistol.:: I thought all scans cleared this place.

John Randall -> ::peeks around the corner, but doesn't see the shadow; leans back, rubs his eyes, then slowly leaves his cover::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::Reed:: The interference is clear?

Anastasia Poldara -> #::slips behind the sensor console, her phaser in one hand and her tricorder open in the other, scanning for life::

H.G. Reed -> @ :: nods :: It appears so.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::listens intently::

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::whispers:: Thought so too, Syl... ::moves to the back wall, scanning through wall::

Hunter Matheson -> # ::thought Randall was on the ship, upset that he's alone on the station:::

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::moves over to Kal and whispers:: What was Randall doing alone?

Hunter Matheson -> # ::mutters:::

Hunter Matheson -> # ::Rinax:: No idea, ma'am. Damn stupid thing to do, but he's there and he’s in danger. Gonna have to bail him out.

John Randall -> ::works his way through more debris, heading now for the SW part of the outpost::

Hunter Matheson -> # Should have brought a whole team down to keep watch.

Cmdr Rinax -> # Uh huh. ... ::makes a decision:: +Challenger+ Captain, do you have anything on scanners besides the AT? If not, I feel either more sec needs to be down here ASAP, or pull all of us back now, until it's clearly been cleared.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Moves around the corner and out into the hall quickly and quietly, visually scanning to clear the area.::

Hunter Matheson -> # ::has Dyan's six:::

Cmdr Rinax -> # ::isn't prepared for a shoot-out without numerous trained security and Marines to handle it correctly::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((We're always ready for a shoot out. :P ))

John Randall -> ::freezes again as he thinks he sees the shadow::

Cmdr Rinax -> (LOL Dyan... yeah))

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((It's what we do))

Hunter Matheson -> # ::standard spacing, clearing as they move:::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ ::nods to start another thorough scan of the outpost:: +Rinax+ We're scanning again now...

Anastasia Poldara -> ((I haven’t been on active duty for over a year. I’m totally ready for a shoot-out.))

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Closing in on Randall's area.::

Cassie Granger -> @ (join the Corps, Anastasia)

John Randall -> ::grips his phaser in the traditional two-handed manner; peeks carefully from behind his cover; his intense hatred for the Romulans foremost in his mind at the present::

Artemis -> ::Runs a plethora of heat, bio and activity scans on the specific surface area of the Away teams, causing the Deflector dish to flare::

Cmdr Rinax -> #::with the others, pulling up the rear::

Hunter Matheson -> # ::Sylvanis:: HUD shows nothing unusual.

Cmdr Rinax -> PAUSE SIM

Cmdr Rinax -> PAUSE SIM

Cmdr Rinax -> PAUSE SIM

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Taps side of her helm.:: Not getting anything either.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Ohh.. ok

Cmdr Rinax -> Had a couple crew members that had to fly.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> So, we'll pick up from there next week... tbs will be none. Any questions before we dismiss?

Hunter Matheson -> No, sir.

Hunter Matheson -> Might not make it next week.

Cmdr Rinax -> Sorry to hear athat Kal, we'll try and keep you alive. *winkis*

Hunter Matheson -> El tee will cover.

Dyan Sylvanis -> hehe

Hunter Matheson -> ::smirk::

Hunter Matheson -> So, night all.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK.. have a great week everyone. Sim dismissed..have a happy Thanksgiving or Columbus Day tomorrow

John Randall -> night all

Artemis -> Night

Cmdr Rinax -> G'night everyone! Happy Thanksiginv / Columbus Day Everyone

Dyan Sylvanis -> night night

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