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Capt Rian Kwai

USS Republic - September 8 2014

Sept 8


USS Republic Mission Briefing 51409.08 - Season 22: The Republic has been investigating several of the Federations largest communications relay stations along the colonies bordering the Badlands, Bajoran and Cardassian space. So far, we have found several have been damaged, have scorch burns, and some have had the relay dishes turned back towards the colonies, but for what reason, it's unknown. A team is aboard the most recent we've investing, trying to determine who or what may have done this and why. A decision must be made how to proceed from here.



STSF_BluRox -> ::Turns to Rian:: If we can't determine why these dishes have been turned, we may just have to follow them back to where they are bouncing back to

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::was taking some scans of the scorch marks to figure out who and what made them::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() Well Mister Wizard?

Capt Rian Kwai -> Sounds like a wild goose chase, given the evidence of weapons fire that the away team has found. It's more likely that the dishes have been reprogrammed to deflect messages away as a diversion than as a way to send messages to other parties. Especially since the message remains the same.

Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() ::looks at the consoles::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() It looks like...everyone was here and fighting. ::points:: Those are federation weapon marks.

Heather Jamieson -> !@#$%^&*() :: Helps Kasuga::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::walks along:: Cardassian there, and Bajoran here.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() +Kwai+ Boss, looks like there was some sort of Federation, Bajoran and Cardassian love triangle going on over here, only it was love with weapons. That's the who, not sure on the why yet.

STSF_BluRox -> Perhaps, it's a good theory.

Capt Rian Kwai -> +Robinson+ Thanks Will. Keep me posted.

STSF_BluRox -> That, or whoever is intercepting is looking for a particular message, and sending back to their location to receive it first. We need to determine what's so important out here that someone would need to do this

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() August, do we got everything we need from here?

Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() :: listens and learns from her chief::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Federation, Bajorian and Cardassian weapons fire? That's an odd combination.

Capt Rian Kwai -> If this had still be during the war, I wouldn't have blinked. But we're years past that.

August Jax Robinson -> I have files uploaded and as much power running as we can for now

STSF_BluRox -> I think we need to determine the trajectory of those dishes, and either follow where the transmissions are coming from, or head towards where they've been repositioned to.

STSF_BluRox -> My first thought, is to go check where they are going to. Thoughts?

Capt Rian Kwai -> The message being sent would help us determine what direction to go.

STSF_BluRox -> Alright, have the team download all incoming messages, and get them back here.

Heather Jamieson -> !@... :: Working ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() ::tapping at the consoles as well getting what data she can out of them::

STSF_BluRox -> We'll have the computer analyze messages for anything out of the ordinary and make a decsion where to head then

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::nods:: Agreed.

Capt Rian Kwai -> +Robinson+ Bridge to away team.

STSF_BluRox -> I'll be in my ready room, please see to getting them all back onboard. I'd hate to accidently leave someone out here by themselves by accident

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Looks at Will::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() +Go ahead+ ::checks his eva suit readout::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Like I'd leave anyone behind by accident. On purpose.....::shrugs:: +Robinson+ Are you all ready to wrap it up over there?

STSF_BluRox -> ::turns and grins:: :: then heads to the ready room:: :: enters and goes to sit behind her desk:: Computer.....bring me up a map of the sector, mark all colonies, Federation, Bajoran, Independant and Cardassian.....

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() +kwai+ I think we've got what we need, ready to transport back on your mark.

Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() Will how can you tell which mark was made by which weapon?

STSF_BluRox -> Computer, overlay all major communications relay stations. Computer, now mark location of all Class 3 mining operations and larger

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() DNA remains Nickles ::Points at burn marks::

STSF_BluRox -> ::scratches head:: This isn't making much sense........

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Well federation marks you can usually tell just by looking, cause I make them all the time anyway. The other two just did a standard residue analysis of the marks, that combined with the amount of burn time for the marks, helps narrow it down.

Heather Jamieson -> !@... :: Looks to Kasuga :: I think the message download is complete

Capt Rian Kwai -> +Robinson+ Make sure you bring back any data that you have on the transmissions. We want to do an analysis of them. If you could have one of your team in charge of reviewing the messages and giving us an summary of what was transmitted, that would be great. I'll initiate transport in 10 minutes to allow you all to get ready.

Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() Great. Anything else we need? We seem to have everything.

Heather Jamieson -> !@... Some of the data is encrypted.

Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() I see Ill try to remember that for the next time.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() +Kwai+ Heather is working on it as we speak.

Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() ::Nods:: Yeah. Still need to try to crack that coddle

Heather Jamieson -> !@... The computer can decrypt.

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*()_ ::Pulls out data crystals and station logs:: I am good

Capt Rian Kwai -> +Robinson+ Nine minutes to transport.

Ayumu Kasuga -> @#$%^&*() That's quite true. ::looks at her chrono:: Almost time to transport back. Let's get the last bit of stuff we need.

Heather Jamieson -> !@... Getting all of the headers.. And any error messages. Got it. Lets go.

Capt Rian Kwai -> Republic OPS>+Robinson+ Ready to transport on your mark, Chief.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() +ops+ Do it.

Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() Same here. Let's do it. ::readies for transport::

Christina_Nickles -> !@#$%^&*() ::stands with Will and Jax waiting::

Heather Jamieson -> !@.. :: Back with the rest ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> !@#$%^&*() ::stands beside Heather::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Shimmers:::




Ayumu Kasuga -> ::shimmers back onto the :

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::takes helmet off:: These suits suck after like 5 minutes. I need a shower. And a cheeseburger.

Ayumu Kasuga -> And a large chocolate milkshake

Christina_Nickles -> :; shimmers::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::takes her helmet off:: Ahhh... fresh recirculated air.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::grabs the padd from Heather with the messages on it::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Pulls helmet off:: I could go for both as well

LtCmdrRobinson -> Well I guess I'll draw the short straw and go make the report, ya'll go get cleaned up.

Christina_Nickles -> At lease we made it back all in one piece and in the same condition we went over there in.

Capt Rian Kwai -> +Away Team+ Bridge to away team. We're going to have a conference about your findings in the conference room in 30 minutes. Please be prepared to report.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Right. Just enough time for a nice shower and a change. ::heads to the exit::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Oh never mind, we get a break. ::looks at August:: Guess we'll share a shower, hmmm?

August Jax Robinson -> It would save time.... and water

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::enters the turbolift::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Walks out of the transporter room with him::

Christina_Nickles -> ;;snickers hearing the two as she walks past them out of the transporter room::

LtCmdrRobinson -> I have a feeling we'll be flying into a s*** storm on this mission. Too much weird going on.

Christina_Nickles -> :: heads to her quarters to get cleaned up and ready for the meeting::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::arrives at her quarters, undresses and enjoys a nice warm shower::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ~~~Pause Sim~~~

Capt Rian Kwai -> ~~~Pause Sim~~~


LtCmdrRobinson -> ::psd::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Paused::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Good job guys

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused;;

Capt Rian Kwai -> So next time, we'll be debriefing.

August Jax Robinson -> :P

August Jax Robinson -> yaaay!

Capt Rian Kwai -> Any questions?

August Jax Robinson -> nopes

Capt Rian Kwai -> Blu, do you have anything?

STSF_BluRox -> nope, looks like we're set for next week

Capt Rian Kwai -> Okay then, crew dismissed.

Christina_Nickles -> night all

Capt Rian Kwai -> Hope you feel better next week Blu

LtCmdrRobinson -> ok see everyone next week. Night wife®

STSF_BluRox -> Ok all, take care and have a great week.......Will may have hit the nail on the head

STSF_BluRox -> thanks all, night all

August Jax Robinson -> nite everyone

August Jax Robinson -> and Will

Capt Rian Kwai -> Night

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