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A Marriage Among Other Things

(Takes place before the last plot, but it was a long time to put this together - Torate’s author’s apologies; specifically it took place after March 15th Sim and prior to the March 22nd sim.)



Mimi quickly walked right into her and Torate’s home, tossing down a PADD that she had for the mission and quickly got to work fixing the alfredo for her, her husband and the soon-to-be second wife. She filled a large pot with water and started heating it up once she placed it on the stove. Then went to get the alfredo noodles, sauce and parmesan cheese from the replicator. Mimi quickly got changed from her uniform to some civilian clothes, before putting in the noodles.


The amount of work bound for Lieutenant Harada’s PADD was amazing, since he was going to be handling Dheno out in the field, leaving tr’Jeth Dabi back on Aegis to prevent anything from happening there. Torate finished the upload and confirmed he received it. He set the necessary alarms in his office and on his console, then headed home for the night.


He began to think about Loxil and Mimi as he took his long strides back to their quarters, attempting to figure out how he was going to get his lloann’nae wife to agree to this Rihan tradition of ascension an hhwai (build up) of his bloodline. This was especially burdening Torate in the case of Rihan’s in general, when the other family members are urrhaa (all gone) as in this case; worse yet it was nearly the entire race of Rihannisu!


Torate had to put his foot down with Mimi and get the bloodline extended - and if she didn’t like it, he would even consider just going to Loxil and getting it moving anyway . . . though he wasn’t committed going around her yet because he did love her deeply. However, this Rihan drive to build the bloodline, and the urgency created by the disseminating elimination of his homeworld wasn’t going to budge - he was going to have to face it. He was going to have to get Mimi to also face it. Both of them had a commitment to the race.



Loxil was nervous in her small quarters that had been situated near Mimi and Torate’s. She dressed accordingly, not too sexy, but enough to keep Torate’s eye. She didn’t want to upset the first wife, knowing she was close to becoming the second. She picked up the little dessert she had made from the replicator, a traditional Rihan delight, and left her quarters walking slowly down the hall towards their door. “Hello Mimi”... she tried again, “Hello Mrs tr’Jeth Dabi.” She cringed at that... and practiced again. “Dr ...” she paused and thought, ‘Did Mimi take his name, or was she still Dr Pavillion?’ Eventually as she met the door, she figured she’d wait and see if Mimi offered up her name, so it was happy to her feelings. She tapped lightly on the door, trying quickly to determine how to respond when the door swished open.


Mimi heard a faint knocking at the door and went over to open and saw Loxil and was a bit shocked. “Well, you’re early Loxil. Please do come in. Is there something I can get you to drink or anything like that? The food is being made right now,” Mimi stated


Loxil could hardly move her feet into the room - meeting the First wife. She didn’t even realize that Mimi seemed nervous as well, but held out her dessert saying, “Dr.. Mi... Mrs. tr’J... Dr Pavillion, I brought dessert” she stuttered out as she found a couple steps into the room so the door could close behind her. She hoped that greeting wasn’t offensive, not using Torate’s house name, but in her stuttering, she could hardly talk anyway.


Mimi smiled at Loxil. “You can call me Mimi. Dr. Pavilion is what I use at work. As for Torate’s last name, I haven’t fully decided to take it, though if memory serves of my Romulan history, my last name would technically be tr’Jeth Dabi,” Mimi said.


That cut the ice and warmed her tongue, “Thank Au, Mimi. Sorry, I am so nervous.” Her Rihannsu accent was a bit heavier than Torate’s, but she could be understood. She sat the dessert on a side table.


“Oh, you are nervous too. I thought it would be obvious on me. But don’t be sorry about it, it’s dealing with Torate that you should be worried about. Him and his ego,” replied Mimi.


Loxil finally let out a little noise that could have been construed as a giggle, though it didn’t fully exit her lips. “It is probably his proud Rihan heritage.” She took another step near a chair and spoke softly, “May I?”


“Oh, where are my manners, please take a seat. Torate should be home soon. If I may, did he tell you why he wanted you come here tonight.” Mimi paused and took a deep breath. “I have a feeling as to why, but I just want to make sure.”


As Loxil slipped into a chair like a minx, she took a look at Mimi, and found the external things that Torate probably found in her. She was a beauty, for a lloannae. Their features were slightly disfiguring to this pure Rihan woman who had never been around Lloannae, much less the Galae as a whole like on this station. She did see the internal strength in this woman as she moves around the table continuing an awkward conversation and continued to prepare the meal. “Can I help make the meal with au, Mimi?”


Mimi nods to Loxil. “Can you turn on the stove where the pot is and pour in the sauce for the alfredo noodles? So what did Torate tell you about tonight?”


She got up and went over to the stove, started doing as Mimi requested without hesitation. “He said I am to show up for a meal and bring something nice. I didn’t know if he meant food or a gift. I’m sorry if it was supposed to be the other. I don't’ know Lloa...er... human traditions.” She added the noodles and began to stir.


“That’s alright, the dessert works fine. I am not fully in depth on Rihan traditions, yet. But I hope to. But as for what Torate’s got in mind, I have a very strong feeling as to what it is. I just don’t know how make an agreement with him right at the moment, but I think I can with you,” Mimi said. She wasn’t sure about how Loxil or Torate would like this agreement, but considering the mission she was going on, it had be made.


Feeling rather comfortable now talking with Mimi candidly, she opens up, “Well, I”m not quite sure I understood how Torate saw this to work with a Human wife. Rihan’s have no problem being first, second or other wife... we all have children and just beg for his time and attentions. The wife with the first son gets the most dowry and provisions and usually lives with him. You already live with him prior to having children - so maybe we have to.. set our own version?” She stopped stirring for a moment and tested a bit. “I think this is ready.”



Mimi went over to the kitchen stove and dipped her finger in the spoon to taste. Motioning to the sauce, “I think you’re right.” Mimi paused for a moment, “But how do we do that. I’m going to be away for awhile.”


“Oh Mimi, I’ll need to teach you a few unwritten Rihannsu traditions - the wives game up on the husbands, often. They don’t want an unhappy home life with any of us, so we usually get our way, as long as he often thinks it’s his own.” She roared slightly saying that and divulging that with a human woman.


Mimi smiled at Loxil. “I could use any advice that you are willing offer. Torate thinking he gets his way, I kinda already knew that, considering how stubborn he can get. I’m going to tell you now, I’m going to try to convince him that the him and I should try to get started, before I leave. Um... is it possible that you wait until we know for sure that I am.”


Isn’t clear what she’s talking about, then suddenly it dawns on her, “Ahh, a child.” Loxil smiled. “Do you mean to marry him, or to work on a child myself? I won’t work on that until the marriage has been set in tradition. Out of my new friendship with you, I can wait on the child with him.”

Mimi nods. “A child yes. As for the marriage, I’m still a little unsure at the moment, but I do want to have this fully discussed in detail with the both of you. Even if it means, for now, that you are planning it. I just want to make sure things are settled until I return home.”


Loxil places her hand on Mimi’s, making her pause in her dinner preparations. “Mimi, you need to understand,” Loxil gave her a very sly smile, “Au ARE THE first wife - Rihan’s do not divorce like the Lloannae, Au have THE say so!” Loxil released her hand gently as that statement settled in. “Torate has no say so about these matters - the first wife decides these. I hope he didn’t try to tell you different.”


“Torate did tell me that I would be the first wife and I am trying everything to stand my ground to that man. Making sure things are settled and every detail is settled, without being deceived,” Mimi replied.


Thinks to herself that Torate has not taught his wife the ways of the First Wife, and is probably trying to get away with everything, but she’ll make sure Mimi knows her rights and enjoy watching Torate squirm. “May I make a suggestion?”


Mimi nods to Loxil. “Please.”


“When it comes to children and the other wives, including his schedule with them, AU are in charge of that. There is no guessing by the other wives, and the Rihan man does not have say so. However, he is in charge of all other matters in the house and out of it.” Waits for Mimi’s response, seeing if she understands the pure power she has in this way.


“Trust me when it comes to the expanding of this family, I plan on making a schedule for him. There maybe some matters with our work that involve both of us. But other than that I will try to abide,” stated Mimi.


“If I may... please do not say it gentle with Torate, just tell him what it will be and he will understand you know your place and will follow it. if you ask him, if you give him an kilo, these Rihan men will walk over over the First Wife’s powers. I am in with you, Mimi. I will teach you what you need to know to get over on Torate.. and I will be grateful for any time I get with him,” she pauses to honestly add, “And with you, from this point forward.” She really warmed up to Mimi, thinking of all the horror stories of first wives in the Rihan homeworld and how nice this may just turn out to be.


Mimi looked at Loxil, “Thank you.” Mimi paused for a moment looked over the food. “The question now is how do we ‘casually’ drop this information into Torates lap. Also, one more question: Do all the wives use his private name or is that reserved for the first wife?”

A wide smile comes across Loxil’s face, knowing she has a lot to teach Mimi. “Au, my dear, are the only one that knows it. If he has told it to au, then AU have been honored with the full power of the First Wife.”



Mimi smiles for a bit. “Thank you for answering that for me. Just don’t get any ideas from my last question, please.”


“Ideas? Au are in charge, I am here to serve au too, Mimi, and I’m glad I’ve got to know au. It’ll be my pleasure.”


Mimi nods and smiles. “Ok. How about we finish getting dinner ready?”




As Mimi finished getting the food ready and the table set up, she turned around and looked at the door to see Torate.


“Dinner is almost ready,” Mimi said, as she motioned to the kitchen area. “I just have make sure that the sauce is finished.” She went over to the kitchen to check on the sauce and turned off the stove, as well as drain the water from the noodles. “Alright, it’s ready,” Mimi said.


As the three of them sat down to dinner, Mimi was a little nervous about what was going to happen, especially between Torate and Loxil. Mimi tried to put her mind at ease, but to little avail.

“So... uh,” as Mimi started to speak trying to break the tension in the room, looking between the two, “How was your day, Torate?”

Torate snorted, “It was a busy day.”

“That’s good. How do you like the alfredo, husband,” Mimi asked. Knowing that anything that she made would satisfy his hunger.

“It is good,” as Torate gulped the pasta down.

Mimi nodded to her husband’s response. She looked between Loxil, her plate, and Torate, trying to figure out how to make her demands known and obeyed, considering she was going to be away for about two weeks.

Finally, Mimi put her fork and sighed. “Look, Torate while I’m away. I have a few rules pertaining to the issue of the other women you tend to bring into this... family. The first rule is that can only date these women until I get back. Also, you will not marry Loxil until after I return. I mean it. She is allowed to plan the wedding. And after I get back, and have things settled, you and me are, shall we say, going to start expanding our family. Do I make myself clear,” she stated as she looked sternly between Torate and Loxil.

Torate looked at Mimi, as what can be assumed as shock, and nodded. “Ie, I understand au’re rules, my wife.”

After another hour or so of discussion, Loxil left Torate and Mimi’s quarters, content with was put in place. Mimi then turned to Torate, “Now how about we get comfortable for the night.”

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