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The Loony Bin

Ensign Koralev and I were finishing up the repairs to the ship when Kawalas inquired as to their status.  I informed her we had some minor cleaning up to do and then we were done.  A stubborn stain was giving Koralev and we ended up melting the stain with a laser torch and something called "elbow grease".  Having completed repairs the engines were engaged at maximum warp, although I'm still not aware of any specific destination.


I called the MRF to get Lagh Prekip's status.  Dr. Garnoopy tells me he should be released within the hour, but is ordered to remain off duty for 24 hours after that.  After I informed Koralev, who seemed relieved, Garnoopy then had me order him to Holodeck 2 for a full psychological evaluation.  Naturally he protested, but this had to be done.  It was standard procedure following such a non-standard event.


For Ensign Koralev's sake I hope the Dr. does certify him as temporarily insane.  It would look far better on his record as a health matter, especially if it can be treated, than a disciplinary matter.  It would also protect him from a formal reprimand or worse, which I would be required to do if he was of sound mind during the altercation with Prekip.


Lagh Prekip is another matter.  I've documented his need for hand-to-hand training in previous logs.  Unfortunately none of the holodeck training scenarios will be adequate.  To meet his training needs I may need to get a little... creative.

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