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An Orphanage in Progress

Schawnsee looks to Mimi for a moment before entering her office. "Dr. Pavilion? How are we going to handle that many children. I mean Does the station have an orphanage? If not why would there be that many children on the station? I would almost think its to dangerous to have them on the station." Schawnsee seemed very worried about the children and her concern showed on her face.


"No, actually we don't have an orphanage here. The station, from what I can tell, wasn't even built for this kind of scenario. But I do understand your worry, the children should have a safe environment to play in as well as sleep and eat in." Mimi replied, with same worry in her face. "But if we were to set up one, we could convert one of the cargo bays into an orphanage. Do you have any other ideas?"


"The Cargo bay would be a good place. We could have it portioned off into rooms so each would have a place to call their own." Schawnsee says with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "We can also make a play area, maybe even a small holodeck, a gym?" she continues getting more and more enthusiastic as she keeps talking. "We can set up a entire community for them in the cargo bays."


"That sounds like a good idea. How about physicals for them," Mimi stated.


"That would be a given. Children of all species need pediatric care. Vaccinations, emergency treatments for sustained injuries acquired. It may mean a bit more work for us but I think with the entire sickbay staff, we could handle it. Do you think we need to go to the Captain with this to see what she has to say about it?"

Schawnsee's face was lit up with excitement about getting something to help the children. "Also if you want a doctor to be designated as a Children's physician, I'm willing to take that roll."


Mimi nods. "Yes the Captain would need to be inform, before she approves. So, I will inform her. It would be a good idea for someone would be Children's Physician, so I'm appointing you said physician."


Schawnsee smiled with that news. She always loved working with children now she would be designated and the Pediatric physician for the station. "Thank you Doctor. If its OK with you I'm going to go start brushing up on what inoculations romulan children need and get them on the next shipment order list." Schawnsee was so excited she didn't wait to hear a reply from Mimi but quickly went to her console and began her research.

Edited by Merina

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