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The Tube Cleaners, Part Deux

(OK, I couldn't think of a better title.  But it seems to work with BcH and Xiang so I'll stick with it for now.)


I've got two engineering problems on my hand, and neither one relates to ship technology.


The first problem is Ensign Koralev, just released from the MRF and awaiting punishment.  I will not be making a decision on this until I can speak with his victim, still unconscious.  When I spoke to Koralev in the MRF he seemed genuinely remorseful, so I am prepared to be lenient.  But I must make the impression on the young Ensign that I will not allow intra-department fighting over trivial issues.  There is no reason for professional disagreement to lead to hand-to-hand combat, especially in a scientific field such as engineering where professional disagreements are to be expected.  He does have a quick temper, even by Human standards, and may be easily provoked.  Not remembering tearing Prekip's arm off and beating him with it indicates temporary insanity.  However, this is speculation on my part as only a licensed physician or counselor can make this determination.  I will ask for a psychological evaluation to see if he is fit to return to duty.


What concerns me more, however, is that Koralev did not stop fighting with Prekip after he had clearly beaten him.  I see two possibilities.  Either Koralev was indeed insane or does not fight honorably.  This will not go over well with the Klingons and even most of the Federation crewmen.  A rational person would have stopped fighting when he had clearly won.  


Which brings me to the larger problem, Lagh Prekip.  Granted Koralev is big for a Human, and had the element of surprise, but a Klingon who would allow a Human to beat him with his own severed arm clearly could use some hand-to-hand skills.  Rhoz says that not all Klingons are warriors.  For the record I disagree. Prekip wears the same military uniform as the Klingons who are warriors, and an enemy would not make the distinction.  The Vorcha class vessel was designed for one purpose, war.  By definition we are *all* warriors.


This is more than an academic definition.  As a vessel of war we must be prepared for an enemy force trying to take the ship.  A boarding party does not start with the mess hall.  It starts with the nerve centers of the ship, the Bridge/MeH and Main Engineering.  The ship could be run from Engineering if need be, but not if it is in enemy hands.  Closing the blast doors, sealing the Jeffries tubes, and a few well placed force fields could isolate Engineering from the rest of the ship, but if shields are down we must be able to defend ourselves against a hostile force beaming into my office. Nor are particle weapons always an option.  One stray phaser or disrupter blast in engineering can puncture the plasma coolant tanks or the warp core itself so we must keep our hand-to-hand skills at the ready.  


Koralev's mental state affects our department, but an engineer lacking the skills to defend himself puts the whole ship at risk.  Further training is mandatory.

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