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Ambassador Drankums Log

<The following is posted on behalf of Ambassador Drankum. ~Chirakis>



An Ambassador Drankum Profitable Production

Copyright © 2012, Drankum, LLC.



Exchange Date 1205.25, 20:19 hours FET

Stardate 2387.093 – 3rd of April, 2387

Terminal G19/X – Clarus Shipyard Facility, Clarus, Ferengi Alliance


The roar of the crowd…surprising.

The flash of the media and holo-recorders…blinding.

Not a soul present having been paid to be there…priceless.


For the first time in almost thirty years, the Zooper and Lines Corporation [ZLC 192.71▲16.72 (+8.68%)] were making the debut of a new product. And what a release it was. The public industrial giant that the government had a seventy-three percent stake in had been the birthplace of almost every major military craft created by the Ferengi Alliance for the last five hundred years. The most recent result, the famed D’Kora Marauder Class, had been so formidable that it was capable of standing lobe-to-lobe with the best products the humon Starfleet could muster in the 2360s. During the only engagement between them and the Dominion in 2374, these mighty ships had proven not only resistant to Breen energy dampening technology, but successfully forced a retreat of the enemy. When one considered that the entire product line had been developed, tested and put into production in less than seven years, it was quite impressive. The number of commercial versions sold to privateers and shipping haulers across the galaxy was equally…pleasing.


But none of that mattered now. Soon, this famous and profitable class would go the way of Luxottica [LUX19.40▼0.49 (-0.25%)] Vulcen sunglasses and Bolian hairpieces right into the abyss of history.


Now, there would be the Prexnak Class Corvette.


They were a piece of elegant, profitable, beauty, inside and out. Built upon lessons learned through most major conflicts in the last decades, mixed with the Ferengi’s information sharing agreements with countless governments, the best ideas and concepts were included. Of course some “might” look strikingly similar to something someone else might have made…but really, hasn’t anyone heard of wireless security? To think the Klingons still didn’t require their senior engineering research departments to change passwords every year in this day in age…it was probably a good thing the Romulan’s homeworld blew up else they would have finally taken the forehead deformed race out!


Oh wait, too soon?


The Prexnak Class was a phased design, allowing for over sixty percent of the interior superstructure to be configured to meet a client’s personalized need. On one end, they could serve as the galaxy’s largest cargo transport. On the other, they could become a luxury passenger ferry. The most secure too given the defensive and offensive capabilities, basic or deluxe packages available of course. No expense could be spared, for a small service fee.


The ships featured a basic size of thirty-three decks at its peak, with a maximum propulsion speed at near slipstream velocity. The same basic size of the now aging humon Galaxy Class Cruiser, a military outfitted design could feature a full complement of eighteen hundred persons. A transport layout could present storage for enough supplies to build a small colony and survive for several years. Prexnak would have the ability to operate four years without requiring refueling under some configurations. This interest alone had actually caused the First Federation to place an order for two to be used as deep space explorers…the first their culture had considered in three hundred years.


From the outside, they featured a darker maroon color hull plating than previous Ferengi designs in the last five hundred years. Despite the claims of some unprofitable, self righteous, disgustingly clothed females…it wasn’t a fashion statement. For those purchasing the XLS model, an experimental regenerating ablative hull armor system was present. Yes, one could ‘paint’ something more fashionable…but honestly, why? Of course this was in addition to your traditional launching and energy weapon defensive systems. Sure, there might be thirty-five disruptor cannons aboard, along with torpedo guidance systems that might have been ‘loosely based’ on Breen plasma deployment technology…but it wasn’t like they were going to miss it. The neat part was, their placement allowed for a full rotation of fire for almost all of the weapons! Now, there was no need to turn to line up a shot to defend your profits, just press the blue button no matter where they are!!


There was elegance in the outward appearance. Like most Ferengi designs, no nacelles or other ridiculously pointless exterior devices. The ships bore a basic resemblance to an arrow, with fore being the point and with propulsion systems embedded within the entire curved rear exterior of the ship. Cargo and transport loading facilities were mounted on either side of the neck, facing forward but allowing for easy access. Although they were not necessarily designed for atmospheric entry, rumors persisted that some government had inquired about just such a thing. For a small fee you could learn the truth…maybe.


Since initially made public two years ago, over five hundred orders had been received for products over the next thirty years. Some companies were literally going to scrap their entire fleets, others were being used to replacing aging surplus technology and even one independent ‘agent’ was going to replace an orbiting starbase with one. The fact was simple, commercial starship designs had not been able to keep up because of what had happened in the last few decades. Those that did featured now out of date technology, not benefiting from commercial applications of previously military researched products. It indeed was a great time to be a Zooper and Lines stockholder!


But before all of the outside orders, and the sale of Prexnak Class ships with certain built in degradations to ensure lasting supremacy, Grand Nagus Rom had made a conscious decision to make them the new face of the Treasury Guard. Even before the recent developments with the Vulcen’s annoyed distant cousin’s brother’s sisters cousin, the Tjurak ‘rise’ had been one of many analysts had predicted would appear in the aftermath of the Dominion War. The need to ensure stability within the Alliance, and monitor trade routes at times many local authorities no longer had the resources to do so, were increasing to levels not seen in modern times. Opportunity was knocking on the bulkhead, but keeping the Pakled from stealing the door was becoming a problem. Well, in their case, stealing the bolts securing the door because they were shiny and leaving the boxes full of latinum alone because they were ‘heavy’ [LATUM 56712.40▲8.30 (+1.12%)].


So it would be another three or four years before the first ‘commercial’ application of the ships were available. In fact, the exact time the first versions of the Prexnak Class would be operational for anyone had been a closely paid secret for some time. That was, until, two weeks ago when the media were informed of a dedication ceremony at the Zooper and Lines Shipyard in orbit of Clarus.


It was here the Grand Nagus had ordered a grand affair, generating some much needed positive publicity for the government. The event was the best that latinum could buy, and then some. The invitation list was so exclusive that it put the funeral for Benjamin Sisko to shame. Anything or anyone you could imagine was there. Representatives from non-aligned worlds, government officials for more aligned ones, military officials, wannabe military officials, dictators and even dictators in exile were present. Every food, every form of entertainment, every liquor known throughout the galaxy…no expense was too great. Well, except for the peculiar request from the Aldeans. I mean, really, how disgusting.


Regardless, this was the opportunity to push forward and move beyond the recent distractions. Set a new path into the future of ongoing, secure, profits!


And then the oddest thing happened.


First Clerk Jint had personally found him. It was an impressive feat. No one had been able to do that in five months. Heck, some media reports had questioned if he was dead…the victim of a larger conspiracy atop the one that was already known. It probably cost more than a few bars for the information, but the deed had been done. It really wasn’t the most shocking concept. After all, even given what had happened, the need for a public relations act every once in awhile was needed to justify his pension. So it had happened that a ticket was issued for “Honored Profitable Ferengi, +1” on the guest list.


For the first half of the day’s festivities, the Nagus and Jint had impressively executed a plan to allow for the enjoyment of what was going on without the media learning who all was there. In fact, it wasn’t until the arrival at the dinner evening reception line that the full scope of the deception had become known. This time however, there was no need for comments and no desire to engage in the endless cannibalism these journalist creatures engaged in.


Klingons tried to kill all the tribbles….twice….but leave the journalists and lawyers alone? Really?


As most would comment, he looked good. He was rested, his face seemed to have a glow about it that had been absent for many years. He had even lost weight. Posture was better and even the use of his cane seemed a little less required. The front page picture of him standing with the Grand Nagus and First Clerk had put any lingering doubts to the side about earlier events. This was especially true given the large number of lobed individuals still in hiding, bankrupt or in prison. Being the focus of a toast by the Nagus himself, one that hadn't been purchased mind you, was an equally impressive statement to those in attendance.


Ambassador Drankum was enjoying his cameo appearance on the public stage. Heck, he was enjoying most things these days and didn’t really care about anything else. Well, mostly.


The interesting development to this brief manifestation back into the public eye had happened the following morning. Much to his surprise, there had been a private meeting and a request. All had made sense, and it really was just more of a public relations tour anyway…on the way back to his permanent vacation…but it did make him wonder. Jint knew more than he had said, implied certain things carefully in a way that forced the Ferengi to momentarily look at the poker game again.


For just a moment. Only a moment.


As he had expected and considered over seventeen months ago, the winds of profit and change had started to blow. Not to mention some stars, planets, empires. Still too soon? Really? The game being played now included new cards, an expansion of the deck and the discarding of certain players. Honestly, it was a mess. From the Ferengi’s perspective, it was a goldenly…cautiously…potentially very profitable time. Resources being purchased for medical relief missions had caused Race Medical [RML 83.10 ▲1.90 (+2.29%)] to triple in stock price in the last several months alone. No, this was now a game for the young ones. Those with lobes who still had a fire for it.



Of course, the ‘permanent loan’ was a great bonus. It didn’t matter what language you spoke, free was always better! Besides, it wasn’t a moon, but who could argue with the name!

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