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Things to think through

Sage sat on her bed in her room, looking into a mirror at her new rank. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pride even though she was supposed to be emotionless. After a few seconds she looks away and begins to find her workout clothes. She quickly changes and heads towards the holodecks. She needed to think through the events of the past few days, and the best way to think for her was while she is practicing her martial art. When she finds herself in front of one of the holodecks, she enters. “Run Sage’s Program, number 3.” She had imputed the programs she made not soon after she arrived.

The program begins and she is in an earth style dojo, mirrors across one wall, and springy mats under her bare feet. She put on the uniform hanging on the wall, tied her belt, and bowed to the simulated instructor in the middle of the room. “Practice your kata.” She begins the first of her kata, a long precise set of blocks and strikes, almost majestic when done by the masters. She can now think about the events that have presented themselves for the past week. Part of the kata is to stop thinking, which, paradoxically, helps her think of other things besides the movements.

She runs through the events in her mind; The Captain has gone through surgery for some reason and is now recuperating in the VIP room to keep her surgery a secret. Her parents sent her a message she still hasn’t properly responded to. The difficulty she has been having with the emotions anxiety and curiosity. She knows that she probably shouldn’t be curious about the Captain, be she can’t help it. The events are so strange to her- strange but logical. Though she does not know the details, she can understand the desire to keep this surgery a secret. If that information- whatever the information- got out, she could be compromised, and being compromised is not a good thing for a captain to be.

Then there are her parents. The fact that, before now, they haven’t had any contact with her for four years makes her think. Why now? Maybe they didn’t think she would really go through her entire training, but now that she has, they feel proud of her; or as proud as her parents could feel. What is she going to send to her parents? She decides that she will tell her of her advancement; perhaps they will respect her more, not think of her as a trader.

She trips over her feet, close to the end of her kata, and the instructor glances at her. “Start over; and use these” He gives her two ten pound dumbbells to work with. She nods and begins again, this time letting her mind slip into nothingness.

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