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RES Talon Simlog Stardate 51203.22

RES Talon Mission Briefing Stardate 51203.22


The crew of the RES Talon have been told to report back to the ship and have it prepared by the following morning to receive instructions and new orders. Meanwhile, t'Ksa is still in the hands of her captors, being spirited away to regions unknown, and it is still uncertain if N'Dak will survive the attack that was made upon him at t'Ksa's bonding ceremony.


KhreRiovtRex -> Begin Sim

KhreRiovtRex -> Begin Sim

KhreRiovtRex -> Begin Sim


Lerak trPexil -> :: Finds himself up another infernal tube spanning to who knows where. Pexil knows where, but this was one tube too many ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::monitoring the ship's progress for departure::

Lerak trPexil -> +R'Mor+ Are au at the main console in engineering?

tAehjae -> :: back in main Dheno looking over what evidence they have::

NDak -> Issaha> ::Making his way to the quarters he had shared, rhae his brother. He had been rather surprised how quickly the orders restoring him to Daise of Science, rhae the Talon had come through -- though given who was actually pulling those strings, it really wasn't all that shocking. ::

Lerak trPexil -> +R'Mor+ I'm ready to send another charge through to find the faulty relay.

Ariennye R'Mor -> +Pex+ I am

NDak -> Issaha> ::Something still tugged at him, told him to turn away from this path.::

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Puttering about engineering, glad to be doing *something* even if it was work.::

Ariennye R'Mor -> +Pexil+ Standing by


KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::walks over to Var'lon and touches his shoulder:: E'lev, it is time

Varlon -> $ :::is startled as he apparently started dozing off:::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ I'm sorry I have to wake au my jol, but.....

Varlon -> $ :::stretches quickly and lets out a yawn::: I'm sorry... I did not mean to nod off like that.

KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::is unable to finish::

Varlon -> $ :::slides up and pulls her into a hug:::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::let's him quietly hold her::


Lerak trPexil -> +RMor+ Ready... set... :: the charge goes through the power system and readings come back to RMor's console ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Slides foot out, Trips t'Ditsy:::

Ariennye R'Mor -> +Pexil+ I am getting a reading::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Hears a thud in the background of RMor's audio ::

NDak -> Issaha> ::Yet he pressed ahead, his fate and his destiny before, not behind him. Rounding the corner, he stopped just short of the doors. He'd returned to Talon from leave before, but it had never felt so ... empty. t'Ksa was still missing, Destorie gone -- many of his science officers had left or transferred -- and though t'Rexan was returning, there something different about her that he had yet to place a finger on.::


ACTION:: Elsewhere, a small Othan courier is making its way along not so populous trade routes


#Willow> ::in her temporary quarters, having a basic breakfast as she reads over an ISD::

# Morgana::: snores:::

# Willow> ::looks up as the door chime sounds::

# Morgana: snored all night, keeping Butch awake most of it.....::

# Butch> ::In his bunk.::

# Willow> ::furrowing her brow, tucking her leg underneath her so that she has easy access to her concealed weapon::

# Willow> Enter.


Lerak trPexil -> +RMor+ Let me know what relay did not get the pulse.. that's the one I need to replace.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil's ISD buzzed once more, as it had for hours now :: Ugh

Ariennye R'Mor -> +Pexil+ Relay 37782

t'Ditsy> ::Picks herself up off the ground and glares at R'Mor.:: Au did that on purpose!

Issaha> ::And there was something different about himself, too. He'd never felt so... so much like his own brother. Normally, his thoughts would already have been drifting to which new Erein he would be flirting with once they got underway, but h'nah, his thoughts were so distant from that, so focused on his purpose and his mission that he'd barely noticed the young erein who'd said hello and winked to him as they boarded the ship.::

Koga S'Bien -> ::reading an ISD just handed to him by the Operations officer in regards to the inventory and supplies they just received and signing off on any other requests Departments have before departure::

Lerak trPexil -> +RMor+ Ah... :: thinks :: Can au give me a location?


$ Action: Alarm clock goes off to remind them that she must leave soon


KhreRiovtRex -> $::looks up at the clock and pulls her Kaleh, throwing it at the clock silencing it into several broken pieces::

Varlon -> $ :::does not say anything about the clock, wishing it was something.. no rather someONE else that was being broken instead right now:::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ I do na wish to cause au more trouble Rekkhai, I must report shortly and still have to go pick up my engineer ::does na wish to leave his arms, but knows to protect him, she must::


Issaha> ::Resuming walking, he stopped outside the doors to his quarters and entered the code.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: He could feel the sweat off his forehead. This tube contained warmer air than most areas of the ship ::

Issaha> ::Tossing his bag onto the couch, he turned and headed away to go report into whoever was officer on watch -- likely Koga::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Opens up his ISD and looks for the replay specs :: Ugh. I don't have that model with me.

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Pulls open a panel, makes a few adjustmentsL:::

KhreRiovtRex -> (Koga does indeed, have the watch)

Lerak trPexil -> +RMor+ I will need a model K relay, naturally io I don't have.


# Willow> ::watching as the doors part and a tall figure enter::

# Willow> ::recognition settles on her and she stands:: Aren't you a long way from home.

# Alura t'Prin> ::gives a taut smile that does not reach her eyes:: I could say the same about you.

# Butch> ::Snores loudly, finally asleep and drowning out Morgana's snores.::


Varlon -> $ :::swats her gently::: What have I said about this "Rekkhai" stuff? And I'm going with you... I'll be with you until you leave orbit.

KhreRiovtRex -> $ I've already seen to Val'ron before I woke au...::looks at him:: While at home, ie, I know, not supposed to use it, however, that was before, when I was staying here...I am now just another of aur officers, that au must deploy to duty, thus, you deserve the honorific of aur title

Varlon -> $ This is still your home, L’haiy. You may be going on a mission, but this is still YOUR home.


Ariennye R'Mor -> +Pexil+ on my way

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Glaring at R'Mor as she attempted to work.::

Issaha> ::He had spoken to any of them since the incident, and he wondered how the crew would react to his return -- granted many of them had likely not even known he was supposed to have left in the first place, at least those outside of Science.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Thought and cursed at how far away he was from a replicator ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> Problem? ::Looks at t'Ditsy?


KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::decides na to depress him, as she knows she will be yy'a shortly, and it will na longer be her home:: As au wish

NDak -> (( How shortly, we talkin' here? ))

KhreRiovtRex -> $ As reluctant as I am to have to go, I must to ensure the safety of our son and yourself. Au have to let me go E’lev

Varlon -> $ Ie... though you don't get rid of me just yet.


Tory Knight -> # t'Prin> ::crosses the room, casually taking a seat opposite Willow:: But then, you haven't been home in a very long while, have you?

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::arches a brow, settling back to her seat:: You should know. It's partially because of you homeworld is so... inhospitable...for me.


Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Grabs the relay, closest closet::

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> Oh, ie. I think there just might be. ::Nostril flare.::

Ariennye R'Mor -> like what baldy?

Issaha> ::He entered the lift and commanded it to the Oira.::

Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ditsy+ Pexil here. Are au two getting along? Great. I need a diagnostic on cloak control.

tAehjae -> ::checking all dheno staff incoming reports::

tAehjae -> +KOga+ Security to Oira

Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ Ie, go ahead?

tAehjae -> +KOga+ Koga Dheno status report all ready for departure.

Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ Menkha.


Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::forces a smile:: But then, we shouldn't linger on the past, should we?

Tory Knight -> # t'Prin> Indeed... especially as we appear to have a similar calling for the moment.

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::raises brows:: Oh?


t'Ditsy> I have HAIR hnah, hann'yyo! ::Broods and goes back to whatever she was doing, muttering under her breath.::

tAehjae -> :: goes back to the evidence report:: I know we have to be missing something.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Awaits R'Mor's arrival :: +Ditsy+ Disty?

Koga S'Bien -> +tr'Pexil+ How's your progress going along down there? Are we good to depart or travel for a sustained period of time?


Varlon -> $ So are you ready to leave?

KhreRiovtRex -> $Na, I am na, but I must

Varlon -> $ :::watches as the guard enters the room, nodding that transportation is ready:::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ Let me grab my kaleh::grabs it and sheaths it, then checks the other 4 she had rhae her belt, shoulder and boots, having perhaps overdone it a bit::


Lerak trPexil -> :: Takes the rag in his pocket and wipes his face ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Climbs into the tubes, heads to Pexil::

t'Ditsy> +Pexil+ I heard au the first time. ::Working on the cloak.::

Issaha> ::He exited the lift and onto the Oira::

Lerak trPexil -> +S'Bien+ We can leave now if need be. I'm replacing a faulty relay in a few minutes. :: starts to climb down and over to the faulty relay ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::notes Issaha's arrival:: +trPExil+ All right.. let me know once we're ready.

Lerak trPexil -> +Ditsy+ Understood.

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Scoots down to Pexil:: I am here!

tAehjae -> :: starts watching over the tapes once more::

Lerak trPexil -> +S'Bien+ Ie. I'd get sick from my location. Ah! :: reacts to R'Mor's sudden arrival ::

Issaha> ::Snaps to vaed'rae:: Arrain Issaha N'Dak, Daise of Science Report for duty as orders, rhae the Talon.

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Hands him the relay:: Sorry

Lerak trPexil -> :: to R'Mor :: My mind was wandering and au startled me. :: looks the relay over ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::returns the salute:: Welcome back, Arrain. ::somewhat surprised he returned to his post:: I hope Destorie is doing well.

Lerak trPexil -> :: smiles at R'Mor, the first face he's seen in a few hours :: Remind me to send others to do these things..: Continues to look over the relay :: Are au and Ditsy getting along?

Issaha> ::hands S'Bein an ISD:: The Enarrain is doing ... ::he paused:: he is doing as well as can be expected.

Ariennye R'Mor -> you should send t'Ditsy

Lerak trPexil ->::Goes over to the panel with the same number as the relay ::



$ Guard> The Teronix is standing by to beam you both directly to the hospital.

KhreRiovtRex -> $ Are we beaming directly? I'll need my baggage sent ahead,::turns to tr'Shalor, can au have one of the other guards see to my things, I don't want anyone tampering with them::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::miscellaneous guards get her baggage to go ahead and transfer to Teronix to then beam over to Talon with it

$ tr'Shalor> Certainly Llhei. I'll see to it.

KhreRiovtRex -> $ Hanny'yo. Shall we do this Rekkhai? Var'lon?


# Willow> I see. "Bad cop" to my "good cop," as the humans say?

# t'Prin> To borrow a phrase, yes.

# Willow> ::pours herself some tea, forcing a calm, civil exterior:: And when do you plan to begin questioning?

# t'Prin> I thought we might commence this evening, after a good meal... and we're sure that the sleeping medications are out of her system.

# Willow> ::nods once:: I'll continue to build rapport until then?

# t'Prin> ::also nods once:: That would be acceptable. ::places her tea on the saucer, then to the table and rises... turns to leave:: And Eviess?

# Willow> ::muscle in her jaw twitches at the sound of her first name... clamps down on her anger:: Yes, *Alura*?


Koga S'Bien -> ::signs off on the ISD:: Well, that's a start. It's a miracle he's even alive still. Feel free to take your post.. we should be good for departure shortly.

Lerak trPexil -> I'd have to send au as well R'Mor... :: enters the interlock sequence to the panel ::

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Still muttering under her breath as she runs the cloak diagnostic.::

Issaha> ::Nods:: Ie, Rehhkai.

Lerak trPexil -> She's a good egg. I can't believe I struck her. :: Places the panel to the side ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> I can believe it, she is nasty

Ariennye R'Mor -> she keeps giving me the death stare

Issaha> ::Takes his post at Science::

Lerak trPexil -> I would na go that far. She listens to my babbling. More than I can say for most. Here. Hold this. :: hands her a tool ::


KhreRiovtRex -> $ Our last outing together

Varlon -> $ For now...

KhreRiovtRex -> $ I suppose au will have to start looking for someone new if I do na return, someone to help au raise him. He should have someone to see to his upbringing while au are working.

Varlon -> $ Quit that. :::swats her again::: You'll do fine.

KhreRiovtRex -> $ We must go, the time, it's getting late...

Varlon -> $ I have not let them kill you yet. :::grins:::I don't intend to let them start now. Especially now that things are just finally getting... "fun"...

KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::tries to give him a smile back:: Fun?

Varlon -> $ Yes... fun. :::grins:::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::smiles back:: You best give them the ok to beam us

Varlon -> $ :::nods to tr'Shalor:::


# t'Prin> ::lopsided grin:: Don't go too softly on her.

# Willow> Of course not.

# t'Prin> Good. I'd hate to turn my skills on you. ::cold gleam to the eyes:: Until then.

# Willow> ::watches as t'Prin sweeps out of her quarters and as the doors close... within a few seconds her tea cup shatters against it::


Lerak trPexil -> :: Unlocks the retention rods at each corner of the relay, shuts off the power... gets dark ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::holds tool::

Lerak trPexil -> :: the section they are in gets dark :: Ha. forgot about that.

tAehjae -> :: sends dheno teams to duty stations for depature::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Squats down and reaches his open toolkit...for a light :: Got it. :: clicks it on ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::sits back in the seat, still pondering the drama that unfolded::


Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::Laehval sat on her bed, staring at the pack on the floor. t'Rexan's message had scared her more than she cared to admit. She was being moved, at her express wish to remain where she was, and she didn't know where. Were they transporting her to a new medical facility? Or prison? Either was a likely possibility in Laehval's mind.::


# Willow> ::pushed to action, pushes to her feet and moves to the information terminal in her quarters::

# Willow> ::begins to find out just who it is that she's been contracted to kidnap::


KhreRiovtRex -> ACTION: Teronix beams the two directly to the hospital


KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::walks over to the main desk :: I am here to retrieve Laehval t'Temarr, she had best be ready as per our order

$ Administrator> Ie, she was told. She is waiting in her room.

KhreRiovtRex -> $ Hann'yyo. Fhaen have her come with us and bring her bags...


Lerak trPexil -> :: Shines it in RMor's eyes for a second :: Sorry. :: hands light to her ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Takes the light::::Shines it where he is working::

Issaha> ::Everything seemed so strange. Koga in command, Destorie nearly yy'a below them....::

Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: Here we go. :: grabs hold of the relay's two handles on each side...pulls ::This thing is in there for su... :: flies back :: Whoa! :: hits the deck plating, relay in both hands :: Looking a little dazed ::

NDak -> ((AFk for a minute ))

Ariennye R'Mor -> you alright?

Koga S'Bien -> ::finds it all a bit surreal as well, sure he's been in the hot seat before numerous times, but certainly not like this, though he probably shouldn't get used to it::

Lerak trPexil -> :: looks in her direction :: I don't know. Just dizzy from the fall and the running around. :: throws the bad relay aside ::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Slowly picks himself up :: Ugh. I need to see t'Ksa for this headache.. oh... nevermind.

KhreRiovtRex -> (nice Pexil!)

NDak -> ((Back ))

Lerak trPexil -> Where did the new relay go? :: vision still a little off ::


# Willow> ::reading the dossier, leans back in her chair:: This? This is the problem with contract work.

# Willow> ::mutters:: Conflict of interest.. ::sighs:::decides she needs more information:: But who to call?


Laehval tTemarr -> $ ::Hearing the summons, Laehval sighed and picked up her bag, shouldering the pack as she limped her way down the corridor. While she no longer grew tired and could manage without a cane, her gait was odd. She approached the admin desk and bowed slightly. Rekkhai.

KhreRiovtRex -> $ Laehval t'Temarr, au have been cleared and reactivated for duty. Au are required to report the Talon at this time.

Laehval tTemarr -> $ ::Blinks, eyes widening.:: ... rekkhai? I have been released from the medical facility? ::Looks to the admin, who nodded. Her mouth dropped as she looked back to t'Rex.:: For duty? On the Talon?

Varlon -> $ :::remains silent standing behind her::


KhreRiovtRex -> (JMo!)

Koga S'Bien -> (Jolan tru!)

KhreRiovtRex -> (Answer au phone!)

Ariennye R'Mor -> {{BRB}}

Varlon -> ((She apparently decided she does not like us anymore.))

KhreRiovtRex -> (rofl...answers phone, and hangs up room)

Lerak trPexil -> (( sounds like dial-up ))

Koga S'Bien -> (Wow.. dial up?)

NDak -> (( Need to run guys. Have a good weekend, see you all next week. ))


Lerak trPexil -> :: Spots the new relay, looking much like the old one, but newerish-looking :::: Grabs the handles on this one and holds it up to the hole created by the removal of the faulty one ::

Lerak trPexil -> Light please. :: points, though with a finger completely in the dark :::: Really can't see R'Mor now, she having grown silent ::

tAehjae -> :: security teams make their way to the zone, docking areas, Oira, transporter rooms, Engineering, All critical areas::\

Lerak trPexil -> :: R'Mor's cardboard clone holds the light where it needs to be. Pexil forces it in place :: The relay seemingly takes more effort to go in than remove :: ARRGG! I must be the weakest Engineer in all of the Galae. :: pushes :::: screams :: AAAHHH!! :: Violently the relay clanks into place... CLANK!! The sounds echos throughout the tubes and crawlways :: Looks to R'Mor after getting in the relay :: Don't tell anyone how weak I looked getting that relay in.

Ariennye R'Mor -> I thought you were rather manly putting it in


KhreRiovtRex -> $ Ie, Talon, we are beaming aboard now. ::turns to Var'lon: We are ready E'lev

Varlon -> $ +Teronix+ Teronix... this is tr'Vatrix. We're ready.

Laehval tTemarr -> $ ::Closes her mouth and glances to Var'lon. Surely he couldn't be happy about this. Still in shock, she didn't know what to say.::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::turns to t'Temarr:: Au are able to stand or do au need assistance:

Laehval tTemarr -> $ I have strength enough for this. :: Adjusts her pack once they're beamed aboard, biting down on her lower lip.::


Varlon -> $ ACTION: The group is beamed to the Teronix


Varlon -> $ :::rematerializes on the Teronix:::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::hopes the woman is able to do the job she is bringing her for::

Varlon -> $ :::To the transporter operator::: Standby to beam those going to the Talon over. Signal them to expect to receive their new command crew.


M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::waking slowly, looking around the room...only to become dismayed by seeing Butch asleep nearby:

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> ::Snorts awake as Morgana's lack of snoring. Sits up and stares at her.::

# Willow> ::moves to her small case, withdrawing a small encryption key, and moves back to attach it to her terminal to begin making a few calls::


Lerak trPexil -> :: Smiles and laughs just as loudly as the clank before :: Au are kind. :: gets up and locks the relay into place ::

Lerak trPexil -> Here we go. :: opens up the power and the area lights up ::

tAehjae -> :: desides to take a break and make a patrol run::

Koga S'Bien -> ::notes the increase in power:: Nice to see they got that relay replaced.

tAehjae -> :: walks out of Main Dheno and down the corridors::

Koga S'Bien -> tr'OPS> ::receives the signal from the Teronix and acknowledges the replies and begins to make the necessary preparations::

tAehjae -> :: walks the corridors ::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Wipes his brow :: I made sure the sonic showers were working. Let’s get out of here.


KhreRiovtRex -> $ We had best be going E'lev, we grow close to the Fvillah's deadline

$ Teronix Transport Chief> :::notifies Talon to expect their command team to beam over shortly:::

Varlon -> $ Do you have everything you need?

Laehval tTemarr -> $ ::Her face tightens as she realizes t'Rexan will be leaving her new husband and child.::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ ::reaches over and squeezes his hand:: Na, but I will have to endure. I have my engineer at least, she'll keep us in one piece

Varlon -> ((If someone is going to want to meet them... ya better hurry. They're going to be beaming over REALLY soon.))

Varlon -> $ She better. :::glances over::: Otherwise she'll be in pieces.

KhreRiovtRex -> $::gives him one of those ‘you’d best behave looks”::

Varlon -> $ I can't help it... I'm just calling it like I see it.


tAehjae -> Dheno team in transporter room::

Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ Please report to the transporter room ASAP as our Command Team is arriving from the Teronix...

Lerak trPexil -> There are more tubes and crawlways here than I remember. Oh... +S'Bien+ The relay in in place and we are getting out of this place.

Ariennye R'Mor -> :::Nods:: good idea

Koga S'Bien -> +Pex+ Menkha..

tAehjae -> :: enters the lift :: transporters!

Lerak trPexil -> We will pass by the transporter room on our way back.

tAehjae -> +Koga+ IE on my way

tAehjae -> ::Exits the TL and makes her way to the transporter room::

Lerak trPexil -> :: gets out and starts walking down a normal corridor :: So, how does it feel to work INSIDE the patient. :: Sees security up ahead ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Follows Pexil:: Which Patient?

Lerak trPexil -> Here :: points all around :: The Talon...

tAehjae -> :: enters the transporter room and notes her teams in place:: Menak.. Our Command team will be transporting momentarily, Stand at attention

Ariennye R'Mor -> Ooooh, yeah I like it

Lerak trPexil -> We essentially unblocked a blood clot.


#Morgana>::wonders if she could move around him to explore:: Hiya ::stupid smile::

#Butch> ::Grunts and climbs to his feet, stretching.:: If you need to use the 'fresher, it's in there. ::Points.::

#Morgana>Hanny'yo. ::nods, slipping off the bunk::


KhreRiovtRex -> $ E'lev..::gives him a quick hug and turns to Var’lon’s dheno detachment:: Keep him safe for me, for his life has been threatened

Varlon -> $ Good hunting to you. I want you back home ASAP.

KhreRiovtRex -> $ Ie Rekkhai, so we part here then? :: she turned to Laehval:: Io siuren Laehval, Fhaen? :: She set her things down and turned back to Var’lon::

Laehval tTemarr -> $ ::And then it hit her that Var'lon had said Talon was to receive its new command crew. Surely that didn't mean what she thought it meant. She stared at t'Rexan.::

KhreRiovtRex -> $::turns and is swept up into his arms::

Varlon -> $ :::pulls her into a quick kiss before stepping back from the transporter surface:::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ I live to serve au Rekkhai....Take care of our son, keep him safe. And the same to you....:: sees looked at the chrono on the wall::

$ We must go E’lev. We have 2 minutes to report by the Fvillah’s mandate.

Varlon -> $ Ie...

Varlon -> $ Energize.


ACTION:: t'Vatrix and t'Temarr beam aboard the oira of the Talon


tAehjae -> :: Stands at attention ready for the Command team whomever they may be::

Koga S'Bien -> ::sees t'Vatrix and t'Temarr materialize on the Oira and stands at attention:: Welcome aboard.

tAehjae -> Oira Dheno comes to attention seeing the two appear:: Khre’Riov On the Oira!


KhreRiovtRex -> :: materializes aboard the Talon's oira:: Nods.

KhreRiovtRex -> Activate view screen to Teronix::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Back on the Talon once more and she was doing her best not to have a panic attack. Her face was a stony mask as she allowed her pack to drop from her arm.::


Varlon -> $ :::watches as the group disappeared from in front of him:::

Varlon -> $ :::whispers softly::: Elements be with you...


Lerak trPexil -> :: continues to the engineering :: I prefer small craft myself. I should run au through a course.

tAehjae -> ::gets the call from the Oira Dheno team and proceeds to move there:: Stay alert. ::leaves transporter rooms::

Lerak trPexil -> +S'Bien+ Pexil here. The cloak checks out as well.:: Enters a lift :: Main engineering


KhreRiovtRex -> $ At this time, 0800 hours, I, Khre'Riov' L'haiy t'Vatrix hearby take command of the RES Talon hrrau service to Daise'Khre'Riov tr'Vatrix, the Fvillah and the Empire

KhreRiovtRex -> Also, as acting first officer, I hearby promote Laehval t'Temarr to the rank of Daise'Erei'Riov and acting Excecutive Officer

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Tries not to look shocked as she turned to stare at t'Rexan.::Mutters.:: Oh, elements...

Varlon -> ((Give back my $!))

Laehval tTemarr -> (( Too late! She owns half! ))

Lerak trPexil -> (( lol ))


Koga S'Bien -> Once again, the ship is yours. ::vacates the centre seat area::

tAehjae -> +Koga+ I am on my way to the oira give my apologies to the new command for na meeting them there.

Ariennye R'Mor -> do you know where we are heading next..

Koga S'Bien -> +Pexil+ Outstanding. ::heads back to his OPS console::

Lerak trPexil -> Au mean another repair or next mission?

tAehjae -> ::enters the Lift:: Oira

Ariennye R'Mor -> Mission


M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::taking a breather once the refresher door closes:: (q)Oh Elements.


KhreRiovtRex -> ::moves to the center seat:: Give me helm control

KhreRiovtRex -> Stations....

Koga S'Bien -> ::presses the appropriate buttons:: Helm control is yours, rekkhai,

Ariennye R'Mor -> Did D’Nak live?

Lerak trPexil -> I don't know. t'Ksa perhaps.


Varlon -> $ :::heading out of the transporter room:::

Varlon -> $ :::makes his way to the Teronix bridge:::


Laehval tTemarr -> ::Gestures to one of the dheno to take her pack and put it in her quarters. Sinking into her own chair, she placed one hand on the console for a moment and took a deep breath.::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::powers engines and started maneuvering the ship out of dry dock::

Ariennye R'Mor -> let’s hope Karma gets him

Lerak trPexil -> I don't know. I could ask on the off chance. +S'Bien+ Pexil here, have au received any news of N'Dak's condition?

tAehjae -> :: exits the lift to see t’Rexan sit down and tTemarr standing there, comes to attention::


KhreRiovtRex -> Coordinates of capital on main viewer ::she requested::

Koga S'Bien -> ::Does feel kinda nice being back at OPS and out of the hotseat:: +PEx+ I talked to Issaha about how he was doing... he's doing well as could be expected.

KhreRiovtRex -> Give me half impulse S’Bien

Koga S'Bien -> ::presses buttons:: Half impulse, aye. Coordinates to capital on viewer, now.

Lerak trPexil -> +S'Bien+ Keep me appraised.

Koga S'Bien -> ::pops up the co-ordinates on the main viewer::

tAehjae -> welcome back tTemarr, and Khre’Riov.

KhreRiovtRex -> S'Bien...pay attention:: snaps at him::

Koga S'Bien -> Ie rekkhai...

KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns and glares at t'Aehjae::


Varlon -> $ :::enters the Teronix bridge:::

$ Teronix OPS> The Talon is getting underway.

Varlon -> $ On screen.


Lerak trPexil -> :: stops :: I think we are moving. Can au feel it?

KhreRiovtRex -> Take us to 3/4 impulse power....

Ariennye R'Mor -> Umm... no

KhreRiovtRex -> ::angles down towards the atmosphere:::

Lerak trPexil -> :: the lift stops, they both get out ::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Turns to nod at t'Aehjae, then glances back to the screen.::


Varlon -> $ :::watching was the Talon seems to be moving off in a direction he was not exactly expecting:::


Koga S'Bien -> 3/4 impulse.

tAehjae -> :: catches the glare and goes quietly to Dheno post::

Lerak trPexil -> I'll have to teach au how to feel for it.

KhreRiovtRex -> Coordinates...::pulls up her target on screen::

Koga S'Bien -> ::adjusts the knob::


Varlon -> $ :::in fact notices it's downright backwards basically:::


Lerak trPexil -> :: enters main engineering ::

Koga S'Bien -> Co-ordinates have been plotted and are being forwarded to your console... ::forwards::

KhreRiovtRex -> Full impulse:: angles ship downwards and towards the capital city::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Sends word to t'Disty to remain at cloak control for the time being ::

KhreRiovtRex -> :: Bringing the Talon in low over the capital::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Feels the ship even more ::


Varlon -> $ Teronix OPS> Talon has entered the atmosphere... over the Capital.


Koga S'Bien -> ::curious about their little detour, but doesn't say anything about it::

t'Ditsy> ::Busy. At cloak control and delving into the envionrmental systems in R'Mor's room for no particular reason.::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::several warning beacons go off warning of weapons targeting from ground towards ship::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::heads over to a console once she enters Engineering:::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::bringing ship right on course for the Fvillah's palace::

Lerak trPexil -> :: looks at R'Mor.. runs to the main console table ::

tAehjae -> Rekkhai we are being targeted.

Koga S'Bien -> ::rubs chin, wonders if she's gonna do what he think she's gonna do::


Varlon -> $ :::grins realizing what she is intending to do:::


Laehval tTemarr -> #Butch> Yes. On my own ship. With a dozen girls tripping over themselves to be at my beck and call. That'd be heaps more comfortable than listening to you snore all night.

M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana> Then why don't you go there. I'm certainly not stopping you. Anything to get away from your morning breath.

Laehval tTemarr -> #Butch> Believe me, I would if I could! You're not a pretty sight, believe me. I think we did your intended bondmate a favor.

M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana> You've got a face only a mother could jol.::exits the refresher:: Sooooo....why are you here? Couldn't you find somewhere more comfortable to be?


tr’Merk % ::warnings go off in the Fvillah's residence: Fvillah, we should get au to safety, there is a ship on close approach.....

tr’Merk >% We do na know it's intentions..... but it's heading right for us.

Fvillah tr’Salis > It’s the ....Talon!


$ Teronix OPS> Ground defensive units are locking onto the Talon.

Varlon -> $ It's fine... They won't be there long.


Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at the readings :: I've never taken a ship like this so low.

KhreRiovtRex -> Full impulse over the Fvillah's palace.....and...

Koga S'Bien -> Full impulse, aye...

Lerak trPexil -> :: taps :: R'Mor, increase power to structural integrity.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Thinking t'Rexan brought her back just to kill her.::

tAehjae -> Rekkhai we are being locked on to.

KhreRiovtRex -> ::as they pass within feet of the residence...:: Warp 2 Koga! 65 degrees Inclination!

Koga S'Bien -> Warp 2 now!


Varlon -> $ :::Sits back in his chair knowing he's going to get a serious ass chewing shortly:::


Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Taps controls:: adjusting them

Koga S'Bien -> ::presses the console::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::turns off water to t'Disty's:::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Smiles :: Warp...boom!

Koga S'Bien -> ::inwardly hides a smirk, always wanted to do that::


$ Teronix OPS> They've gone to warp, sir.... :::frowning:::

Varlon -> $ Very good... I'm going to go have a drink. Call me when the Fvillah is on the line.

$ Teronix OPS> Ie Rekkhai. ::trying to suppress a grin of his own, while the rest of Teronix’s oira crew guessed what had just transpired with the beaming of their leaders’ bondmate to a ship being sent on long range deployment, and the obvious affront given to the Fvillah by the woman.::


ACTION: As L'haiy brings the Talon to Warp...in the atmosphere, a monstrous sonic boom shakes the capitol, especially the Fvillah's compound, causing many windows to break as well as much of his crystal and fine art...


tAehjae -> :: grins::

Lerak trPexil -> :: looks at R'Mor :: The vacant space created by our departure will create a clap of severe magnitude.

t'Ditsy> ::Turns up the heat in R'Mor's and changes the humdity controls. Hopes she likes living in a swamp.::

KhreRiovtRex -> Well, he wanted to know I got on the ship......now he knows.....:: she snarled and called him something very unkind under her breath::

Koga S'Bien -> That's a fine way of letting him know.

tAehjae -> ::grins:: Nice way to let him know rekkhai

Lerak trPexil -> :: Holds the settings as they warp out ::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Releases her white-knuckle grip on her console and takes another deep breath, cutting her gaze at t'Rexan.::

Koga S'Bien -> ::monitors ship systems::

KhreRiovtRex -> tr’S’Bien, Take us out of system...

Lerak trPexil -> I've only done that once, and it was in a much, much smaller craft.

KhreRiovtRex -> t'Temarr, au have the oira...

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Infuses a bug that makes all of t'Ditsy's changes happen to tAehjae's quarters instead::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::heads to her chambers to see what the boy had done to mess them up while she was gone::


Laehval tTemarr -> #Butch> Don't you talk about my mother! ::Bristles.::

Tory Knight -> (( Awww! They're flirting... ))

Laehval tTemarr -> #Butch> ::Fist balled up.:: Why I aughtta...

M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana> I wasn't talking about your Mother. She's probably a saint for putting up with you. When was the last time you called her anyway?


Koga S'Bien -> Yes sir... ::takes over control and brings the Talon back into open space and out of the system::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::enters and moves to the etrehh:: ::contacts the Teronix::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Shakes his head :: I'm only alive by the slightest of chances..

tAehjae -> ((Hey I didnt do anything to you))

Ariennye R'Mor -> ;)

Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks at R'Mor's tapping of commands :: Were those your quarters?

Ariennye R'Mor -> yes

Lerak trPexil -> +S'Bien+ Was that au?

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Takes another deep breath as she moves to the Enarrain's seat. Still a bit bewildered, she glanced around the bridge. It was like a dream... or a nightmare.::

Koga S'Bien -> +Pexil+ The low fly by? Na, I can only be so bold.

Lerak trPexil -> +S'Bien+ Oh. By whos order? Na that I'm complaining.


KhreRiovtRex -> +com+ Message Teronix – Attention Daise’Khre’Riov tr'Vatrix::

Varlon -> $ :::in his chambers, pouring a glass:::

Teronix OPS> +tr'Vatrix+ We're receiving a message from the Talon.

Varlon -> $ +Oira+ Route it to my chambers.:::watches as the screen activates:::


# Willow> Nothing left to do now... but wait.:crosses and takes her wig, pulling it on:::glances at the time on her terminal, deciding that it's time to drop in on Morgana and make sure she and Butch haven't killed each other::

#Butch> Na that it is any of aur business, but she sends me care packages every month. ::Smugly.::

# Willow> ::light on her feet, makes her way down the corridor to the quarters where Morgana is being kept::

#Morgana>::raises a brow:: And what do you send her in return? Grief?

# Willow> ::nods to the guards standing outside the quarters, one turns and keys the lock::


Koga S'Bien -> +tr'Pexil+ Our new... old CO.

tAehjae -> tTemarr welcome back to the Talon. Aus talents have been missed. It is meanek to have au back aboard.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Watches RMor :: Some sort of environmental failure. I'll have to take a look.

Ariennye R'Mor -> it's OK, I got it::Looks up a Med that will cause t'Disty's hair to fall out again::

Lerak trPexil -> +S'Bien+ Really? :: His question was a bit of realization he missed her beam in ::


KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ I'm sorry E'lev if what I’ve just done, has caused au any additional trouble. I just wanted to leave a message, of what he can expect if anything happens to either of au...... next time, will be for real

Varlon -> $ That was quite a show you put on there.

KhreRiovtRex -> I meant it to be ::she still was trying to calm her anger::

Varlon -> $ I'm sure your message was received LOUD and clear.

KhreRiovtRex -> +com+ Menkha, and if his forces were any good, they'd have targeted us before I was half that close....

Varlon -> $ The good ones already work for me..... :::grins:::

KhreRiovtRex -> +com+ Grins.::: I hope au are na angry with me E'lev? I understand what I’ve done may reverberate for months if na years on the possible implications that could have occurred. And...hann'yyo as well, for au ships na shooting at me for that stunt. I know that they would have been within their right to do so, and most likely should have.

Varlon -> $ When I saw your trajectory, I had an inkling of what au might be thinking.

KhreRiovtRex -> If he gives au a hard time, and I'm sorry again if what I did causes au difficulty, au can tell him I was grief stricken at leaving my child


#Butch> ::Glares, trying to think of a witty comeback, but he was obviously *not* the brains of the outfit.::

# Willow> ::enters, seeing Butch and Morgana, and Butch's expression:: I'm sorry... Am I interrupting? ::amused gleam to her eyes::


Koga S'Bien -> +Pexil+ Ie. ::returns to his duties and monitoring::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances to t'Aehjae.:: Hann'yyo, t'Aehjae, though I doubt all will feel the way au do. Au are still in charge of the dheno?

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Evil eyes t'Disty::

tAehjae -> IE Rekkhai

Lerak trPexil -> +S'Bien+ Did au only step down one rung?

t'Ditsy> ::Ignoring R'Mor. She'd caught the bug R'Mor had planted and reversed it, now wondering how to get *real* bugs into R'Mor's room. Creepy, crawly ones.::

Koga S'Bien -> Welcome back ::to Leah:: It's nice having both of au back aboard again.


M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana> Na, na at all. In fact it probably is a good interruption so Etre Pain here can go contact io of his family members.

# Willow> Yes, Pain, perhaps it's time to... call your mother.

# Willow> ::arching a brow, actually meaning his contact, but whatever works::

#Butch> ::Grumbles.:: She started it!


Varlon -> $ While I would not have done it myself... I do na blame you for it. Your boldness, is what I jol about you. I think you made your point to the Fvillah though. He’ll think twice before crossing us again.

KhreRiovtRex -> Var’lon, my jol, au had best be getting back on planet, au did promise him that au would stay rhae ch'Rihan, do na give him any excuse

Varlon -> $ Ie... Teronix is not leaving orbit, so he can't complain.

Varlon -> $ I expect you to call often... you hear me?

KhreRiovtRex -> Ie Rekkhai, as au order. As often as I can

Varlon -> $ Val'ron will want to talk to his mother.

KhreRiovtRex -> It would be a long time before he could even understand me e’lev.

Varlon -> $ Ie, but I wish him to learn au voice, I want him to recognize his mother when au return. The two of us, we need au. You have a reason to make it home safely, am I understood Khre’Riov? So see that you do.

KhreRiovtRex -> I will do my best Rekkhai. And I am sorry again, I hadn’t planned on it, until I sat in the command seat.


Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Grabs a pry bar::

Koga S'Bien -> +Pex+ Two rungs actually. I'm back to being plain old OPS, but then au could just consult the etrehh :)

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Nods and glances to S'Bien.:: It is good to see familiar faces once again...

Lerak trPexil -> +Bien+ As if.. :: looks up the new command structure.. first t'Rexan-t'Vatrix and then.. then... Laehval t'Temarr ::

Koga S'Bien -> That it is. ::Nods::


# Willow> And now I'm separating you two. ::smirks::

#Morgana>::does her best na to react to Willow's statement, just folds her arms, making a waving off motion with io of her hands:: Au heard the woman. Go on.

# Willow> ::watching as the doors close behind Butch::

#Butch> But na because au told me to! ::Pointing at Morgana before he slips out.::Stomps off. Loudly.::


Varlon -> $ Do na worry about that... just do what you have to do and get back home to us.

KhreRiovtRex -> Ie Rekkhai, it will be as au order. Fhaen, Be safe. I will try to serve au as best as I am able

KhreRiovtRex -> I jol au Var'lon. I must go h'nah

Varlon -> $ :::nods::: Safe journeys. I jol au as well.


Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil looks as if he had seen a ghost, he turned pale, grabbing the console sides ::

Lerak trPexil -> :: whispers :: Laehval...

tAehjae -> Rekkhai there are others who feel as we do. More tha au imagine

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Looks over at Pexil:: are you OK?

Lerak trPexil -> I.. I don't know. :: Looks at R'Mor ::

t'Ditsy> ::Glances at Lerak, looking worried.::

Ariennye R'Mor -> what's wrong?

Koga S'Bien -> ::Doesn't need to be a telepath to know that tr'Pexil must've been taken out for a loop looking at the new Command structure poor guy::

Lerak trPexil -> Something or someone unexpected. An event I have na planned for.


#Morgana>::feeling rather satisfied that she got under Butch's skin. Perhaps there are more buttons she can press later::

# Willow> ::turning to Morgana:: You did a good job turning the tables on him.

# Willow> Though he might be considered an easy mark. ::lopsided grin::


KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM


Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused::

tAehjae -> ::paused::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::pauseed;d;

Lerak trPexil -> :: Paused ::

Koga S'Bien -> :D

KhreRiovtRex -> Great Sim all!! And thanks for going over......WB R'mor and so glad to have Laeh back on the ship!

KhreRiovtRex -> oh wait....and me, I've not been on the ship in what, 15 months!?

Koga S'Bien -> Me too !

Lerak trPexil -> Was a fun sim

Koga S'Bien -> Welcome back to everyone! :D

tAehjae -> Welcome back tRexan and ttermarr

KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, it's late. so go to bed!!

Laehval tTemarr -> Finally, back to playing Laeh.

tAehjae -> night all I hope to be here next week.

Laehval tTemarr -> Who is first to get stabbed?

KhreRiovtRex -> and try to stay out of t’Vatrix's way, she's very pissy right now

KhreRiovtRex -> That would be an N’Dak I would think we still have one

Ariennye R'Mor -> I thought we were only allowed to stab him!

Koga S'Bien -> stabby stabby!

KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed


Koga S'Bien -> GOodnight everyone!

KhreRiovtRex -> Logs! if you've not read them. do so

KhreRiovtRex -> If you've not written one, do so

Tory Knight -> ::rubs hands evilly::

KhreRiovtRex -> We have great logs here on the Talon

KhreRiovtRex -> Still thinking of putting our name back to the way it used to be prior to the Bill Gates/AOL fiasco that changed it from RSE Talon to RES Talon

KhreRiovtRex -> Thoughts?

Lerak trPexil -> I'm fine with the changing

M_K_tKsa -> I like RES Talon

Lerak trPexil -> Or Not.

Ariennye R'Mor -> I didn't know it was wrong

Koga S'Bien -> I'm fine with changing it, but then I didn't know it was wrong either

Lerak trPexil -> I'll have to rename a folder

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Tackles Koga::

KhreRiovtRex -> sounds like in IM's it's about 50/50, so we'll leave it for now

Koga S'Bien -> ::is tackled.. drops the football::


KhreRiovtRex -> TBS --- One week


Laehval tTemarr -> Alright, night everyone. See you next week.

Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight everyone!

Koga S'Bien -> HAve a good week

Tory Knight -> Night!

Ariennye R'Mor -> have a good night peeps

M_K_tKsa -> g'night

Lerak trPexil -> :: poof ::

tAehjae -> night all

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