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An Unexpected Transmission

A Joint Log by El'Riov Lerek tr'Pexil and Khre'Riov L'haiy ira-Rex t'Vatrix


The Talon’s backup communication’s officer hurried to alert the Daise Engineer that he had an incoming message from the RES Azgalor. Quickly he sent a query to tr’Pexil to see if he wanted to accept the transmission, and if he wanted it routed to his quarters or his office in engineering.


“I’ll take it in my office,” he said. Who would be calling him and what was that ship? He shook it off and heading into the Daise’Engineer’s office.


“Ie Rekkhai,” the Ops officer responded, routing the transmission to the engineering office.


“Computer, open the channel.” He sat down and faced the small screen on the desk.


As he activated the terminal the Galae Command Seal disappeared, and was replaced with the face of a woman looking at him. “Jolan Tru Daise’Erei’Riov tr’Pexil. I hope I am na contacting au at a bad time? Au report indicated that au had taken some extensive damage.”


“Who are?” At first he had na recognized the woman on the screen, her hair now worn longer than he had seen before, and not in a standard uniform, then it registered to him. “Oh, ie, jolan tru to au as well. Elements, I had na expected a reply to my message so soon, or at all.” tr’Pexil had na spoken to his Khre’Riov in months. He regained his composure to answer her question. “There was a sizable amount of damage, but we have taken much worse in the gamma quadrant. Enarrain N’Dak made it quite clear I was to get the Talon back in better shape than we left.”


“It had better be returned in as good condition as it was sent. I clearly stated when the ship departed, that it was to come back to home world unscathed,” she relied in a stern manner.


“I’d do nothing less for the Talon. Au need na worry. Are there any details au require?” He held back his nervousness, hoping she’d have nothing more.


“Na, au provided a very detailed report on the damages. I take it au came to be hrrau some battle then? Kll’inghannsu I think the report said?


tr’Pexil nodded. “Ie, please keep in mind I do na have all of the tactical details nor do I know all of the players in this altercation. Other senior officers would be better suited to brief au. From an engineering standpoint the new upgrades held up very well and provided valuable data on how to better our defenses in the future.”


“That is menkha to hear, I am pleased to find that our upgrades were justified,” she paused for a moment. “I wanted to let au know, that I am unable to inform au as to the status of Daise’Erei’Riov Temarr. The matter is currently classified.”


The engineer swallowed hard. “If I may ask, how classified?” His face turned pale. “After my message to au another avenue to this information availed itself. Has she awoken yet?” He let the question glide through the comm signal as slowly as possible.


L’haiy’s eyes smoldered a bit hearing that someone had blatantly disregarded her orders and had discussed her condition. “I am na at liberty to discuss the matter with au at the moment. I do want to know, what this other ‘avenue of information’ was. Now would be a menkha time.”


“The Talon’s current Enarrain, N’Dak. He intercepted and decrypted the message au are responding to now. We traded barbs back and forth. My wanting to know outweighed my menkha sense to leave well enough alone. He spat it out, gave na details, then we parted ways. I’m still in shock, but work must go on.” tr’Pexil sat silently, wondering all that had occurred behind the scenes.


“I see, N’Dak told au did he?” her eyes narrowed visibly, and her mouth tightened. “As well as he is intercepting messages that are being sent to me, is he? Hann’yyo for bringing this to my attention tr’Pexil. Do na fear, this message is heavily encrypted, coming from a secure terminal and using my personal encryption key.”


“I thought my communications were of sufficient privacy. One learns from their false assumptions.”


“Au are an engineer aboard a Rihannsu flagship, au should know better and I expect better of au. Fix au error; take this as a lesson learned. I too recently learned na to make assumptions. I must go now, but wanted to acknowledge your words of apology. I was na certain of their sincerity when I first read them, as au were also plying me for information about Laehval. However; au have been truthful and forthcoming and I believe I can take au at your word. So I will accept your apology, though I wish those that had been present, had spoken up when the incident had occurred. I can only presume as they did na, that they agreed with what was said. Hann’yyo tr’Pexil, and I will take au warning with me to see that my encryption files are also up to date.”


“Hann’yyo goes to au as well. I have had some time to reflect on events of the past few months. I believe this is the longest I have spoken to au in recent memory. Is there anything else I can do for au while I’m here?” tr’Pexil asked with the biggest smile he could muster given the circumstances.


“Na, I think au have told me all I need to know for the siuren. Hann’yyo again tr’Pexil. t’Vatrix ta’khoi.” L’haiy reached over and tabbed off the transmission. Intercepting her messages now was he? She would have to see about that.


In tr’Pexil’s office, the screen went back to black, and left him with much to think about.

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