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Asst Engineers Log--- Reflections

Asst Engineers Log

Stardate 10308.15


"Computer begin recording log.  Well it looks like things are finnaly begining to settle down around here.  With the evac of the Lodi colony finnaly over with it looks like we can get back to our daily routine.  I did learn one very important thing during the whole Lodi colony mission.  Never go for a stroll in a contaminated sewer.  Not only am I never going to get that smell out of that paticular uniform but also that virus was a real winner.  Even though I was given a clean bill of health from Dr Pierce but I keep having these headaches that just wont go away.  I think Dr. Pierce is letting them linger as a way of getting even with me for not listening to her.  Now my idea of a good time is not lying around while other people are trying to get things done.  It makes me feel so useless.  So what did I do.  I snuck away at the best moment from the good doctor.  I then proceeded to pilot a shuttle back and forth from Arcadia to the colony to help with the evac.  I will admit it was proabaly not in my best intrest to expose myself to the virus again but I had to do something.  Once I ran my second shuttle run I felt like I was going to pass out again.  I decided then that it was best to just relax and take it easy just like the doctor ordered, but not in the shuttlebay.  I decided to head to main engineering where I could accomplish the most.  After we finnaly offloaded all the colonists I finnaly went back to my quarters to crash.  On a more personal note I have decided to wear the necklace that my father had called his goodluck charm in my dream.  The dream itself seemed so real to me.  Whether or not it was a side affect of the virus or not I do not know.  Now if only I can do something about these headaches.  I think it would be best to make a trip to sickbay, and who knows I might run into ensign N'etani while I am there.  End recording."

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