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Cmdr Ridire

A Smug Snake

Time: Before the rescue mission was launched

By: Cmdr Ridire & Deb Matthews


It was very rarely that Aidan felt impatient and antsy. With Deb and the others being missing, impatient and antsy doesn't even adequately describe Aidan’s state of mind. He hated feeling helpless, hated feeling like he couldn't do anything. Since, for the moment, there was very little for him to do regarding finding out where the shuttle disappeared to he decides to follow up on something Deb had mentioned to him earlier. He enters the observation lounge and moves to sit down in front of one of the computer displays placed on the table. He has the computer place an encrypted call to Starfleet Medical back on Earth, namely to one Dr. David Whalen.

After a minute the Doctor shows up on the screen. "Hello Doctor , I'm Commander Aidan Ridire of the USS Reaent. From what De...Doctor Matthews has told me, you have been the one in charge of Lt. Commander Schawnsee’s recovery. I need to talk to you about her situation if you have a few minutes?


Dave Whalen maintained his composure even though he felt like screaming. Would this debacle ever end! He was growing increasingly weary of answering questions about Kat Schawnsee. It was bad enough being grilled about her by another physician. Now he was absolutely certain this full commander was about to do the same thing.


Not that he was surprised. He'd known from jump this would happen. The medical staff on that starship weren't stupid. They would figure out rather quickly there was something peculiar about Schawnsee's release. And they did. The CMO herself contacted him.....asked a string of questions. Most of his answers had been half truths. He was pretty sure the CMO figured that out as well. She hadn't been real happy with him when he abruptly announced he had an emergency and had to leave. That part had been an outright lie.


But the truth wasn't his to tell. He had to follow orders. He would have to tap dance around this Commander's questions and hope he could put on a good show. Dr. Whalen took a deep breath and smiled politely. "Of course, Commander. What can I do for you?"


"Doctor Matthews said there were..oddities regarding Ms. Schawnsee's return to my ship. I'd like to know how is it that the Lt Commander got returned to duty given the situation with her. Starting with the situation with her medical files." Aidan smiles pleasantly and adds "I'm assuming that the emergency that caused you to cut short the discussion you were having with Dr. Matthews has been sufficiently tended to, yes? Oh and don't worry about not being able to give full answers with all the medical jargon, lets just say I have sufficient..education in such things. So from the beginning please and the faster I get the answers I'm looking for the faster we can get back to our respective jobs."


Whalen shrugged nonchalantly. "There isn't much to tell, Commander," he responded dryly. "As I explained to your CMO, the Lt. Commander was deemed mentally and emotionally stable as long as she remained on her meds. She was highly motivated to maintain her good health so we released her." Tired of being on the defensive, he decided to ask his own questions. "What seems to be the problem? Is Lt. Commander Schawnsee ill?"


"The Chief Medical officer here has concerns. And the Lt Commander has been...well...more tempermental then she used to be. She nearly yelled at me for holding her from an away team mission, for example, and she's never done that before...especially not in public. Then there is the fact that under normal protocol a person's medical records arrive before said person and not only didn't that happen but it would appear that the Lt Commander was lying because according to the CMO the Lt Commander herself had her medical records and pretended otherwise." Aidan pauses for a second as he narrows his eyes. "So I'd like to know what it is about her recovery that made you believe that she was fit for duty, that she was fit to be returned to a starship and exactly how did these breaches of protocol happened, Doctor. I know that sounds like I'm second guessing your decision and my apologies for that but I've been on this ship for quite a while now and this crew is family to me. I think you can understand my protectiveness."


Oh this is bad, thought Dr. Whalen without even blinking. She was given a scrubbed copy of her records. She knew that. Why didn't she hand them? "It could take the Lt. Commander a little while to readjust to live aboard ship," replied Whalen, his voice calm and composed. Too bad his stomach wasn't. "As for why she didn't turn in her medical records, maybe she forgot in all the excitement of retuning to duty." He shrugged casually. "If there are still concerns about the content of the medical records, why don't you have your CMO contact me and we'll go through them line by line. But I assure you, Lt. Commander Schawnsee is fit for active duty....as long as she stays on her meds."


"Unfortunately I can't have the CMO contact you right now as the CMO, along with Lt Commander Schawnsee and several other members of my crew, got lost in a storm while on a shuttle mission earlier and we are still trying to find them. And yes it may take the Lt Commander a while to readjust to living life aboard a starship but the fact of the matter still is you didn't send her medical records on ahead which is a breach of standard procedure and considering how she's acting while on her meds you'll forgive me if I'm concerned. So if you will be so kind as to inform me on what basis did you decide she was fit to return to active duty? And a detailed answer please." Aidan shrugs and leans back in the chair before saying "That shouldn't be too difficult to give me."


Lost in a storm? Is that the truth or did my former patient have something to do with an away team going missing? "A panel of specialists, myself included, deemed the Lt. Commander fit for duty," replied Whalen with a sardonic smile. "Our decision was based on the clinical data available. That included very close observations of the patient." At least their CMO is with her. She should be able to keep matters under control. "As for our violating protocol, we sent the records with Ms. Schawnsee. I was confident they would be delivered faster that way."


Aidan arches an eyebrow at the Doctor's smile. "Very well I can see this conversation has about run its course. But I want you to do one more thing for me. I want you to gather up the reports of everyone that was involved in the decision regarding my Lt. Commander and send them here to me. I mean the full reports, by the way, including her medical records. I will expect those reports to be on my desk in three hours. You may consider that an order. Oh and Doctor, take this suggestion how you will....the next time you're trying to convince someone to trust you...you probably shouldn't smile like that."


"Sorry Commander," answered Dr. Whalen, his tone slightly smug. "That will require more than an order from you. Physicians notes are considered confidential. I can only release them with authorization from the higher ups here at Medical. May I suggest you contact them and file a document request."


He was now aware of someone else standing behind him and off to the side....just far enough to remain hidden from the Reaent's XO. He didn't dare look in that direction nor did he need to. He already knew who it was and why she was there.....checking up on him and how he was handling this little chat with Commander Ridire.


"If I receive the proper authorization," continued Whalen. "I will certainly comply. In the meantime, I wish you the best locating your missing away team."


Aidan smiles pleasantly though his thoughts are that this may be the most smug snake of a doctor he's ever encountered. "Well apparently since you're refusing to be at all helpful I will indeed take this matter up with your superiors...including the head of Starfleet Medical. But I find it curious that you're so worried about protocol when it comes to the medical records now when you weren't at all concerned about that protocol before. You said you thought what you did would be faster and yet now when speed may actually be required you want to be as slow as a snail. That is rather telling. Before I go there is one more thing. As I said I'm protective of my family. If I find out that you've been jerking my subordinate around you will not like the result. If I find out that you did so and it played a part in what is going on with my missing crew may God protect you." Aidan's smile shifts from pleasant to cold "Because Doctor I have to say...that tone you just took and that smile has done more to answer my questions then your words have. If that's the case, Doctor, then the next time we talk it will very much be face to face. We'll see how far that tone and smile you just used gets you next time. Good day, Doctor."


With that Aidan keys the computer to close the connection. He frowns darkly and thinks for a few seconds. Finally he says, "Computer, using all my authorizations, collect all information on one Doctor David Whalen of Starfleet Medical and all his assignments and jobs since joining Starfleet. Search all Federation and Starfleet databases pursuant to the request." He pauses slightly then adds "And encrypt the information to my command authorization." He pauses slightly then taps a set of commands into the computer display, calling up the standard forms for release of a patients medical file.


David Whalen breathed a sigh of relief as the screen returned to the familiar UFP symbol. He whirled around to face the older woman lurking near the door of the small room. "You handled that nicely," she said turning to leave. Whalen popped out of his seat and crossed the room with two large steps. He stood in front of her, daring her to open the door. "This isn't over," he hissed, jabbing at her with his index finger. " I'm fed up with the lies and half truths.That woman wasn't ready for discharge. No one on the team thought so yet, you and your buddies upstairs, bowed to pressure and let her go."


The older woman glared at him but he was tired of backing down. "She's missing and so are other members of that crew who were with her." He nodded toward the now silent monitor. "That Commander.....he's pissed and rightly so. I guarantee you, he won't let this go....especially if they lose that away team. We're going to hear from him again....and his Captain."


"You could be right," replied the woman calmly. "But you won't be the one dealing with them. From here on, I'll handle all inquiries into Lt. Commander Schawnsee. Is that clear?"


Oh yeah, thought David, it's clear. You want everybody to tow the party line and you're afraid I'm not willing to do it anymore. "Perfectly clear," growled Whalen. He quickly pushed by her and exited the room, striding down the corridor in an effort to escape as quickly as possible. He was exasperated and relieved. At least he wouldn't have to lie anymore but now, it looked like the full truth might never be known beyond the handful of people who were privy to what really happened the day Lt. Commander Kat Schawnsee was requested for a special assignment.....no matter her physical, mental or emotional condition.

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