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Ambush Averted.....For Now......But Until When?

It was nearing the end of the day and the sun was low on the horizon, much below the roofing tiles of the buildings that surrounded her, as she crossed the old courtyard to get to the next set of buildings. Na many came this way, as it was outside and most did na wish to catch a chill, and the courtyard had become worn and the many hedges untrimmed as it was the cool season. Na many ventured out, so there was no need to maintain the yard in pristine condition.


L’haiy had been concentrating on the condition of her still comatose engineer, Laehval, wondering why she had na yet awoken. The Maenaks could offer na explanation other than she had been through extreme trauma and subconsciously was still trying to protect herself.


Lost in her thoughts, she had na noticed the two orderlies that had been shadowing her and quietly moving up to her position. She stopped a moment to rub her stomach as the child had been kicking incessantly and she was beginning to get a slight cramp. Fortunately she had worked out so often during the early part of her pregnancy, that she was still in relatively good shape, and had been careful na to let herself become undone, as she had planned to be back to work soon, yet, the extra bit of weight and unbalance did wear upon her at times.


As she stopped she did na hear the one orderly come right up behind her, holding an object his hand, he moved up behind her and went to hold a kaleh to her throat, planning to either force her to leave with them, or they’d simply slice her throat, and take a sample of her DNA back to his masters.


Na sooner than the orderly raised the weapon towards her, the whine of an ie’yakk screamed from an upper level window above her. L’haiy dropped to the ground, trying to avoid the line of fire and looking for anyplace she could take cover, but did na see anyplace she could quickly crawl too.


However, from the corner of her eye, she saw the man behind her vaporize, while across the yard, another guard fired and took out the 2nd orderly, vaporizing him as well.


The courtyard quickly filled with guards as they rushed towards her, helping the bewildered Khre’Riov to her feet and making sure that she was ok.


“Somebody had best tell me what just happened,” she quickly looked around her, noting that several of Varlon’s personal armsmen that he had left to see to her care were formed in a protective circle around her.


“Rekkhai, we have been watching that pair for a few weeks now, and today they confirmed our suspicions, that although they checked out as legitimate maenak disheren, that they were working on another agenda.”


“Why was I na informed of this earlier? Au risk the Daise’Khre’Riov’s child and wife as ….bait:?” glaring a bit at the guard, truly shaken a bit, as she truly now feared for the child’s life. “Did au know what they wanted? To get to me? Or to kidnap the child of tr’’Vatrix?”


“Na Rekkhai, au were never hrrau any danger,” pointing up to the roof and windows, with several snipers standing and saluting. “They would never get any closer than they did, and if we had told au, we risked their getting away without our stopping them. They could have set up another ambush that we would na expect. As far as we could discern, this was still due to the nanogene incident still. These two, were na so clever, and we were able to determine that they had asked too many questions and tried to access too many private files, when they should have been working at other jobs about the compound. We will be replacing any other questionable staff now Rekkhai and wish to remove au back to the Daise’Khre’Riov’s compound until such time as au are ready to have au child Rekkhai.”


t’Rexan, brushed the dirt from her knees and palms, “Na, I will na run and hide, I will na lock myself behind walls the rest of my life. I am fahd to see the Daise Maenak, and see her I will. I’m sorry if this makes au job more difficult, but I will na let them dictate my actions. I commend au on au staff’s fine work and will send word to my husband to inform him of the situation. I am sure au will as well, and he’ll probably demand I be sent back to the compound, but I wish to complete my visit first, and to see to Laehval io more time.”


With that, she turned and strode back towards the darkened doorway ahead.

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