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STSF Precip


Personal Log


Ensign Boris Koralev




It's been moments after my fight with my superior..Engineer Prekip. My arm is a mess after hitting Prekip in the jaw, and I know I am missing a couple  of teeth  after being hit in the face by my  superior.




I have  failed as a Federation Officer.   For years I have tolerated  Prekip and other Klingons in order to fullfill my oath to the Federation..despite not being on a Federation Starship.  I am a Starfleet officer, I should be better than what actions I took today.


Prekip wasn't seeing what I was seeing..a problem with the Qob's ramscoops.  I felt it could not be ingored for the crew's saftey. He thought otherwise. This wasn't the Starfleet way to handle a dispute between your superior and yourself!  I cannot believe I fought the  Klingon  in front of the Hod and her senior staff  herself!  What was I  thinking...I am no Klingon!  ::grabs arm:: I certainly am not built like one either.


He  had to mention my Mother...If Prekip didn't say anything about her, this would not of happened.  He doesn't know and I sure as heck do  not want to talk about her right now.  


What a mistake I have made. It can all go downhill from here I feel. No doubt Prekip will be back, with friends to return the uppercut I gave him.  Stupid me..fighting a Klingon...Humans aren't built for it.


::touches jaw and winces::


End log.

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