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030814 :  Tonight's sim - Early warning

Jolan Tru Talon Crew,


Ie, I am one of the lucky few in New England, thanking the Elements, that our local power grid saw what was happening, and detached from the main power grid, thus, I have power. HOWEVER, I do know that several of the crew are caught in the blackout areas (CT, NY, MI and Canada are some I know that some of you live in), including our XO, whom I have been unable to reach by phone, cellphone or online, thus, there is a good chance she will not be joining us at this time, pending the ability of the power grid to be re-established.  I know that some of you are unable to get this mail at this time, so when you do....just smile, we're thinking of you.  


ALSO....regular chatrooms are back up at ST.com, however...if you have not been there in your sim name yet, try to do so before the sim, or next sim....keep an eye on email for cancellation notice.  You will need to re-register your st.com name to be able to access the simming room. You don't need to make any changes, it just basically needs you to hit the update button.  


Anyway....keep an eye on the mail for information on tonight's sim.

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