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Medical Emergency!

"Medical Emergency!" Seiben mutters. He opens his eyes, only to find himself in what could be some sickbay.  ::Seiben looks around:: There doesn't seem to be anyone here.  However, Seiben does see a tricorder and someone's medical jacket, a sign that somebody was here and probably will return shortly. Seiben's nose also tells him that the Doctor or doctors did not clean Seiben, as he still smells like a sewer.  He then looks to the bed next to him and sees Ensign Trichon Light laying unconscious in the biobed next to him. Seiben sees that Light's eyes are moving suggesting he's in REM (Rapid Eye Movement)sleep and is dreaming about something.  He seems to look happy too.  I wonder what he's dreaming about? Seiben thinks.  Just then, Seiben gets chills all over his body and begins to shiver and cough violently and vomits blood. He immediately begins to feel light-headed and he passes out into unconsciousness..... A few seconds later, Seiben awakes and finds himself back on Earth in Munich.   Seiben  looks down and sees that he's no longer dressed in his Starfleet Uniform, but instead he's dressed in his overalls, shirt, shorts and leiterhosen.  Just then, a gorgeous blond girl comes up to Seiben. "Come Hans! Let's dance!" Naturally, Seiben accepts and dances with the girl.  Hmm, I must be dreaming. Seiben thinks.  But, I think I'm gonna like this dream. Just then, a band containing, an accordianist, some trumpets, trombones, saxes and a tuba blares out some German polka music.  Must be Oktoberfest now. Seiben thinks, and contunues to dance with the girl.  Halfway through the song, Seiben gets bold and kisses the girl on the lips.  He closes his eys and plants a smoochie on her lips, only to find that it feels kind of fuzzy. Hmm, is she eating a peach or something? Either that, or she needs to shave.  Seiben thinks. He opens his eyes, and is horrified to see that the pretty blonde girl has turned into a giant rat!  (Seiben is still human) "AAAAHHHHH!!!!" Seiben screams, and backs away bumping into another dancer.  "Hey, watch it!" He says.  Seiben turns around, and sees that the dancer is a giant rat as well, infact everybody are giant rats, clad in leiterhosen drinking from stiens filled with ale. Seiben screams agan. "What's the matter, Hans? You don't look so good." The rat says. "Uhh..uhh.. where did the blonde girl go?" Seiben asks dumbfoundly. The rat raises its eyebrow at Seiben. "Are you drunk, Hans? How many beers did you have?" Seiben scratches his head.. "I..I...Idon't think so." Seiben says. Just then, the band starts another song -- "The Chicken Dance". The rat jumps up and down and claps her hands. "Ooh, this is my favourite song!"  The rat says excitedly. Heelp! Doctor, wake me up, please. Come on good buddy. He thinks. But no luck, the rat grabs Seiben's hand and dances and claps to the beat of "Chicken Dance". Soon, Seiben shrugs and dances and claps with the rat.  "Oh well. When in Rome..." Seiben mutters.  The rat doesn't hear him, and they dance together for awhile. Seiben then feels the rat's tail gently carress his back. This causes Seiben to shiver again.  Near the end of "Chicken Dance", Seiben hears some splashing. Odd, there's no lakes in Munich. Seiben thinks. He then looks and finds a giant pool of dirty water, where alot of rats are splashing in the water. "Come on in Hans! The water's fine!" The rat says and drags Seiben in the water. Seiben, and the rat then dance and splash around in the water, and soon, Seiben and the rats have a water fight and begin to splash dirty sewer water at each other.  The rats are laughing and having a great time. But the splashing makes Seiben swallow more of the sewer water.  It tastes salty and gritty, kind of like Metamucil with salt water, with a dark brown colour. Seiben is then reminded of the time he and Trichon saw the two rats splashing in the sewer on Lodi.  Just before Seiben fell in the water, when the rusty ladder rung he grabbed broke off and crumbled into dust in his hand.  That wasn't fun. Seiben thought. He ended up falling 5 feet before splashing into the knee deep sewer water, and ingesting maybe a gallon of the vile liquid. Seiben then grabs the rat's hands and begins to dance with her again, to a very lively and catchy polka tune, one of Seiben's favourites.  He dances, claps, and do-see-dos (sp?) with the rat.  Suddenly, Seiben finds himself in sickbay again this time dancing with a shocked female doctor he never even met before. (Not directed at any of Arc's current female doctors, though if you wish, it could be.  ::D: ) "Ahh!" Seiben says and quickly lets go of the doctor. "Heh, heh. Sorry.  I musta been sleep walking." Seiben says nervously. Seiben backs away and stumbles and passes out on the floor, and drifts into unconsciousness again.  Hopefully this time, NOT dreaming about rats.

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