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Medical summary - survey of Neural native population


Neural is a class M planet: oxygen rich, with only minor eliptical variation in its orbit. The planet's upper atmosphere is unusually effective in detering harmful levels of ultra-violet radiation. The resulting effect is a population which is largely Caucazoid ( see notes regarding Khan-ut-tu below ). A single defining feature of the Neural people is that they are cranially hirsute, which develops into a disorganized plumage if not managed. Facial hair is largely absent, but can develop in some cases.


There are a small number of individuals who bear a darker skin tone. These tend to be desendants of Khan-ut-tu healers, suggesting that the healing arts developed in the equatorial regions then moved outward in a polar manner.


Tribes have in many cases divided into 'Hill People' and 'Village People'. This division is established, and has resulted in a minor genetic variation between the two cultures. Except in rare cases, hill people bear albinoid hair while villagers develop hair which is starkly black.


Affectations / tattoos / markings:

Adult males of both tribes bear a mineral tattoo consiting of a four-pointed mullet with central coloring. The mark of the Hill tribes is silver with a sapphire-blue center, while the villagers bear a golden mark with a ruby center.


Khan-ut-tu exceptions:

As noted above, the Khan-ut-tu healers of Neural tend to be dark of skin tone. They also have developed a cosmetic art in addition to their herbal healing abilities, which they apply to increase their advantage in social interactions ( e.g. 'sex appeal' ). Their hair is a black shade akin to the village tribes, and they tend to apply additional affectations using the same metalic technique used for the tribal markings noted above.

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