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Ruca NEtani

"The Cure"

"The Cure" -- Part Two
Doctor Ruca N'Etani, Ensign
Stardate 0308.07
((meant to send this before this week's sim.. but hey, better late than never..))

The surgery had gone well on Doctor Telano. Though Ruca had been nervous, she had done quite well .. at least in her eyes. And with the help of the Lodi's Medical Director .. it was a success. And it wasn't long before Doctor Telano had been up and yelling. They had to fix this problem... no matter what the cost. And with no care for the danger her own life was in...

The moon was high in the night sky, drowning in a black sea with glittering specks of blue and white. The Masons had settled down for the night, and told Ruca to go her place and rest for the next day. And she did, but only for an hour. She hurriedly packed a few things in a tattered canvas bag. Ruca didn't own much, but what she did own .. they meant a lot to her. The most important piece was a ring that she believed belonged to her mother. It was a tarnished silver with a once vibrant blue gem. She wasn't allowed to have things like this, so she had kept it well hidden, along with her advanced education books. Perhaps Ruca wasn't the perfect good girl everyone had said she was.

When she finished packing .. she glanced around her shack. It was far behind the Mason's large house. But it was private and it was rare for a slave or servant to have anything more than just a room in the attic. Ruca had considered herself lucky .. but not lucky enough to let this opportunity pass her by. With quiet footsteps, she left her shack and ran away to the place where the cargo crates were being held ...

Johnson Alcott liked to start early in the morning, way before sunrise. Mister Mason had said he liked that about Alcott ... the early bird always got the worm. He made a last minute inspection of Mason's cargo crates. One seemed a bit off .. the weight distributed funny. He took his crowbar and positioned it to open it ...

"Captain Alcott.." the crackle of the communication distracted him, ".. we are ready to transport those crates, sir!"

Alcott stepped away from the crate, "Great.. let's get going. Transport everything and myself to the cargo area and then you and I are going to have some coffee!"

"Great sir, transporting now..."

As the crates disappeared in a million points of light, a 16 year old girl let out a soft breath in the darkness of a crate ... freedom was just at hand..

Airborne virus.. just when they had thought it was almost over. Ruca looked over every piece of information she could gather. There had to be a way to fix this .. to save the Lodi ... it was so frustrating to have the cure held tightly in her hand just to have it slip away into futility..

... could she, and the rest of the medical team save this planet?

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