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Away Mission Report

Away Mission Report:

Erien Re'tone Tr'Nemesis



>Begin Recording



When the Talon had discovered the klingon ship responsible for the abduction of the Enarrain, Daise of Secuirty Erein Shibae t'Aehjae forged a rescue/away team. The team consisted of her, Maenak t’Ksa, Erien N’dak, and myself.


When we had arrived aboard the Klingon ship the away team split into separate groups, one comprised of myself and the Maenak, the other of the Daise and N’dak


The Maenak and myself fought our way through to the area in which the Enarrain was being held. When we reached the Enarrain she had a large klingon corpse laying on top off and the corpse had its Vocal cords ripped out most likely by the Enarrain herself. When the Maenak had attempted to move the body off of the Enarrain she had her leg bitten by the Enarrain in attempt to rescue the Maenak from the Enarrain’s surprisingly stong grasp I jumped on her sadly making things worse but I managed to get the Maenak a hypo so that she could sedate the deranged Enarrain.


After emergency transport from the Klingon Battle Cruiser, Enarrian was placed under the care of the Maenak while I was ordered to supervise to ensure the Enarrain’s saftey.


>End Recording

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